The snow is gone…for a short while

The snow is gone…for a short while

It came, it went. It’ll come again on Monday, then again later in the coming week.

It was so very pretty Friday morning. A cleansing of the dirty snow and dust and mud that follows winter. I guess dust will be around this summer too.

Wetter, and cooler. That is what the Farmer’s Almanac says. And they may be a good as our forecasters in long term predictions. I don’t know what model they follow? Either of them.

Some folks on the river. I has been a bit difficult. The fish are all spread out in this near 8K-ish flow. Water temps in the 38F range. Cool for this time of year.

Keep looking of the trout. They are trapped in the river. So, we got that going for us!

16 days remaining of our annual Spring Special. Get on that cellular device today and hook yourself up! Put it together with some reasonably priced lodging and you are ready for your spring opener fishing trip! Rental boats too.

HH open daily at 8am and ope late too! Izaak’s open at 4pm. Yum.