How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video

How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video


How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video

From RIO this informative video about How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video.

I don’t see this everyday but when I do it is trouble. A few instances in the boat over the years have been just awful. You get to Montana, posted up on rising trout, line up your dry fly rod…and POW! Twisted fly line!

Cure it on the river, before you get here; whenever it happens for better fly fishing success.

Check out this short video and have the tools to un-twist that line when engaged int he heat of the battle!

No football, no Grand Slam tennis, no baseball, ice dancing again on the Olympics…so why not learn a bit about how to avoid these common fly line issues.

Rest today. Back to work tomorrow. Ugh. February.


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