In defense of Dry FLy Anlgers

In Defense of Dry Fly Anglers

I wrote a recent blog reminding us, we, the industry need to be a aware of the wants and needs of all anglers. Reminding us that whether you be a nympher, a streamer junkie, or a dry fly fanatic there is a place for you in this widely accepting recreation group. While some of us … Read more

2017 Craig Caddis Festival Photo Gallery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 2017 Craig Caddis Festival Wrap Up Last Saturday, Craig hosted the 11th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off. This year, the weather cooperated (it only poured rain for a little bit) and the turnout was great! The official count is still pending, but over $10,000 dollars was raised for the Craig Volunteer Fire … Read more

Meet Derek and Jared!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Meet Derek and Jared! Derek and Jared are two new members of the Headhunters Team for the 2017 season. We previously introduced Patrick and Nick. You will meet all four of these guys in the shop this season. They are all good dudes. Stop in and say hello! Until then, they have each penned short introductions for … Read more

Craig Caddis Festival Today!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join us today for the 11th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook Off! This event benefits the Craig Volunteer Fire Department and is always a great time. The event is fun for the whole family! Food, drink, kids events, raffles, live and silent auctions, a parade, vendors, arts and crafts will all be available. … Read more

Meet Patrick and Nick!

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””] Meet Patrick and Nick! Patrick and Nick are two new members of the Headhunters Team for the 2017 season. Derek and Jared have also joined the team. We will feature Derek and Jared on the blog soon. You will meet them all in the shop this season. They are all good, … Read more

Public Land Use

Peter speaks about Public Land and Wide Open Spaces

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Peter today with this post about Public Land Issues and how he feels about them. Thanks Peter for you post and opinion.

I believe that the wide-open spaces that inspired our ancestors to test themselves against this beautiful but unforgiving landscape are part of what makes our country so unique. Public access to land is a right to all! I am a proud Montanan and I believe in the importance of public land.

The love I have for this state is only equalled by my family and friends. Without public lands, “Mother Montana” and I wouldn’t even know one another…and that love would not exist.

In my opinion the access and availability to public lands is what makes Montana so special! Without that, we compromise our state, landscapes and ultimately ourselves. I am Perter Skidmore and I believe in public lands, my feelings, and my opinions.

Come down to the Montana Capitol and let our fellow legislatures know that our public lands are not for sale.

The Rally be at high noon, on February 16th in the Montana Capitol Rotunda on the second floor.

     Peter Skidmore

Peter Skidmore enjoying the use of public lands.
Peter Skidmore enjoying the use of public lands.

Rally with Montana Sportsmen for your Public Lands


MTRALLYPOSTERWhat: Rally for Public Lands

When: February 16th, High Noon

Where: Montana State Capitol. Second Floor Rotunda

Who: Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Wilderness Association, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Montana Chapter of the Nature Conservancy

Why: The Transfer of Public Lands is a hot button issue this legislative session. Powerful out of state interests are wooing our legislators to pursue a dangerous and economically disastrous path that would lead to excessive litigation and ultimately, if successful – less access and more taxes for Montanans. That’s why we’re jumping back on the bus and heading to Helena to fight back and make sure that the Legislature understands loud and clear that our public lands are not a toy for politicians to play with.

The Rally be at high noon, on February 16th, 2015 in the Capitol Rotunda on the second floor.

Guest speakers are:

Steve Bullock, Governor Montana

David Allen, President and CEO of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

RSVP to attend the event here

Buses are available for citizens who wish to take advantage of them. Please RSVP for transportation by calling the Bus Coordinator associated with the town from which you will depart

Pickup Time: 9:30AM
Pickup Location: Scheels Parking Lot, Holiday Village Mall, 1200 10th Avenue South
Contact: Casey Perkins (406) 466-2600


Pickup Time: 10:00AM
Pickup Location: Butte Plaza Mall, 3100 Harrison Ave


Pickup Time: 9:30 AM
Pickup Location: CVS Parking Lot, 1914 Brook Street Shopping Center

Contact: Zack Porter 406) 823-0695


Pickup Time: 7:00AM
Pickup Location: Cabelas Parking Lot, 4550 King Ave
Contact: Cameron Sapp (406) 702-1138


Pickup Time: 9:00AM
Pickup Location: Albertsons parking lot, 2120 Park Street South
Contact: Jared White (406) 579-8943


Pickup time: 9:30AM
Pickup Location: Kmart Parking lot, 1126 N. 7th Ave
Contact: John Todd (406) 404-1000

Here is the link to the Public Lands Backcountry Hunters & Anglers site.
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Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Peter speaks today about his normal winter routine and how he is counting the days until the 2015 Guide Season begins.

