RIO SlickCast Test Video

RIO SlickCast Test Video


RIO SlickCast Test Video

Slippery fly lines use RIO SlickCast!

The new line of RIO Fly Lines utilizing this technology and an improved core make the new series of RIO Elite Fly Lines something to behold.

Come by the shop and check them out today.

Winter is a great time to re-line some reels for the upcoming season.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Grape Slushy Tying Video

Grape Slushy Tying Video


Grape Slushy Tying Video

Tie this one up this holiday for summer fishing love.

Add a red bead for weight and some added bling to make this fly sing this spring.

Hope you are enjoying the family this week. If they get too annoying retire to the tying desk and spin up some Grape Slushy’s.

A wildly popular fly at times when the fish key on the purple color. Which seems to work often here and beyond. Check out this killer article about what fish see subsurface on MidCurrent.

Nearly to the end of 2020. Plan your 2021 trip to the Mo.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ ratio=”4×3″]


The Movement | Dancehall | Sugarshack Sessions


The Movement | Dancehall | Sugarshack Sessions

If you have not tuned into the Sugarshack Sessions, you will know what to do today if you are not a NFL fan.

The Movement is one of my fav’s.

If you need more check out Cali Roots and waste your day away tomorrow.

I know what I’m doing today. And tomorrow. Whilst tying flies of course for the 2021 forthcoming season.

If the wind don’t blow too hard on the Mo


PS.. I’d visit the Mo during the late June PMD sessions. Totally my favorite time of year. I sing this tune while parked at the Dancefloor watching PMD’s emit from the holy waters of the Mo.


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Smoke Jumper BWO Tying Video


Smoke Jumper BWO Tying Video

Our good friend Hans Stephenson over at Dakota Angler with the Smoke Jumper BWO today on the Headhunters Blog.

We like this fly. We like cripples here on the Mo. We like small flies. We like CDC. We like the baetis fly. So consequently we like the Smoke Jumper.

A no frills pattern that looks like the bug. Try the post in darker colors as well for the common glare conundrum here commonly experienced on the Missouri River. A dark post shows well against the slate gray autumn sky.

The river is heating up. Better every day right now. Tie up some fun fall flies this week as you prep for your annual October journey to Mother Mo.

Check out Hans on his YouTube page if you want to see a bundle, a ton of tying videos. Thanks again Hans for the large library of tying videos. A great resource for sure.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

SIMMS How to repair waders video

SIMMS Wader Repair Video


SIMMS Wader Repair Video: How to

Your waders leaking? Shouldn’t you get them ready for fall? Did you think to remind yourself of how freaking cold you were this past spring with that leak above your knee. Those wet feet? That laceration in your…

Yep. Whether you rock the only wader made in America, SIMMS, or you run an Orvis or other brand you outghtta get on the stick and send them in for repair. OR watch the video and repair them yourselves.

A good Autumn project in your garage or patio.

Swing Session is on the horizon. Make sure you have your waders in good repair![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Wind Knot Video. 55% of Knot Strength!


Wind Knot Video

You ever lose a trout because of a wind knot?

Yeah, we have too.

But most would tell you it is a Bad Casting Knot.

I know I would.

When I’m guiding I always re-tie taking out the BCK. When I’m fishing by myself I rarely do. And pay the price of shame when the big one pops the knot!

Every time you lose a trout, it is your fault.

How’s that for a Friday reality check.

55% is the knot strength of your tippet strength if you have a wind knot. Which I have seen happen when it is dead calm…[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””]


Longhorn Beetle Tying Video

Longhorn Beetle Tying Video


Longhorn Beetle Tying Video

Tired of tossing the hopper ad nauseum? Don’t want to throw anything purple or pink? Want to turn heads at Izaak’s when you let the table know you caught the the Buttery Brown you were hunting for?

Yeah, us too.

Why not get behind the beetle. Only sage long term anglers on the Mo tie it on.

Which camp do you subscribe?

Longhorn Beetles work on the Mo. On the lower reach as well. Some down there with success. How about it? Is 2020 the year of the beetle?

Autumn has arrived. Trout love beetles.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Always Worth the Trip

Always Worth the Trip Video Scumliner Media


Always Worth the Trip Video Scumliner Media

The Blackfoot is a wonderful freestone river just over the Continental Divide from Craig Montana.

A one hour jaunt to the Blackfoot and a days worth of fun.

