Missouri River Monday August 20th Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday August 20th Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday August 20th Fishing Report Here we go headlong into the month and the Missouri River Fishing is holding up nicely. A few really great points in this report along with a few summer realities mixed in for good measure. Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig brings you the most up to date … Read more

Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18

Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18

Wednesday Missouri River Fishing Report 8.8.18 The second call for all who like us to inform them that the dry fly fishing is good. This is your second call. Lots and lots of rising trout. Great Trico spinner falls. Pod behavior.  Very few anglers on the water. Quiet. Pleasant. The best dry fly fishing of … Read more

Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video Scumliner Media

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video Scumliner Media A favorite of our here at Headhunters Fly Shop. Today we present you this fanciful re-run Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video Scumliner Media. Trico’s are here. The flows are falling to 5,000 cfs on Friday morning. All is right on the Missouri River. Summer has arrived. We are … Read more

Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report IT may be turning the corner. Fishing yesterday was encouraging to say the least. Boats are all over the river from top to bottom as we have moved out of the late summer doldrums. The entire river is fishable! No longer are you required to spend time rowing in … Read more

Eclipse Missouri River Fishing Report

Eclipse August Missouri River Fishing Report

Eclipse August Missouri River Fishing Report Fished yesterday Craig to Spite Hill during the eclipse. Fished all by my lonesome. Nice. Ate plenty of smoked salmon, pistachios, and drank several pouches of Capri-Sun. It was perfect. Ddi the fish rise better during the shade, eclipse period? Nope. But it was surreal. Not a lick of … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fly Fishing Report August 16th

Missouri River Fly Fishing Report August 16th Water temps falling as the month moves towards September and cooler temps all the way around. Still some smoke in the air and we should expect it through the rest of the fire season. Meaning at least until the middle of September. Then, maybe some respite. Traffic on … Read more

July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report Trico’s. Going good. Some mornings they seem to not get out of bed though. So, we hope they are getting after it as you are out on the water. Yesterday was a good day. Floated Craig to Mid Canon and lots of action. Less pressure from anglers allowed the fish … Read more

Silly Sunday Scenery Tricos Image

Silly Sunday Scenery Tricos Image

Silly Sunday Scenery Tricos Image. It’s hot today. It reached 99F. Not 100F. Trico’s today from the only daily blog here on Montana’s Missouri River. The Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. Enjoy the week ahead. Hot here in central Montana. Trico’s will participate. Fires? Some. Less smoke the past couple days. But there are fires around … Read more

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th We’ll give you the bulleted list today on the Headhunters Fly Shop updated fly fishing report for June 28th. Lots of folks around and sunny skies have all smiling. If you have not made your reservation and think you want to come on out and enjoy? … Read more

Friday Foreshadowing Foto

Friday Foreshadowing Foto

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Foreshadowing Foto All I can think about this week is summer. And summer bugs. And short pants. And spinner falls. And when this damn snow will go away…   And to think we are already a whole month  total bullshit into this winter thing as of tomorrow.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”21350, 20777, 11086″ … Read more

State of the Missouri River Craig Montana 8.26.16

State of the Missouri River Craig Montana 8.26.16

State of the Missouri River Craig Montana 8.26.16 Bringing you the State of the Missouri River Craig Montana 8.26.16. Headhunters is the information source on the banks of the famed Missouri River. Keep it tuned here for your daily bite of trout information, education, and trout fishing entertainment. So how are we doing as we move … Read more

Welcome to July with Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A Scumliner Classic today to greet you into July on the Missouri River.

July means bugs. july means Trico’s. July means early mornings. July means fun.

Lots folks around during this the busiest month of the year.

Bring your sunglasses, sunscreen, dry fly rod, and reach cast.

Big ass BBQ on the 4th at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. 4-8pm. Come on by and say hello. Cast a bit at the Craig Casting Club. Tell fish stories.

Enjoy July wherever you are. The best of summer. Enjoy your weekend.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/101744402″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Dead Flies Don’t Swim fly fishing video from Scumliner Media.

Trico’s. We love Trico’s.

This filmed one year ago during an epic Trico season. This year? Not so much.

If you get out early enough to see the emergence, fish the dun and enjoy the spinner fall you will always be happy.

Even if the morning sucks…it still is the best tome of the day.