The Spring Special starts March 15th with $300 Guided Trips through the end of April. Get your name in the game by calling and booking Peter today.

Thanks for the update Peter and we look forward to another update later this month!


Winter activities….soakin!

During the winter I enjoy keep a pretty steady routine when not traveling.  Wake up, take a hike with the dog(sweat out the bad stuff) eat a nice healthy lunch, start cooking something in the crock pot,

A nice routine in my opinion.

When that routine starts getting old, it’s time for some winter recreation!  My wife and I are all about visiting hot springs throughout Montana! That’s our winter gig, as well as doing some snow shoeing and skiing.

Luckily those three activities usually go hand in hand!  So far we have soaked in 5 this winter. Bozeman Hot Springs, Boiling River, Chico Hot Springs, Boulder Hot Springs, and White Sulpher Hot Springs.

Number 6 is happening tomorrow when we head down to Elkhorn Hot Springs to soak and ski at Maverick Mountain.  Good times!

Nice bluebird powder day with a soak in some nice natural hot water afterward, doesn’t get any better this time of the year.  Especially considering how shot my legs are after a full day of skiing, rowing a drift boat all season doesn’t do much for that region of the body!

Hope everyone out there enjoys winter as much as I do, if not, maybe a ski and soak trip is in order!

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

New Boat Smell | Sara's Montana Boat Builders Skiff

New Boat Smell | Sara’s Montana Boat Builders Skiff

Cool new, used, new to her Montana Boat Builders Skiff.

Cool wood components with this ultra sleek rowing skiff.

Stealthy too.

You have seen these boats. Good looking on the water and easy to row. Light for sure.

See you on the water Sara in this sleek dry fly boat!

New Boat Smell today with Sara’s Montana Boat Builders Skiff.

Abandon Hope by HH Guide Ben Hardy

Hope.  It’s a good thing, right? 

Wiki says that hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.   As a verb, to cherish a desire with anticipation.  Hope gets people through struggles and affords optimism when things look bleak.

Common knowledge is that good fishermen must have hope.  We must be optimistic, or else why go?

Common knowledge also pairs good fishing and luck as natural partners.  As a guide, I am hopeful before a day of fishing and I am a huge fan of good luck, but there are times (lots of them), where hope and luck are a crutch that need to be destroyed.

A few years back, I was on the bow of a skiff scanning the four feet of clear water over green turtle grass and sea fans, looking for shadows. I heard “10 o’clock. 120 feet. See the mud? That’s our boy.”

My body tensed and I checked my coiled fly line for the tenth time in the last five minutes.  The permit tailed again, spraying water with his forked black tail. I spoke to myself as I often do, in tense times like this “Ok, Ben, breathe, relax, nice easy shot. You got this.”

“80 feet now, wait for him.  Ok cast!” the man on the platform said.

I false cast three times and dropped the fly six feet short of the fish and four feet to the right.  I let the fly fall then got tight to it and stripped three feet of line. I let if fall. I stripped again.

Getting the game plan together on the Mo.


“He doesn’t see it. Cast again. Show it to him.”

I picked up fifty feet of line, and shot at him again. Five feet short of the fishes nose and six feet left.  I crouched, making myself small on the bow as I let it fall. Before the fly hit the bottom, I gave a long…slow strip. The fish was calm, feeding and milling, not feeling us at all.  I let the fly fall and stripped again. The fish didn’t react. I let it fall, and then got tight again.


I lifted the fly line off the water, and the fish exploded.  From calm and cool to terrified in a second.  She-Gone!  My head dropped, as I stripped my fly line back in.
Very quiet boat for a very long moment.