Big floaty flies that we can mostly see!

A great time to take a break on your Missouri River trip and see the other side of the mountains.

This classic video from Scumliner Media will get your juices flowing.

Call today and book your Blackfoot River Trip with Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service. We’d love to show you green trees, cutthroat, moving water…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth A great tune. A great message. From one of the Beetles. This will get me through Thursday. Opening Monday here in Craig. Give me love, give me peace, give me rising trout…you make up the rest of the lyrics. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”–s”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products

How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products


How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products

Cool video from RIO Fly Lines today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

The Headhunter Fly Line is manufactured by the Idaho Falls gang.

Not very often when you get a peek inside the manufacturing process of a fly line.

Proprietary equipment spits out the lines and, Poof!, we get col fly lines.

I like the magic of this process.

Enjoy![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Spring Training Video


Spring Training Video

IT is here. Spring is here in Craig. I felt it last week. A Nic spring afternoon, that felt like spring.

While you may not be able to attend your kids basketball game, cause it is cancelled, you can still go outside.

Why not take that basketball player out to the stream. The original social distancing. You will both get some should points for that activity.

Check out this video from a number of years ago. All fishing done with a dry fly. A fun day for sure. That is out there.

Wait until the snow stops flying here in the canyon…and then step into the river.

The fish could be rising. Let’s hope so.

That would feel good right now.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

#TBT Headhunters Fly Shop OG Dry Fly Video


#TBT Headhunters Fly Shop OG Dry Fly Video

This is our original promo video from 2009. HH opened the doors April 4th 2008. Scumliner’s first video for HH of Craig. Of course he then went on to shoot some killer vids over the years including back to back Drake Magazine Trout Film of the Year Humor Category.

Enjoy on this February Thursday.

Still winter here in Craiglandia.

Book your Spring Special Trip today. Guide Trips $400 March 15th thru April 30 2020. This could be our last Spring Special. Next year, 2021 we are going to two rates. Off Season $450 Thanksgiving thru April 15th. Peak Season $600 April 16th thru Thanksgiving.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff


Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

One of the great casters, instructors, and minds in todays fishing world. He also makes some pretty popular rods by the name of ECHO.

Tim today talks about Off-Shoulder casting. Truly an important cast here on this big river in Montana we fish daily. The Missouri River in Craig.

Why? Because the wind blows all the time. And sometimes upriver outta the north. Making it difficult. It may not blow against the grain all day long, or it will…nevertheless if you cannot execute this cast, those days will not yield many trout. Or opportunities.

So why not increase your chances and learn this valuable trout casting tool before summer 2020. Winter is a great time to add a couple tools to your box.

I am not one who learns casting on the water. Not enough time for that. When I’m on the water I am fishing. Not practicing. Learning is what you do off the water. Ask any great caster what they do. I know pro athletes don’t learn fundamentals on the field. No way man. Not during game time.

Yes, some yahoo is gonna comment that they can learn new casts, tread in unfamiliar waters, and conjure up some casting brilliance from the ashes of his last cast… on the water. And maybe you can sir. But the casting mortals, which is all of us but you, are best serviced by learning this kind of cast on the lawn. In a casting laboratory.

Yessir. At a time when you can concentrate on the cast. Not the rising trout.

Go out and practice this cast. It will not take much time to learn. Nope. You will pick it up pretty quickly. Because your brain already knows how to cast. And when you need to employ the Off-Shoulder Cast on the water, you will already know how it feels!

That other fella, your fishing partner brother-in-law will be thrashing around tomahawking freely rising trout. Unfortunately he’s the guy who can learn, on the water.

And then turn to you in the back of the boat and say “You wanna give these a shot?”[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Artifishal by Patagonia


Artifishal by Patagonia

Very cool and well done video about coastal waters and management thereof.

Worth the watch on this snowy Sunday here in Craig Montana.

And between football games, tying flies, and naps today![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fish Smoker Friday


Fish Smoker Friday

Been smoking cheese and fish for a couple weeks now.

I always feel, near the end of the month long smoking session, that I have got ‘er dicked. I have it figured out. I am on, in the zone, firing on all cylinders.

Until I watch videos like this one from ACME Fish in Brooklyn. This cat is on his game.

Was in NYC the summer and graced the smoked fish counter at Zabars on the Upper West Side a couple times.

