The Rain Song for this Rainy Weekend…

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The Mighty Zep with the Rain Song for the rain we have received this weekend.

Posted this first 5 years ago. Been listening to the Mighty Zep a bunch this past month. The Rain Song has been in my Top 5 Zeppelin Tunes List since I first gave it a listen about 40 years ago.

Raining cats and dogs here in Craig this evening. It’ll blow out the Dearborn and increase the flows on the Mo as well.

Looking for a possible 10K the front end of the week. Of course keep it here for the update first as the Headhunters is the only information source you trust in Craig Montana and beyond. We keep you up to date of all things Missouri River.

Look for wetter skies coupled with cooler daytime and nighttime highs as we move through the weekend into the work week ahead.

Changes for sure. LPP, Dearborn, and Missouri River rising. Changing fishing conditions will be a given. You can bet on that.

Fish rise until 13K. But not well. Under 10K would be appreciated. 6K is great. 7k OK. 8k not too great. 9K not good. 10K and beyond is a nymphing only show. Hope you are tying up some wire worms and sow bugs. If you are not ,we got ’em here at HH of Craig.



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