Stop hoping. Hmmm? That’s a novel idea. I was short and off the fishes shoulder each cast, but once in the water I was moving the fly like I was in the game. I was hoping and praying that the fish would do what he most likely wouldn’t.  See my fly from ten feet, swim over and eat it.

I see, fish with, and guide hopeful anglers who play out this scenario in my boat all the time.

And it’s perfectly natural. It’s human to hope.

Screen Shot 2014-04-26 at 7.38.39 PM
Ben out on the Mo, knowing it!

Mid-July, fishing to a big brown trout who seems glued to his weed mat, not moving an inch for our caddis. Or for our spinner, buzzball, ant or cricket. He won’t move for anything!

In May, that same fish will move two feet for our March Brown Cripple, but this isn’t May. He’s not the same fish. This is July.  Now, after four fly changes and forty casts, we’re beginning to wonder if this fish is ours to catch?  We make another cast, ten inches from the weed mat again.  The fly lands three feet upstream of the fish but well outside of him. And, like a hopeful angler, we feed line through the space of water that is not anywhere near that brown trout lane.

A perfect dead drift. Why didn’t he eat?

Because, we still have, possess, and are using hope as a fishing tool. We are hoping that Mr. Brown takes a notion to something he does not even see! And I must note for the first time since we’ve been watching and casting at this fish has he made a move outside of his 1 inch feeding lane. We are hoping he will leave his safe little happy spot, swim over, and eat our fly?!&%$*

Of course it happens, because weird shit happens all the time when fishing. But, but not often enough for us to use hope as a certified dry fly method! A better approach is to abandon hope.  Stop hoping that he does something he doesn’t want to.  Stop hoping for the anomaly, for luck.

Abandon Hope, and show the fly to the fish.

Make him see it.  I won’t speak for other guides, but personally, I’d rather see a fish spook from the fly landing too close on the first shot than to short a fish for forty five minutes and never show him the fly.

Abandon Hope.  That is the moral of the story?  Hahaha, well maybe just in a very small set of circumstances.

Keep on hoping for great hatches, good flows, cloud cover and no wind.


When your fly is on the water…don’t hope it, know it.


Ed Note: Thanks Ben Hardy for the killer article this Tuesday mid winter. Ben is busy this winter in Cascade MT remod-ing the house, waiting for an an addition of another kind, and rooting for his Patriots.

You can book Ben at Headhunters Fly Shop with just one phone call. Ben has been with Headhunters since day one. He opened the store in April ’08. Thanks for all you help Ben, then and now.

Check out Ben Hardy in this Scumliner Media piece Depth Perception

Depth Perception from scumliner media on Vimeo.


BC Steelhead Movie from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore Video Short

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Peter Skidmore in this video short today.

A bundle of winter anglers on the river this last weekend.

Sunday high temp peaked at 59.6F. Windy in the AM, then it layed down for the late afternoon bite.

Lots of fellers hook’d up.

Book your summer trip with Peter soon. He is quite a popular fish tracker.



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Headhunters Guides Christmas Wish Lists

A list of the guide Christmas wish lists. Some fun stuff. And some good will.

What is on your Christmas wish list?


Peter Skidmore

  1. New Truck Topper. Mine is wrecked!
  2. 4frnt YLE 187 Skis
  3. Snowmobile
  4. New Golf Bag
  5. And a new ballpark for the Oakland Atheletics!
Ben Hardy
  1. I want to have a healthy baby a month after Christmas.
  2. I am singular in focus…


Jared Edens

  1. Good health and happiness for all friends and family
  2. Muskrat slippers
  3. A delicious rib roast
  4. A new cool coffee thermos
  5. Adult size one piece fleece
Nick Stipech
  1. I-Pad
  2. Long Underwear
  3. “Good ice” for ice fishing seson in Michigan
  4. New Pick-up
  5. Motor Boat

Down and Across Video. Sara Swings the Missouri River

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]This very popular video from Scumliner Media featuring Headhunters very own Sara Roholt 3 years ago swinging a two handed rod in the dead of winter.