Dreamy. Got lots of smoked fishes. And soft cheeses. And fresh baked French bread. And ate it up.

Enjoy your weekend. Looks pretty good on the Mo. Thursday was dead calm and overcast. Friday? Today? Good as well. Saturday good. Sunday snow.

I’ll be at home smoking more fish. Halibut this weekend. Brined and smoked. Then mixed into a salad for life on a cracker.

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text]And I had to put in this killer cheese vid…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis

Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis


Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis

This is a great short from our friends over at Orvis. We love to watch fish rise, fish feed either on the surface or subsurface. Learning about fish feeding behavior is fun. And really important for those who like to use the net more often.

The Missouri River requires watching as well. We watch a lot.

Well, those who catch a ton. Those who wanna be the Hare? Not as many as the Tortoise.

Hail Mary QB’s? Not many of them get to the HOF. We see lots of Hail Mary anglers. They don’t carry a net with them…if you know what I mean.

Understand the rise form, the feeding behavior, what makes that specific fish tick.

Watch and learn.

I have become, in the last 3 or 4 years, a believer in casting at the center of the feeding lane. Let’s say the fish moves to and fro 18″ Or even farther. Sometime you find a fish moving back ad forth across a couple feet. Occasionally in the fastest section of moving water, sometimes over in the pond/slack water/back eddy region. The fish moves back and forth searching for food. I am a believer in casting, presenting the fly perfectly, where the fly can be presented perfectly.

The center of the bell curve, the line in the center is where you want your drift to be. At least when fishing towards many of our rising fish on the MO. A moving back and forth fish. Which we do see often during spinner falls. Later, after the majority of the insects have passed us headed downstream, the fish gotta ind food and they will move across current lines searching and feeding.

So, why would you ever toss the fly to the flat side of the bell curve. The center axis, the line vertically thru the center of the bell curve above, is the hot zone man.  Drift your fly thru the hot zone. Perfectly.

Not badly thru the flat side of the curve. The pond, the back eddy where he rose twice.

He has risen in the center of the bell curve 17 times. On the fast side 4 times, the slow or stopped side twice. The center 17 times.

So, do what any smart angler would do and make good drifts near fish. Good drifts around fish. Good drifts in the center of the bell curve.

And by watching you can do this sort of thing. Have success.

The angler and the watcher in the video above speak about this right when she hooks the fish. Sometimes you gotta err on the “better drift side!”

Because we all know that good drifts catch fish.

The goal of any of the dry fly stuff, or headhunting like these two are, fishing at a specific trout, is catching the trout.

Just like business, just like trout fishing. Go with the averages for the most success. Do what the numbers tell you. Do some research, some washing, some learning…to do more catching![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Somewhere Out West

Somewhere Out West


Somewhere Out West

One of the best from Scumliner Media.


Back to work tomorrow. Yuck.

Watch it twice, share it with friends.

And, yes, that is real life during Craig winters…[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″]


Fruit Roll Up JAV Video

Fruit Roll Up JAV Video


Fruit Roll Up JAV Video

Love this pattern. Has been responsible for many trout during the Swing Season.

You like stripping? Yeah, we do too. It works!

Tie this feller up this winter or this late fall for 2019, and the future. 2020! It’s right around the corner.

Buy one for yourself and one as a gift!

Integrate differing colored beads, body color, tail. A fly you can run with. And pretty easy. Remember to spend your dollars with the shop that provides your daily Missouri River entertainment. Yessir. Right here at HH of Craig. You can out a few gallons in the tank with every purchase! Need gas to drive this bus man.

The Fruit Roll Up will be part of your streamer selection that you return too often. Or the Thin Mint. That is a winner too!

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Double Spey River Right

Double Spey River Right Video


Double Spey River Right Video

A quick video today on this Sunday previous to our big Trout Spey Camp beginning this Thursday.

Funtimes ahead. The spey bite has been good with streamers primarily followed by the soft hackle. Seconded. Not attached.

The bite is improving. The water levels have dropped a bit. The water temps continue to decrease. The leaves are falling after the snow and sold snap this past weekend. We are having a ball on the Mo.

Look us up if you are heading out in the next two months. We love October and November. Great streamer and swing months. Great dry fly and nymph months. Great months!

Have a fun and family filled Sunday. We’ll be busy prepping here in Downton Craig embracing full fall-dom!

