Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18

Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18

The second call for all who like us to inform them that the dry fly fishing is good.

This is your second call. Lots and lots of rising trout. Great Trico spinner falls. Pod behavior. 

Very few anglers on the water. Quiet. Pleasant. The best dry fly fishing of the year. Bar none.  Not crowded.

I fished the Craig reach yesterday morning by myself. 1 guide boat. 2 guides in separate boats on their day off, fishing by themselves. 2 non-guided boats. Never saw one of the non-guided boats after the boat ramp. The other was nymphing. 2 guides on holiday, both dry fly fishing. The other guide boat was dry fly fishing.

Awesome. Yes, the fish are still catchable. If you don’t toss the reach mend, you may not get many. Or any. So very important that you get the fly line above the fly, in the same lane. The fish are aware of bad or even not so bad drifts. I believe that drift is KING. That the fly is secondary. If the drift is poor, fly selection does not enter the equation. Period.

Flies that I threw on Tuesday were…18 Buzzball, 18 Quigley’s Midge Cluster, 16 CDC Griffith’s Gnat, 18 Bloom’s Caddis, 18 black soft hackle. Did not need anything else. Oh, did toss a J:Son realistic PMD Spinner size 14. That worked too. Had to try something new, to satisfy 7wt., to see if it was the drift. Yup. The drift wins again.

Guides available. Rental Boats available. Lodging available. The best day of your summer…


You make the call.

Call us with any questions. We are here on the river daily.


2 thoughts on “Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18”

  1. I didn’t need to be told twice. Had a fantastic weekend. Thanks again for the advice on that new fly line.

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