The Missouri River is the winter playground that many of you may recognize.

More from Scumliner Media here on Headhunters TV.

Enjoy your Wednesday afternoon with this winter reminder that fishing does not have to end…if you don’t want it to.


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Howlin' on the Mo'!

Howlin’ on the Mo’! Sunday September 21st 3-8pm

Howlin’ on the Mo’! presented by Howler Bros of Austin TX and Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT Sunday September 21st at 3pm

Yep. Another kick ass party in Craig Montana “Home of the Missouri River.”

The boys at Howler Bros will be in the area for a couple days and they asked if we wanted to party…you know the answer we provided.

Come join us @ Headhunters Fly Shop Sunday afternoon September 21st the last day of summer about 3pm for a kick ass BBQ selection including skewers, poppers, dogs, and burgers, the Wrinkle Neck Mules, give-aways, swag, Howler Bros clothing, and you!

It’s goonna be awesome Y’all!


Join us this Sunday for a Howlin’ good time with live music, fellowship, BBQ food, beer, free stuff and much, much more!

Check out the Howler Bros Facebook Page here

Howlin’ on the Mo’! Facebook Event Page

Howlin' on the Mo'!

Howlin’ on the Mo Sunday September 21st 3pm

Howlin’ on the Mo presented by Howler Bros of Austin TX and Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT Sunday September 21st at 3pm

Yep. Another kick ass party in Craig Montana “Home of the Missouri River.”

Why? Why not is what we say. The boys at Howler Bros will be in the area for a couple days and they asked if we wanted to party…you know the answer we provided.

Come join us @ Headhunters Fly Shop Sunday afternoon September 21st the last day of summer about 3pm for a kick ass BBQ selection, the Wrinkle Neck Mules and one more band TBD, give-aways, swag, Howler Bros clothing, and you!

It’s goon be awesome Y’all!

Check out the Howler Bros Facebook Page here

Howlin’ on the Mo Sunday September 21st 3pm

Howlin_OnTheMo_WebBanner copy


Check out the Wrinkle Neck Mules…

Boat Fly Review Of The Year So Far

Patterns from the island of discarded/forgotten flies.

Since the spring, the employees here in the shop have been saving all the discarded/forgotten flies that have been left in our rental Adipose drift boats. The picture accompanying this post shows the flies that we’ve accumulated thus far.

They offer a pretty good snapshot of how the fishing has been. There are rainbow Czech nymphs and sowbugs from the winter/spring. There are tungsten San Juan worms and wire worms from the spring’s high water period. There are purple comparadun and Stormchaser dries from the spring Baetis period. There’s a March brown in the mix as well. Then there are the pale morning dun emergers and rusty spinners of late spring/early summer, some caddis dries and emergers, a yellow sally nymph, a Buzzball, the ants of summer, the ever present Zebra midges, and some streamers in the mix as well.

If you look closely at the photo, you’ll probably recognize a pattern or two that you caught some fish on this year. Czech nymphs, Zebra midges, Little Green Machines, rusty spinners, pheasant tails, CDC and elk dries, Buzzballs, San Juans… These patterns are definitely mainstays here on the Missouri River. Maybe some of the flies in the picture even belonged to you once. A few of them look pretty chewed up…

While cleaning our rental boats in the next couple of months, we’ll probably find some more trico flies, a callibaetis or two, some baetis/pseudo imitations, hoppers, more caddis (hopefully some of the October variety), and the streamers of the fall. Maybe we’ll throw another picture up here on the blog as the collection grows.

What will you be fishing this fall on Montana’s Missouri River? Do you agree on the Boat Fly Review of the Year so far?

Make your own memories this fall here in Craig. Get on it and we’ll keep the coffee warm for you.

Dewey, Ben, and Peter Go Golfing

Dewey, Ben, and Peter Go Golfing

A cool article written by Dewey a Headhunters All Star about the weekly trial and tribulations of folks in the fishing game. Dewey is our resident Safety Expert. His background dictates he fills this position. Ben and Peter? Their backgrounds? College grads of course. Most fishing guides are before they find their way.