Feeling frisky today? Order some cool products delivered to your doorstep this week below![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″]


Soul Saturday

Soul Saturday If you want me to stay Sly and the Family Stone


Soul Saturday If you want me to stay Sly and the Family Stone

Super groovy. Sly has a killer voice!

A legendary group from the past. Sly and the Family Stone made up of many family, Stone, members and a bunch of other cool cats.

I want this song to be my new “Walk Up Music” walking from the truck to the boat in the morning.

Or the Red Hot Chili Peppers version. Both really.

I’m down with the outfit. Kinda guide like. Floppy hat, albeit with holes in it. Some sort of scarf/Buff around the head and neck. Knowing you got game. Sure. For sure.

But rock stars are way cooler than fishing guides.

Have you ever seen the sticker that says…

Nobody cares that you are a fishing guide bro’

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Summertime Covers


Summertime Covers

Summertime is a few months away. Shucks. Snowing hard in Craig today. And the week ahead. Not many hints of summer out there. The river is frozen. It is wintertime. Not Summertime!

Been singing this tune to myself for a month now.

Now, time to impregnate your brain with it.

A great one from the Gershwin’s/Porgy and Bess mid 30’s.

The inter-web states there could be 25,000 covers of this tune.

Sublime is a good one with the lyrics changed. All of the Jazz greats covered it too. The 3 Queens: Sarah, Ella, Billie. The Chairman of the Board. And beyond. Musicians in every genre will continue to cover this unreal tune composed 80 years ago.

A few of them below. I do like the Willie versions.  It did not appear on his historic album Stardust, although I though it did until I looked it up. Stardust/Nelson is amazing.

The Sarah Vaughn version is haunting. Miles Davis is great and the Summertime cover is no different. The Herbie Mann Album @ the Village Gate is unreal. And the cover is fantastic too!

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Just Add Vise Tungsten Dart


Just Add Vise Tungsten Dart

This fly works. Been fishing it in the canyon reach for months.

It probably has another couple weeks of life this fall.

A great fly starting in May and running into November.

Tie them up today for this fall or next season. Book your Missouri River fishing trip too?!


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Mike McCune teaches Perry Poke

Mike McCune teaches Perry Poke Scumliner Media


Mike McCune teaches Perry Poke

Check out Mike KcCune today teaching the Perry Poke.

Trout Spey Season is underway. Spey trips out this week already.

Hooking up too.

The newest of the ne Trout Spey lines and rods are in stock now! The best from SA, RIO, OPST, and more with new heads and integrated Scandi and Skagit lines ready for you to try and buy!

Come on down to Craig and let us help you into your 2018 Swing Rod and line.

Happy Hump Day. It’s fall. It’s pretty great.

Swingers Unite.

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Just Add Vise Zirdle Bug Tying Kit

Just Add Vise Zirdle Bug Tying Kit Video


Just Add Vise Zirdle Bug Tying Kit Video

High water means more bigger bugs.

Yep. Big fly big water theory. Some say it. Some even mean it.

If you are headed this way in the spring, summer, or fall you may want to have this in your trout bag.

Nymph it. Streamer fish it. Jig it. Well shoot, float it.

Popular in high water situations and conditions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Single Handed Spey Video

Single Handed Spey Video


Single Handed Spey Video w/ Simon Gawesworth of RIO

Today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog we bring you this fantastic video with Spey Casting Guru Simon Gawesworth of RIO Products.

We get lots of questions about this newer style of single handed casting and Simon will break down a few myths and confusion points in this informational and educational video.

Really worth watching. A couple of fellers from Spokane empty the single handed spey cast on the St. Joe in Idaho. We see a few using it here as well. Mark has been sneaking around with his for the past year. IT comes out more and more in specific situations. Swinging soft hackles, small leeches, or even overhanding long distances just for fun!

Enjoy this flick from RIO today on the Headhunters Blog. Headhunters of Craig is Your Trout Spey Shop!

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Foxee Minnow Just Add Vise Video

Foxee Minnow Just Add Vise Video


Foxee Minnow Just Add Vise Video

Last week we showcased the Mozuri Minnow. This week we hit you with the ever popular Foxee Minnow.

Just caught a couple in my boat last week with this very fly. Clousers too. Marabou Closers too. And, the Kreelex.

Love me a Foxee Clouser. Tie it up for fall success or all Trout Spey season long. Black. Or your color scheme too. Get creative.

