Thursday June 4th Missouri River Fishing Report

Thursday June 4th Missouri River Fishing Report

Just the facts today on the Headhunters Thursday June 4th Missouri River Fishing Report.

  • Flows 5220cfs. Gonna creep up in the next two days. Near 6K? More next week.
  • Water temps currently 56.5F. Up and down 1 degree during he 24 hr period.
  • PMD’s? Morning, and some showing in the afternoon too. Top to bottom. The explosion? Next couple days. Bugs right on track this year. Normal water flows, normal water temps, gets you normal hatch cycles.
  • Caddis. Showing. Not en masse. More everyday.
  • BWO’s. Gone.
  • Midge? Gone.
  • Dry fly season is upon us. Not boring hot yet. But it will.
  • Nymphing is decent. Getting some fish. Moments of brilliance followed by moments of mediocrity. Sows, Scuds, PMD’s, Caddis, Worms, Pretty much everything in  your box and our fly bins. A time of the year where everything is valid. Drift is the most valid, of course.
  • Try fastest water you can find. And deep if that is the case. OR shallow. Fishing all zones in the water column with the sinky type bugs out there. Pretty fun stuff.
  • Streamers? I guess you could. But the fish are looking towards the surface. Focus on the seasons and capitalize.
  • Sanitary and safe practices at Headhunters of Craig. Wear a mask in the store and get a free fly. All of the staff are masked up and sanitizing the shop. Use the TakeAway Window for your comfort. West Side of Store. We are practicing physical and social distancing. We encourage you to do the same while shopping at Headhunters for he comfort and safety of all parties. 6 in the store at a time. No worries man, in a rush? Use the TakeAway Window on the westside!
  • Shuttles on the Dearborn Daily, along with our shuttle service on the Mo. The Dearborn looking really good at 600 cfs. Go today!
  • Shop open daily, early too. Get out there and enjoy! Book your trips with Julie @ 406-868-5473. Call the shop for fishing reports, questions, gear. 406-235-3447
  • Shop Online at home!