Guide the Guides

What do guides do after a day trip on the river? I have shared a cold beer on the deck and Joe’s with the guys and gals, but what’s up when they leave the Missouri River corridor and venture out.

A couple of guides, lets call them Ben and Peter, invited me to golf after guide trips. I had the opportunity to join them a couple a weeks ago.

We headed to my home course Eagle Falls in Great Falls with a cooler full of Busch Light. We arrived about 45 minutes before tee time so they let us go out the back nine.

Ben and Peter had never played the back nine at Eagle Falls and both were as excited as hungry brown trout during a Trico emergence. I thought to myself I get to guide the guides into new territory. I explained the layout of the tenth hole. I was guiding the guides.  I tee’d off and put it in the bunker. Ben and Peter hit the fairway. Then they both shot par on the first hole while I made bogey. I was off to a shaky start as a guide.

The next hole worked out a little better as I hit the fairway along with Ben and Peter. Now I was guiding. I think we all made par.

I soon found out these guys can play golf. They did not need any guiding from me other than which way to the next hole. The problem is they were to chill and having to much fun to care about the score. The way fishing should be!

We finished the round and went to Borries for dinner. I was pleasantly surprised  to find out the driver gets treated to dinner. I happened to be the driver.

That night was great and gave me a glimpse into how a Missouri River fishing guide unwinds. If a guide invites you to golf you ought give it a go.

By the way Ben and Peter golfed in flip-flops while I golf in tennis shoes. I now golf in flip/flops, it’s bitchin.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

All is well as we finish the first week of August.

Generally a soft period fishing Montana’s Missouri River. Why? Because the rest of the rivers in Montana are actually fishing this time of year. While the Mo fishes all 12 months the rest of the state has to deal with run-off consequently a shorter fishing season. So as the rest of the the state enjoys their peak, we settle into a late summer program.

What does that entail you ask? Well my fishy friends here are the highs and lows of August fishing Missouri River style.

Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Early mornings. Well not as wearily as the last month. You can actually sleep in a bit. If you make it to the water by 8 or 9am you still get the best of the Trico spinner fall. Not a big rush as the pressure here is light. Wander out to your favorite flat and have that last cup of Joe. Then dress your line and make that first cast.

Early off in the afternoons. Don’t stay out til 5 pm. Come in and take yourself a Siesta. Nap for a while, review the days events, then wander over to Joe’s for a Bloody Mary. Then to Izaak’s for a Pulled Pork Platter. Then off to bed to dream of the big Mo River Trout.

Hopper Time. Rock it all day long if you are so inclined. Headhunters has over 50 hopper patterns for your Brown Trout fix. Stock up for other rivers too. We got Chubby’s! Lots of them. Honest. Buy a box full.

Fish Caddis. There are not a ton of caddis in water, in the air…but they trout will eat them. Tie it on and let it ride.

Fish the Blackfoot with one of our guides. Want to experience something different than the Missouri? Let us show you another river and new world. Freestones are cool!

Try fishing the smallest flies in your box. They work! Tiny flies here on the world famous Mo are certainly challenge. Are you up for it?

Fish a new stretch. The lower river is fun. Not familiar with the canyon? Try it. You might enjoy the scenery and the hungry brown trout.

Trico’s are still happening in the am. Get out there and enjoy it. Remember that the flies you choose do not have to be Trico’s. You can fish other food items over the heads and the mouth will respond.

Headhunters open daily @ 6am for all your river needs. The fall clothing is in the store and the remaining summer stuff must go. Stop by for killer sale times like shirts, hats, flips, flies, fly lines, and the like. We’ll greet you with a smile.




Future Fly Fishers

Future Fly Fishers | The Hunter Edition

One of our favorites Hunter here on the property this last weekend. He loves Headhunters.

Parents Andy and Amy were here as well although Hunter would hitchhike up here if he were given the chance.

The tally for fish caught this 4th of July weekend includes dozens and dozens of Perch on the docks at Holter Lake. A Walleye from the lake too. A giant Rainbow from the river…and maybe more as well. Most likely more.

Hunter is a natural fisher dude.