Enjoy your Thursday. The fishing is becoming stinky hot.

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Rainbow Czech Nymph Just Add Vise Kit, Video

Rainbow Czech Nymph Just Add Vise Kit, Video


Rainbow Czech Nymph Just Add Vise Kit, Video

The legendary Rainbow Czech Nymph offered by Headhunters Fly Shop of Craig Montana.

Included is the video above. Come by the shop picking up the Just Add Vise Rainbow Czech Nymph Tying Kit. Tie a zillion my friend. This fly only works from this week…until last week next year.

The Rainbow Czech nymph is attached to most nymph rigs 365 days a year!

It used to me our #1 seller in the shop. Now it may be Wilcox’s Little Green Machine. I’d tie the LGM below the RB Czech. Then get your net ready.

Enjoy the video today on Headhunters Fly Shop daily Blog. Tie up a gross this evening. Enjoy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Spring Training

Spring Training in Montana


Spring Training in Montana

Tomorrow starts the Spring Special here at Headhunters of Craig. Cheap guide trips and cheap lodging. Yes it is coming, Spring we mean. Warm out all week and snow tomorrow.

April is the big push for this special as it runs through the end of the month. Call today and get yourself some good dates as the BWO’s begin to play a part toward the middle of the month.

Streamer lovers get in on the spring bite too. Some of the beer fish of the year can come in April. Nymphing is rock solids dn the dry fly, as mentioned above can be epic fishing midge and BWO hatches. Blind fishing not too bad as the education of trout has just begun for the season.

Spring baseball is underway along with the sunnier skies and air temps we are excited here at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service. Lots of new products enter the store in March and April for the summer anglers.

Even more importantly are the flies that 7wt has added this year. More streamers of course, and more Trout Spey patterns too. Our ever expanding and up to date fly selection is second to none on the Missouri River. The difference? Lots of angler input from all of us, and the cash register. If that fly does not move quickly to the river, Ninch puts it in a fly cup and gets rid of them! Honest. The difference maker here in Craig is the focus on the flies. A dead fly pattern does no-one any good. The retailer or the consumer. Dead flies gotta go! And they do here @ Headhunters.

Catching more fish has always been our focus and that has not changed. Educating the Missouri River angler is also our interest. Knowledge is what the fly fishing consumer is always looking for and we are here as a partner in that process.

A dry fly only video. Rare in today’s market. Yes, Headhunters is a dry fly friendly shop. Hunting Heads is what our business is based on. But we make our mortgage payment selling nymphs…go figure?

Headhunters is your Missouri River Entertainment, Information, Education, and Customer Service leader

Check out Scumliner Media Vimeo 

March SPEY CASTING Madness
The women clinic on the 24th has room!

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Fishski Video

Fishksi Video today in snowy, cold Montana


Fishksi Video

Fishksi Video today in snowy, cold Montana from Scumliner Media. Seemed appropriate as we move through this week of more and more snow. The weekend will pound us as well. Stack it up!

So the Missouri River slopes are primed for some killer POW turns, right into the river!

Watch this award winning video while tuning your skis. Watch it and dream of Olympic GOLD!

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How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video

How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video


How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video

From RIO this informative video about How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video.

I don’t see this everyday but when I do it is trouble. A few instances in the boat over the years have been just awful. You get to Montana, posted up on rising trout, line up your dry fly rod…and POW! Twisted fly line!

Cure it on the river, before you get here; whenever it happens for better fly fishing success.

Check out this short video and have the tools to un-twist that line when engaged int he heat of the battle!

No football, no Grand Slam tennis, no baseball, ice dancing again on the Olympics…so why not learn a bit about how to avoid these common fly line issues.

Rest today. Back to work tomorrow. Ugh. February.


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SIMMS Challenger Pull On Boots

SIMMS Challenger Pull On Boots


SIMMS Challenger Pull On Boots

They are here. They have arrived. SIMMS Challenger Pull On Boots in the 14″ length are in store today.

These will be popular with the boat only crew. Never put on waders? Sounds damn good to me. Pull on your favorite hoody along with your SIMMS Pro Dry Bibs adding your SIMMS Moon Boots and off to the river you are.

A perfect compliment to the already dialed in lifestyle you have. Just add the Challenger Pull On boot from SIMMS.

