Thursday in Craig Montana


Thursday in Craig Montana

Raining this morning. Much cooler indeed. But if you look into the future you will see very warm temperatures greeting us for the weekend and the holiday ahead.

So enjoy today and the cloudy conditions.

All is well here in Craig Montana. Some pics from yesterday on the river. Both cameras down for the past two weeks but one made an improvement and began working again. So here you are on this Thursday morning some images for your viewing pleasure.

Trico’s on the way. Wade fisherman are arriving. This weekend will be really quite busy. Let us know how we can help!

Shop open daily before 7am. Free perked coffee on the porch.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”27766,27764,27763,27762,27761,27760″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”3″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”3″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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