We love seeing fellows like Hunter get jazzed about the outdoors. His grandfather was here as well. 3 generations of anglers all hanging out and learning about the important things in life. Respect, honor for nature, and how to interact with not only humans but the other creatures that make up our world.

Just awesome Hunter. Good to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Max Speaks!

Max Speaks!

One of our new shop All-Stars speaks today on the Headhunters Blog.

Max is a recent graduate of University of Montana. He has been a great addition to our fantastic fishy staff here in Craig. Max wrote this about his fishing day a few days ago. Thanks Max.

One addendum…there are fish rising to small dry flies now! It has just happened with daily PMD and caddis events.

Pictured above is my good friend and fishing buddy Travis Rehm, with an awesome Missouri River brown that he caught on a size 18 BWO spinner this week. High wind speeds during the afternoon screwed up the Blue Wing action so we didn’t find as many heads as we would have liked, but we did find a few rising fish and were able to get them to eat—but only a few. So we mainly fished small dries blind along the shallow grass banks.

It has been my observation that one of the most productive techniques lately is this blind dry fly fishing. I look for small riffles in shallow water, usually less that a foot deep, and fish the inside seams with small attractor-dries that I can see  i.e. Parachute Adams, Bloom’s Parachute Caddis, Hi-Vis Spinner etc.

The fish that I have found feeding in the shallow, quick water have been the easiest to catch, whereas the podded up fish in the slick water have been the trickiest—so if you find a fish up feeding  right next to the  bank in the shallows it is likely that it will eat on the first pass. It is also likely that it is a nice brown. The presentation is more important than the pattern for these fish (in my opinion) because the Mo has been somewhat between hatches this week so fish aren’t seeing a ton of food on the surface (also my opinion).

I haven’t seen an epic day yet this summer with small dries, but the brown in this photo is a perfect example of what you can catch on any given day while we wait for the caddis and PMD hatches to really take off.

One thing I have learned during my short time here at Headhunters is that The Missouri is the only river where I can go out in an evening and catch four or five quality rainbows and browns on tiny dry flies, and still feel like I got my ass kicked because I was unable to get one of the really big noses to take my fly down. Humbling is an understatement. I learn a little more about fly fishing and a little more about myself every time I fish this river.

The clouds this week and ever-increasing water temps should bring some phenomenal dry fly fishing our way. Needless to say, I’m stoked!

Thanks Max for the report. Max wrote this about the fishing a few days ago and the small dry fly deal is happening. Many of our guides have been enjoying the blind dry fly game as of late. They believe you can net just as many tossing a blind dry than you can with the nymph. Hmm. The Missouri is a dry fly river. Honest.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.13.14

Good to great depending on who you chat with. Weekend in the West is certainly upon us and with it brings thunderstorms last night and today.

Bring your rain gear and your Gink.

The dry fly bite has been good and not many bugs. The lower river has enough caddis to get your blood pumping and heard a rumor of a Yellow Sally too. March Browns, as well? Baetis still and issue as the season has really begun and the flies are having their way with the confusion.

The trout are not confessed as they are willing and rising freely. The Missouri River Mystery has shown its face already as not all the fish are rising to the surface. Some of that famous not eating on the actual surface behaviors already being exhibited.

So what will the trout eat? The flies that sit in the film, that do not ride too high. Although I have had success and others have seconded the mini Stimi approach along with other attractor stuff. We like the spinner approach for the most part. Like the Adams that sits flush with the water. Harrop’s array of spinners is popular, the Half Dun Hatching is one of our weapons, emerges will suffice as well.

What will the water do for the near future? For the long term this summer? Well, lower than many expected. The doomsayers will have to wait another year for the high water to overcome us. The 11K did a nice job and the trout are fat and happy. Just how we like them. Look at the chart below from the USBR to peer into our future.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

The water flows today are 4480cfs. Wade fishers paradise. Yep. Those who like to wade acres and into center river flats are excited to see these summer flows return.

PMD’s are truly on the brink. See a few around with the caddis, as mentioned above, showing down river. Sally’s in the week ahead too. We will keep you informed here on this daily juggernaut called the Headhunter.