A check’d fleece interior with SIMMS totally worthy Right Angle Foot bed will keep you not only foot fatigue free, warm, yet sweat free. The 14″ height is perfect for launching your drifter and kicking it inside the cozy confines of your own private dinghy. No worries on the return trip either. Step in, attach the bow rope, crank it and head to the ‘ol drinking hole.

I’ve seen a trout spey caster or two rocking it ankle deep in these either practicing a few snake rolls or swinging through a not so secret skinny run.

The neoprene upper and pull on tag in the rear of the boot will help you get them on with ease. I have been just stepping into them and shoveling the driveway. Quick run to the dump? Fooling with the sprinkler heads in your yard? Shit-kickin’ it telling fishing lies in the garage drinking with friends?

Remove them with ease finding the prominent kick-off tab on the back side of the boot. The sole is not designed for trekking in the outback. A non-marring siped sole is made for interior drifters, skiffs, or driveways. It does not posses a 4WD style tread pattern for off roading. No, this is your daily city driver.

Yes. Perfect for everyday tasks.

We have them at Headhunters. Come by and try them on.

I already know you will look good…

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Orvis Helios 3 Video

Orvis Helios 3 Video


Orvis Helios 3 Video

This is a really great rod. Whether you want the distance (D) version or the feel (F) version you will be overjoyed with either.

Popular with fishing guides, shop staff, and the you alike, this rod has performed miracles already on the Missouri River.

Come by today and demo this fantastic addition to your quiver. The Helios 3 edition is the best so far!  You will not be disappointed.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Soft Hackle Tying Video with Hans

How to Tie a Soft Hackle with Hans


How to Tie a Soft Hackle with Hans

Today a soft hackle video with Hans S of the South Dakota Angler. We used to post a quite a few vids from Hans. A good tier. If you are in the SD region look up the SD Angler for all your fly fishing needs!

We use these a bunch in the fall. Alos during the spring session you could tie a Midge Soft Hackle, a BWO softie, and any generic mayfly or caddis soft hackles for swinging or nymphing success here fishing the Missouri River.

Perfect for the trout spey or single handed spey gang. Enjoy your Thursday.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Linus and Lucy

One of the coolest Christmas Songs


One of the coolest Christmas Songs

Actually “Linus and Lucy” is the title of this tune. Composed by Vince Guaraldi the Italian Jazz Composer who composed most of the Peanuts animated television music.

I also dig Christmas Time is Here. The ethereal wispy yet flowing track that is spun throughout the christmas special.

The wikipedia link to A Charlie Brown Christmas Soundtrack.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I think Charlie Brown woulda felt better with a new fly reel. I know it makes some of the holiday angst go away.

Hope you got your Aluminum Christmas Tree up in the family room. They are all the rage.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

One of the great John Cusack Quotes


One of the great John Cusack Quotes

What do you want to do? Are you doing it? Did you have a crossroads decision at one point? We all did.

This is a fantastic scene with John Cusack in Say Anything 1989.

A great film if you like Cusack.

So, the quote. Think about it this holiday season. If you are ready to jump headlong into the fly fishing life, Headhunters Life, then drop the bomb on your folks this Christmas. Shortly after the New Year we will again be starting our search for 2018 employees. Get your resume up to date and be ready for when we ring the bell.

If you want to spend the summer with us and go back home to reality, we accept that. If you want to move to Craig full time accelerating your fly fishing advancement, we applaud that too. We have opportunities for you in ’18.

Until then, think about it. What would John Cusack do?

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Mike McCune - Downstream Shoulder Perry Poke

Mike McCune – Downstream Shoulder Perry Poke


Mike McCune – Downstream Shoulder Perry Poke

Today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog we show you a great cast demonstrated by Mike McCune. The Downstream Shoulder Perry Poke.

Shop for a new spey rod then watch this video several times.

Then go out and execute.

If it does not come all that easily to you attend one of our Trout Spey Clinics upcoming Saturday/Sunday Dec 2nd and 3rd. Call today to get yourself on board for our famous free clinics. You will learn how to cast!

Fun times here at Headhunters coming up soon. Enjoy the last day of your first holiday break.

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Just Add Vise Video Kreelex

Just Add Vise Video Kreelex


Just Add Vise Video Kreelex

A got to have pattern for th winter on the Mighty Mo.

Summer too. But truly important for the next 6 months.

