Zirdle Bug Just Add Vise Kit and Video


Zirdle Bug Just Add Vise Kit and Video

Many are fishing the Zirdle as the top fly on the deep water nymph rig.

Emulates crayfish, or just something that resembles food.

A popular fly throughout the summer months. And in August you will want this fly on your rig. The Zirdle is also a bug that leaves fly bins early in the season. Why not tie up a couple dozen for your trip to the Mo this year? A smart move!

With the water deeper today and maybe the near future tie this and toss at banks that are 2′-4′ deep. Hold on.

Enjoy this Tuesday in Craig. Raining still. Yesterday rained cats and dogs, all day long.

Dry fly fishing still good. Gotta look a bit harder. Good PMD hatch Monday as well. Caddis will take them on top as well. Find you bug and fish it.

Even if it is a Zirdle.


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