Call us up if you need lodging or a weekend guide. We have rental Diablo Kayaks, Inflatable Drift Boats, and Adipose Flow Skiffs for your floating pleasure.

Come by the shop this weekend for shuttles, all the patterns you will need on this fantastic resource, coffee, information, our new free map of the stream, sale items, demo rods, lodging, fly line cleaner from RIO, demo lines too. Open daily at 630am and late for all your late afternoon dry fly shuttles.

Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

It’s a Boy! Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

Ed Note: The baby in the picture is a BOY! Mark, the blind author, made the mistake. Hence the re-post. 

Brad Bischoff’s daughter’s new baby and trout picture all in one.

We love the next generation…

Thanks Brad for this killer photo of your grand-son, son-in-law, daughter, and rainbow!

Just awesome.


June Events Missouri River Montana

A few June events to keep in mind as we move into my favorite month of the year.

Summer has arrived albeit not officially til later in the month. The days are getting really nice, and really long. More time for angling here on Montana’s Missouri River.

Photo sent in from our good friends Leonard and Dan Gross along with Rick Green. This one above shot by Len of brother Dan.


  • PMD’s. Soon. Usually the 2nd week of June.
  • Caddis. They were here, then they left. They will return in bigger numbers and trout love Caddis Flies.
  • BBQ’s at Headhunters. Impromptu BBQ Events all summer long.
  • Drift Boat Drive-In Friday June 20th @ Headhunters Fly Shop. BBQ, beer, movies, fly fishing madness @ Dusk.
  • Izaak’s open daily. Joe’s open daily. Montana pares fishing food and beverage here in downtown Craig.
  • Yellow Sally’s. Those yellow devils return later in the month.
  • Longest day of the year.
  • Dearborn River Floats. Give us a call to get on board and learn more about this seasonal float.
  • The next two weeks will be an indicator of things to come. the water is coming down, how and when we can only guess along with info from the USBR. It is a crap shoot. Keep it here for up to the minute water and hatch reports.


The fishing has been hit and miss the last week with the water levels moving around violently. Some to none for the dry fly anglers. The nymphers are having mediocre angling with catch rates down from our fantastic average. The streamer guys have been getting a few here and there. Stripping hard, stopping often.

June will bring a change for us here on the Missouri River. When and how? We thinks it will go the dry fly route. But nobody is infallible. Nobody.

See you here in Craig @ Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service for all things Missouri River. Shades by Smith and Costa. Clothing from FreeFly, SIMMS, Headhunters Logo Wear, Fishpond. Sungear from SIMMS, BUFF, 12wt., FreeFly. Raingear from SMMS. Rods from SAGE, Orvis, ECHO, and Sweetgrass Bamboo. Reeles from Abel, SAGE, Hatch, Orvis, Nautilus, ECHO, Galvan. Fly Lines from RIO Products, Airflo, Cortland, and Wulff. Flies from all 4 corners of the earth and the best in dry flies for the Missouri River here @ Headhunters.

We got yer back on all day long shuttles, info, coffee, raw baloney, and much more in Craig. Open daily @ 7am.

Missouri River rock skipping

Skipping Rocks

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Ninch, Mark and I headed out on the river yesterday. The plan was to shoot some video and get a day on the water together. An option that will be rare for any of Team Headhunters for the next few months. We’ve got a short (3 day?) lull – only a few trips a day – so, go get some ourselves, right? Maybe get some cool video for the blog?

When it comes to shooting video, three things at the top of my “don’t like it” list are:

  1. Filming nymphing.
  2. Filming from the boat.
  3. Filming nymphing from the boat.

But, with the river jumped up slightly to 10,900 cfs – meaning nymph fishing would likely be the only option – and it being the only day we could all do it, we went.

The thought, of course, was that we will make nymphing look easy and fun. How could we not? Three pro’s like us, rolling down our home river hooking and landing fish at will. Nymphing is easy, and watch all these big Browns in the air! The reality was little different.