Come by and get yourself a Just Add Vise Kit, or call us and we will pop one in the mail for you.

Do it. A reward is behind every bunch of FLASH!

Tell them 7 wt. sent you.

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How to Clean a Fly Line Part 1

How to Clean a Fly Line Part 1


How to Clean a Fly Line Part 1

I love clean fly lines. Who doesn’t?

Today on the Headhunters Blog we have a vid from RIO about how to get it clean.

Want ultimate performance from your fly line? Clean it.


This is smart for accessional super duper cleaning. If you like to get it done daily in the boat you can find yourself a pocket-full of RIO Fly Line Cleaning Towelettes. The best fly fishing product under a buck!


So get after it today.

The lid has come off here on the Missouri River. Get out here and enjoy. This is the call to all of you who say “Hey, bud. Let me know when it is really good. You know just let me know and I will come on out.” Well. This is that time. For the next month. It is be worth your while.

In bolder letters…

It is the time to come out and fish the Mo.

If you don’t see that…you cannot fish small, tiny flies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit Video

Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit Video


Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit Video

Getting ready for full on fall with the Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit Video today y on Headhunters Fly Shop daily blog.

John Arnold created this pattern a few years back for the Missouri River based on the Yo-Zuri plugs he saw in Florida. It works!

Mozuri MinnowSwing it, strip it, jerk it, fish it.

Enjoy your Wednesday with some fly tying at your office desk. Order up some of our famous Just Add Vise kits and get after it!

Sunny here on the river today with the bugs coming off this afternoon. The nymphing is nearly red hot and the dry fly bite damn good int eh afternoon. The streamer bite waxing.

If you want to visit please bring some cloud cover with you. And cooler fall temps. Please.

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Fly Shop Strong – ECHO Fly Fishing


Fly Shop Strong – ECHO Fly Fishing

A great Friday Video.

We agree with this message.

Thanks ECHO for making this.

Thanks to ECHO for being so cool. Tim Rajeff is a fantastic fellow. They are the easiest vendor to work with. Honest. The ECHO Trout Spey TR2 was the rod of the year for us here in Craig Montana.

Enjoy your Friday. Hope it is the beginning of a fly fishing weekend.

Stop by your fly shop on your way to the stream this weekend.


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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] AntMusic Happy Sunday. 100F here today for us. It’s hot. Ants are in the mix, on the menu, and should be a part of your dry fly day. Blind fish it. Sight fish it. As long as you fish it. In tune with the weekend theme, more from Squeeky and some damn 80’s references. … Read more

Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video July 5th


Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video July 5th

Yep. Trico’s. Shot late July a few years back.

All the regular things apply here. First cast. Good drifts. Great presentations. Deead drifts…etc.

Because, dead flies don’t swim bro.’


Enjoy this flick today. Hotter that hell today and this week ahead. Fish early.

Good caddis action for the evening session. But a short window.

It feels like we are fishing inside a convection oven. Cooling towels could be important. And lots of water. Drink water. Lots.

Or die.

Loving July. Let’s hope the water temps don’t spike, the weeds don’t inundate us with weed-dum, and the air temps return to seasonal norms.

I’d fish now. The time is now.

Remember that fall is on its way and you should think about booking your lodging and guide trips to get them locked up. September and October are just around the corner.

How about visiting in November this year. Quiet, fishy. Lodging available, guides available, no pressure on the river.

How about giving way to the two handed game and get your Trout Spey on?

It’s an idea. Plant it. It will grow.

It’s July, and we are not even punchy…yet.

Dead Flies Don’t Swim by Scumliner Media today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Montana Vets Montana Waters Promo Film


Montana Vets Montana Waters Promo Film

Check it out today on the Headhunters Blog a short film about Montana Vets Montana Waters. An org for Montana Vets by Montana Vets.

This killer film today on the Big Hole in SW Montana. Great story and great footage. A worthwhile viewing this morning. Check out the Montana Vets Montana Waters website for more info today.

Today is not a holiday I understand. Huh? Tomorrow, yes. The 4th.

The Project Healing Waters org has been around for some time and we host 2 Montana Project Healing Waters boats on site here in Craig. Call for a free rental. We will get you on the calendar.

The Great Falls Chapter Montana PHW is active on the river too.

Montana Wounded Warriors is yet another organization helping Vets via fly fishing.


