Wednesday Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

Wednesday Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

Cooling trend in Montana. And certainly here in central Montana. Dress warmly for the next ten days. Highs will not exceed 70F beyond tomorrow.

A cooling trend in the top water blind activity. Seriously.

Trico spinner fall may happen still, but the hatch will not be until noon-ish.

Hoppers falling off of the radar.

Callibaetis will be strong for another month. Spinners rule.

Raingear needs to be in the boat with you. Or int he car. Not left behind on the couch. If you need to upgrade your rain protection we got plenty here at Headhunters Fly Shop. Puffy’s too.

Pseudo’s in the afternoon like crazy. Get your Adams and small mayfly patterns out and in the front of your box.

Looking good out there. We love fall. And the fall guests are just great. Call us for lodging and guide trips. Or just to talk about trout fishing!

Lots of boats at the dam. Not as many in other reaches.

October Caddis Flies on top are a good idea.

Headhuners open daily from 7-7.



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