Enjoy the video and today is one day closer to the weekend.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/101744402″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_grid orderby=”title” order=”asc” ids=”11086,9982,6950,6835,8107,4038″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.26.14

The rain has stopped. At least for now. We always have some sort of weather event in and around Labor Day. Some say it is the Solstice Storm. But we are still plenty of days, weeks, away from that date.

Speaking of the Solstice, we have a party scheduled for September 21st with Howler Bros. Clothing Company. The Wrinkle Neck Mules will be playing in the early afternoon along with one of our legendary BBQ’s, another band TBD, Howler Bros. swag, contests, fun, probably some beer around, and you. We will be getting you the full details in the coming week so put it on your calendar for the 21st of September.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.26.14

Now back to the fishing report as scheduled. The rain has stopped. We received a bundle, buckets really, of rain Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Sun on Monday and warmer temps as we move through this week approaching the Labor Day Weekend. Warm and green. Two things we like here in Craig Montana.


Warmer all week and the Trico’s have returned. Stronger today than yesterday and it will continue that way. Also the fall caddis have showed. Not the October Caddis, the cinnamon blondish caddis that we see in the latter parts of August and into the month of September. Carry that caddis box for another month. We know you have not needed it much since May but stay strong for another 6 weeks. Note: They have not gotten on it yet, but it will happen soon.

Callibaetis out and about too. Saw a few of them and fooled a few with the spinner and the cripple on Sunday. A player as we move through the next couple months too. I love the Callibaetis this time of year. A bigger fly that can make your day. The Harrop’s CDC Spinner, a Hi-Viz Spinner, Nymens Cripple, D & D Cripples...all good my fishy friends.

All reaches of the river fishing well. Weeds? Yep. As many as we can have? No. Problems? If you let it bother you. Do our trout make up for the inconvenience of the weeds? We think so. You can always fish another river without weeds and catch some non-weedy scrappers. Your choice.

The water temps fell with the rain event this weekend. Currently in the 62F range. The fish responded well to this drop. Why? Well, do you notice when the sun is high int he sky, feels like you skin is burning…and you walk into an air-conditioned room? Do you notice the difference? Yep. You sure do. The fish notice it too. They get so excited they jump higher.

Many folks up near the dam per usual this late summer period. You can run up there and get some. Rowing up and down catching some really nice trout. Also great below the dam. Much quieter in the canyon, the Cascade reach, and below Craig.

Streamer fishing in the rain was pretty good. Damn good? No, not really. Nor did we hear of awesomeness from this tossing the big fly. But it did work and some quite nice trout came to hand employing this sometimes forgotten summer discipline.

The shop is open daily @ 7am with all you need for summer fly angling on Montana’s Missouri River. Mark your calendar for the 21st of September for a cool Autumn music and fly fishing event with Howler Bros. More importantly see us this Labor Day Weekend for a kick ass fly sale on Sunday Only 50% off all flies. Yep. Smart anglers will be getting their boxes stuffed. Super deals on Headhunters Logo Wear, sungear, reels, fly lines, demo rods, and much much more!

Ulf Borjesson of Mad Trout Wednesday Video

Ulf Borjesson of Mad Trout Thursday Video

Ulf visits the Mo every year. Now.

It is certainly on his list of rivers to fish in the States.

We love seeing Ulf on the Missouri and getting the Swedish version of things. He also likes to laugh.

We like that about Ulf!

Here is a bit of video captured under the shadows of Holter Dam earlier this summer.

Thanks Ulf. Can’t wait to see you in 2015. Check out his Blog MadTrout here.




Under the dam. from MadTrout on Vimeo.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14

August is here. We are here. The trout are here.


The upshot of the week is this. It is short and bittersweet.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.18.14


Mornings can be really great. Strong hatches riverside. The most pressure is on the upper. If you want some solace from the rest fish below Craig somewhere. If you want even more? Fish below Mid Canon. If you like the lower reach, fish there. You will have good to great Trico fishing if the wind does not blow too hard and send the spinner fall to north to Great Falls.

The thought is that Trico’s may hatch throughout the rest of August. Maybe into Septemebr. That is the historical pattern. Whether Mother Nature follows that path, we just do not know. But we think it should be strong for another 2-3 weeks.

Spinners are the key to your success. Try another non Trico pattern if you wish. It can be the key to Trico success. Or just keep tossing different and odd Trico flies until the fish cooperate. A sunken Trico can do wonders as well. Zebra?


No, not really. Actually not at all. Fish caddis patterns with success here on the Missouri but not for the Caddis Hatch man. Maybe next year. P.S. You want a boat load of caddis flies for cheap?