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X Caddis Video

X Caddis Tying Video Just Add Vise Kits

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] X Caddis Tying Video Just Add Vise Kits These legendary tying its come with everything you need for tying 25 flies. And a video to boot! Slow it down, speed it up, pause it…you are the boss! Folks love these tying kits to tie any fly in our local favorites selection. I have been … Read more

Live Fishing With Mark Raisler and Visit Montana

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Live Fishing With Mark Raisler and Visit Montana

A few days ago, Mark Raisler filmed this video with Visit Montana on the Missouri River. If you weren’t able to get out there this week, this is the next best thing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Clean. Drain. Dry.


Clean. Drain. Dry.

Do this. Commit.

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Make it part of your daily routine.

But only if you like fishing Montana waters.

Honest. Do this. Do not spread Aquatic Nuisance Species to non-contaminated waters.

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Wash your boat @ Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. You are always welcome to scrub away the ANS creatures hitchhiking on your drifter, raft, kayak, or PFD! Stop by anytime and use our cleaning station!

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F3T Time – Convergence

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][vc_column_text]The Fly Fishing Film Tour is starting it’s way across the country, and here’s a trailer for one of the features titled “Convergence” from our friends at Conservation Hawks.

CONVERGENCE, the new film from Conservation Hawks, explores the essence of fly fishing. In September, 2016, the CH team filmed Hilary Hutcheson and her daughters Ella and Delaney; Travis Swartz (a.k.a. “Hank Patterson”); Simon Perkins, Els Van Woert and their daughter Pippa, and Pippa’s grandfather (and Orvis CEO) Perk Perkins. CONVERGENCE is the story of these incredible anglers and their collective passions: their love for wild trout; for healthy landscapes; for clean, cold waters and for family and friends. The film also shares their concerns about the future, their desire to protect our fisheries, and their unease with our changing climate and rapidly warming planet.
CONVERGENCE is a collaborative effort between Conservation Hawks and Conservation Media. It follows the recent Conservation Hawks films COLD WATERS and CHROME, and will be part of the 2017 Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T).

Learn more at[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Super Salmon – Worth your 25 minutes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Super Salmon by Ryan Peterson is a fantastic conservation video featuring Alaska’s Susitna River and threats it faces from a proposed dam. Following the incredible journey made by a Salmon, the film features the people and places that call this river home. The Susitna is an incredibly diverse ecosystem for Alaskan wildlife – and livelihoods for many – but is under attack from a few folks who only see dollar signs.

At 25 minutes long you won’t want to sneak this one in at work. Lunchbreak?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

It’s Fly Tying Time Just Add Vise Kits!


It’s Fly Tying Time Just Add Vise Kits!

It is tying time in America! Post Christmas Blues got you down? Well perk up with the JAV KITS and tie up some spring and summer flies.

May of us try to catch up and prepare for the upcoming trout season by tying our asses of in the winter months. My theory has always been to tie a ton of the EZ flies. Then buy the hard ones. Any fly with more than 6 or more steps is something I want to get at the fly shop. So I tie a bunch of dirty worms, Zebra’s, Weight flies, Firebeads, ants, Buzzball’s and the like.

What do you tie at home. I know that before I became a fishing guide I tied lots  of short run patterns too. All kinds of creative dry flies too. Those days are unfortunately behind me and I miss them. I love to tie flies. A great evening journey along with a glass of brown water that sometimes lasts until the morning.

Get your Just Add Vise Kits @ Headhunters

Our JUST ADD “VISE” fly tying kits are super popular and many customers buy several kits to get them through the winter! These kits are designed for tyers who have grasped the basic moves of fly tying, and are priced just as if you bought the materials individually. The package comes with everything needed to tie 2 dozen flies, and has a material list included so you can re-supply when needed. You can watch our short “how-to” videos if you need help with a step or two. These are extremely fun along with the video are great for those camped out on the Missouri River or camped out in the basement for the week! Just make sure you have your vice, scissors and bobbin. If not, we have that stuff as well!


Take the best sowbug patterns and put a Firebead on it. You have an egg pattern. You also have one of the most popular early season flies and winter patterns on the water. We’ve put together this Firebead Ray Fly Tying kit that will allow you to tie up 2 dozen flies for your next fishing trip.

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T-Motion Carpology Part 2 Video


T-Motion Carpology Part 2 Video

Carp video today. Happy Christmas. Go Seahawks. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your friends and family. From all of us at HH.

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