Missouri River July Caddis Flies

Missouri River July Caddis Flies Video

As we move through, or just into this wonderfully wet spring, we cannot help but think about July and swarming caddis flies.

July & August bring sun, dry flies dawn til dusk, along with caddis flies in your ears.

John shot this video a few years back now with Ben and Mark. Lots of fun as you can see Missouri River rising trout, late evening sun, and lots of laughing.

Spending time with family and friends coupled with trout fishing is something we should all do more of.

Is this the year that you begin fishing with your son or daughter? How about your Dad.

Don’t let it slip away.


Missouri River July Caddis Flies Video 


Depth Perception from scumliner media on Vimeo.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You might remember “FISHSKI” as Mark’s old licenses plate tags. Now, a major motion picture. Here is our entry for the Orvis Down the Hatch Film Festival held last weekend in Missoula, MT. It was a great film-fest. Awesome shorts and a raucous crowd. Mark and Jared got more than a few laughs from the audience, and I had fun making it. Enjoy.[/vc_column_text][us_separator icon=”fas|star” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/88129001″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Fishing Belize

Did You Fly Fish Belize in High School?

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These Kids are Alright

Here a video from Lonely Osprey Productions, and group of younger anglers from the East Coast. We’ve become familiar with these cats through Vimeo. Here’s what they say:

We are a group of 15 and 16-year-old kids from Manhattan. It is hard to foster an interest in fly fishing while living in a big city like New York. We have started a fly fishing club at our school which has gained a surprising amount of traction: approximately 25 members. We fish the trout streams in close proximity to the city, as well as the long island sound for stripers, blues, and albies. Occasionally, we get to fish the tropics and this is when most of our filming takes place. However, stay tuned for our upcoming striper film!
Thanks for the exposure and keep the videos coming.
Tight Lines!
-LOP (Thomas Freund and Michael Kamsky)

Cool. Very. Now here’s what they do:

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Fly Tying Night in America

Fly Tying Night in America | Headhunters Fly Shop

Fly Tying Night in America in Craig Montana Headhunters Fly Shop. Tonight is gonna be a big one. Lots of folks making th journey. And we will tie. Come out and join us this Wednesday February evening for a couple hours of thread spinning, feather tweaking, glue sniffing. Hans Stephenson ties cool flies and produces … Read more

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick | Big Wednesday

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick on this Holiday Thanksgiving weekend. Football, naps, and senseless laptop retail fun. Fishing has been damn good this last week and this weekend. Enjoy this trailer of Big Wednesday. It’s Scumliner’s favorite surf movie. Buy it today and enjoy the warm blooded good natured surf angst all winter long. Big Wednesday … Read more

Missouri River

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 11.18.13

Slower this weekend on the Missouri River. What will a Missouri River Monday bring? Probable slowness. On the river, slowness. Not the fishing part. The people part. Maybe the fishing part too. Til the afternoon., then it will pop! Supposed to be real windy today. Here is what NOAA says: Monday: Mostly cloudy with a 20 … Read more

Key West HArbor Tarpon

Key West Harbor Tarpon

Here is an excellent video by Key West guide Will Benson of World Angling. Will is one of the best videographers in the Keys, but also cares about the resource as evidenced by  “Silver Linings”, a film about the threats posed to Key West HArbor from the cruise ship industry. Who cares about cruise ships? … Read more

Backcountry Fly Fishing

Dudes First GoPro Video

Stephen Caldwell sent us this link to his buddy Kasey Halcro’s first GoPro video. It’s a big moment in every man’s life when he uploads his first YouTube video. Dreaming of viral!

Kasey is sharing some backcountry Cutty fishing with us in this film, and it looks pretty cool. Literally. Everyone needs to get a little elevation and get out of the heat this time of year.

I’m sure Kasey is also learning that anyone can hit “record” on the camera. It’s the dude that sits down to edit that wins. Kasey is using iMovie, but pretty soon he will move up to FCP X, or one of the other advanced editors. He will then quit his job and spend all day trying to figure out how to use all this fancy editing software, plus motion graphics, sound editing, creating tracks on Garage Band, etc. The journey has begun.

If you need a GoPro HERO3 adventure POV camera so you can make your own flick, call the shop. We sell ’em at Headhunters, along with all the cool accessories.