No, not really. Well sort of. The nymphing for most has been pretty piss poor. I’m not saying that if you drown a worm, or a Zebra, or a Little Green Machine, or  Juju Baetis, or some sort of Caddis Pupa you will not find success. Because you will find a few. But we are familiar with net use when nymphing and that is certainly not the case this last couple weeks.

Moments of brilliance yes. A total annihilation? No, not really.

Come in and wee the latest news here int eh shop and we can put you on the right track. The latest info is found here locally from those who have there finger on the pulse of the Missouri.

It will turn around soon? We think? Every day is truly different. Not much consistency. The month of September is one of our finest nymphing months and it bleeds into October and November. So hang on to your hats, your bobbers, your net. It will bounce back.

Hopper Fishing

Good to great to not so good to terrible. All things heard in the bar ad in the shop. We love to fish the big fly here as so often we are squinting to see the tiny dry fly. So fishing a size 10 or better is a pretty good day/deal. Pink and purple continue to rule with red, gold, and green creeping up the scale.

Ants and beetles are making some waves as well. Blooms, Arrick’s Blooms Hopper and Cricket seem to be coaxing some trout into making bad decisions. Small and large flies are what you should be tossing. Ambiguous? Yep. You catch ’em on what you are tossing. Fishing the middle river is the key. Not all fish lay on the bank. Some do. We like to look for 18″-36″ of moving water and present the bug. Wait, twitch, wait, wait some more and watch it get sucked.

Kiss it. Lick it. Swallow it. Hammer it. Suck it. Eat it.

We have a fantastic Hopper selection at the shop. Well over 120 bins stuffed full of foamies, hair wings, and the like. The ants box has some jewels in it too.

Weather and Flows

Flows are holding at a respectable 4500cfs and the water temps are fluctuation between 64F and 68F daily. Not much movement above the 68F mark this year. July is our hottest month here in central Montana so we do not expect there to be any further upwards movement in regards to Missouri River water temps.


We are approaching the end of summer as we move into Autumn. The colors will change and the Baetis will come. Hopefully we get a big October Caddis showing too. Cross your fly fishing fingers and we will see you in the fall. It really is nice as the days become shorter and the fish friskier!

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Now is the time to book your late summer and fall fly fishing trip to the Missouri River in Craig Montana. Check out CraigLodging.com for housing and Headhunters for all your guiding and rental boat and rod, reel, and wader needs. Don’t let the fall fly fishing season slip by you. Book today.

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 7am and well into the evening hours closing @ 9pm. Stop in for your Sun Bum sunscreen, new RIO In Touch Fly Lines, hoppers galore, GINK, SAGE Method fly rods, Dr. Slick, Howler Bros, SIMMS fall wear, toques, and sungear too.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.1.14

The update is as follows. The fishing is fantastic in the morning, not so good in the afternoon!

The heat and some weed growth have kept the post lunch fishing a bit slower than we like. Those who like to get it done head out early and take advantage of the pre heat bite.

Good Trico spinner falls almost every day. Some are not as good as others as the hatch in conjunction withs gentle breeze can diminish the fall.

Remarkably good PMD action still to be had as the spinner falls have been quite impressive. Even some decent emergences in areas nearly every day. Don’t forget about this mid summer mayfly yet.

Caddis better in the evenings with good catch reports coming from the late night gang. Shuttles available at the shop if you plan on heading out after work. Stop in for a shuttle and a batch of kick ass flies.

Terrestrial fishing is as good as you are. Toss it out there as you can and let ‘er ride. Twitch if you can. Only if you can. A fine line between dragging the fly and twitching the fly. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Not as much pressure as we move into the month of August. Come on out early and make a half day of it for your pleasure. Come during the week if you need some real solace. Get out there!

Lodging has some availability as well. Give us a shout and stay in Craig this August at the Craig Trout Camp here in downtown Craig.

Still no fires bothering us here in our neighborhood. Good news.

The fish are getting a touch finicky if you foul up the initial drift. Get your game face on and make the first drift count. Give folks lots of room out there too. Treat others as you you would like to be treated!

Headhunters open at 6am for all your trout fishing needs. Fall clothing in stock as we near the fall. Not nearly yet, but it will be here before we know it. Open late for your late shuttles and lodging needs.

Lots of caddis patterns are working well. While we do not have our normal abundance of Caddis Flies this summer.
