Been tossing the soft hackle for the last couple days.
More yesterday than the day before.
Got more on the softy-swing Wednesday.

Really enjoyed the Sage ONE Trout Spey 2109. The 10’9″ 2wt with a 175 grain Skagit Head. 9′ 4X leader with a couple beaded soft hackle Pheasant Tails.
Fun stuff. Good feel and an easy caster. Could really feel the ticks and tugs of the fish nibbling on the terminal end.
We have both the 2 and 3wt Sage ONE Trout Spey rods in stock and ready for demo as well. Headhunters has a pretty good soft hackle selection as well. Better than most. A CDC BWO emerger will produce some fish too.
Overcast and some windy rain shit today. Perfect.
See you on the river sipping Bailey’s and coffee swinging soft hackles.
Thanks to Simon Gosworth of RIO Products for letting me take a couple shots of one of his soft hackle boxes.