Monday Morning Fishing Report 6.29.2020
Just the facts today on the Headhunters Fishing Report. Monday morning and heavy rain falls from he sky. More today, more tomorrow. What will the total rainfall amounts be? Ohh, the weather guessers think about 2 inches. What will the totals be in eh Mo River Drainage? That will tell the tale of the coming week.
The lake is still 100% full. The water managers have been evac’ing the flood pool to allow more, more water to come through. The lake has not seen a decline in the chart, so we assume that it is correct and there is not room for this water coming from the sky.

Therefore we expect to see higher flows, or stay at the flows we are currently witnessing.
No water orders have been released this morning. Maybe later as you read this there will be an update. SOL is on the water today, so call the shop and get the current info from our Trout Fishing Hotline, and friendliest staff on the planet @ 406-235-3447.
Currently 10,200 cfs.
Water temps are good at 58F.
Hatches of PMD’s have been stellar. Even at the 10K mark the dry fly guys have been quite happy. Large fish caught daily not he PMD. Crips, Emergers, spinners. Leave the duns on the patch. Unless you like to fish them. Then fish them, take them off, and toss into the water, or rubbish bin.
Nymphing PMD anglers love the Frenchie. The Psyco May. The Hot Spot PMD Jig. The Little Amigo. S & M’s. Two Bit Hookers. Quasimodo PT’s. Unweighted PT’s. Split Case PMD. Purple Split Case PMD. Tungsten Redemption. Tungsten PMD Reckoner.
Caddis anglers have been on the dry fly game too. Tape Wing, Stocking Wing, Flambe Caddis, Henry’s Fork Caddis, Half Chicken, X Caddis, Translucent Emergers, Trans Pupa, Spents, and any low profile caddis you love.

Caddis nymphers love the Purple Weight Fly, Tung Dart, Gold Weight Fly, Nitro Caddis, Diving Caddis, Translucent Pupa.
Trico’s this coming week, next week. Historically speaking.
Masks required at the shop. Following the path to help all anglers. Masks available at the store, a free one if you wish, for those not inclined to wear masks. May states have implemented this program. We are safe, sanitized, professional, fun, and fishy here in downtown Craig. And we want all of you to be healthy too!
We are pretty stoked to be here, in Craig, and fishing. The fishing has been quite good. Some would argue damn good. I tend to agree. The nymphing has been on fire, the dry fly fishing very good, the mood is terrific.
Nymphers are fishing deep with a couple split. Many are also no split with a T-Head fly letting is wander around on center river flowing flats. Whatever your plan, if it don’t work, change it. Stop in the shop and ask questions. We have the answers.
Rain gear, sunscreen, SIMMS, the most and best flies under the big sky and certainly in the canyon, killer HH Logo Gear, Sale Rock, DEMO ROD SALE…
The Dearborn may see enough water to fish again. The fishing has been good on the DB. Call today and get your late season $50 shuttle for this local freestone jewel.
Shop open daily @ 7am. BE safe. Enjoy this rainy freaking Monday. Peace, be well.
And make that first drift count!
I think I forgot to say thank you for jumpimg my rig the other day when shuttling my rig. You guys always get my rig where I need it on time. Love the fishing reports, might be the only reason I catch a few. Thank you
I think I forgot to say thank you for jumping my rig the other day when shuttling my rig. You guys always get my rig where I need it on time. Love the fishing reports, might be the only reason I catch a few. Thank you
“Make the first drift count!” Okay. Thanks. But, you know, easier said than done.
By the way, we wade anglers are dying right now. 10k cfs puts the water at about my chest level. Just sitting at home waiting for levels to get back to historic norms (6K). Sigh.