After a couple of 32GB cards of Ninch doing lots of mending, and Ninch landing a few fish, we decided to pull over and reassess. “Reassess” means that we pulled over to gather as many possible reasons and excuses that would explain our suckiness.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_separator icon=”fas|star” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner parallax_bg_width=”110″ parallax_speed=”normal”][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_image image=”5173″ size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_separator icon=”fas|star” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We came up with plenty:

  • Late start at 11am.
  • Wrong float.
  • They bumped up the river.
  • Little Prickly Pear blew out.
  • Too sunny.
  • Not enough clouds. (see how easy it is to come up with excuses?)
  • Joes’ bar was closed this morning. (still not sure why?)
  • Didn’t have any beer. (Because Joe’s was closed)
  • Wrong moon. (not sure what the moon is)
  • Too much pressure. (We didn’t see another boat)
  • There were tons of boats, but they are all in front if us. (we started late)
  • Weren’t using fluorocarbon. (I’m sure we were)

I could go on and on. And we did. They are all great reasons, and we have used them many times in the past. But the reality was that we were just sucking, and probably not giving nymph fishing in high water the respect it deserves. Just one of those days when we didn’t have it.

So we pulled over to skip rocks for awhile. Because skipping rocks is always fun, and it lets you burn off a little frustration.

The islands on the Missouri have some excellent rock-skipping-rocks, and we found them. Mark claims the world record is 23 skips, but I didn’t have time to check that one. Got to be more, doesn’t it? I’m sure I had some 23 skip tosses when I was 12 or 13.

The whole thing reminded me of skipping rocks with my dad and brothers when I was young.

Which made me wonder; did our dads teach us to skip rocks when the fishing sucked?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.26.14

Two things we are excited about this Memorial Day Weekend include the sun and at the river.

The two stars of the show. And you.

You are a star too!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Water levels are Dearborn 1120cfs and Little Prickly Pear 351cfs. The Missouri is running at a current level of 8670cfs with a water temperature of 54F. Right in the wheelhouse of trout favorite temperature. It is like our 68F. The trout love 54-58F. Perfect. Jump and run and fight hard do our trout.

The river below the Dearborn is off color. Is it fishable? Yes, sort of. Some are going down and scratching out a day. Others not so hot. You choose. The upper river is quite crowded so the lower may be an option for you. Depends on your game. Into the experience? Lower. Into body count? Upper. Half of both? Craig to Palace?

The Dearborn while floatable is not for fishing yet. We will keep you on top of the action here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

Nymphs that Rule!

Flies that the trout like are all over the board. Talk to 10 different anglers and you will get 10 different outcomes. The flies and type that are so very popular this weekend and week ahead include narrow bodied mayfly nymphs like the Two Bit Hooker and the Brush Hog. Little Green Machine and his cousin the Red Headed Step Child. Indigo Children can work and Micro Mays, Peep Show’s, Angel Hair PT’s, and the like.

Midge Pupa still playing well at the dam and locales downriver. Fat ones, skinny ones, one’s you tied, one’s you stole from your fishing partner. Caddis Pupa playing a huge role as you drift downriver. Probably on the upper as well.

Had a feller in the store ask me why we would toss a caddis when he had not seen that many adult caddis in the Craig region. I simply reminded him that caddis, all insects, are living subsurface before they enter our atmosphere. So, the caddis are very active subsurface before the “hatch”. So bring your fly box full of caddis flies.

Dry Flies that we Love!

Caddis and other flies that are making a move include XCaddis, X2Caddis, Translucent Pupa, Stocking Wing, Goddard, CDC and Elk, AC Caddis, Buzzball, Adams, Ants of all kinds. We are nearly into a zone where many differing flies will get the job done. The difficult part is finding the fish. When you find then you can generally get them.

Stop and look for rising fish in normal rising fish locations. If you want to blind fish you certainly can get it done. Not a terrible idea. Bring couple

Baetis Spinners for the secret fly. Got it? Secret Fly is a BWO Spinner.

Streamer Fishing moving forward or deeper

Tips, intermediate tips, T-8 and more to get you to the zone where the fish are. The high and bright sun has not helped your streamer bite this last weekend. If you want to get out and get on it in the morning, that would help. If you want to get out and fish during the evening session you may get rewarded. Or not. But how will you know if you don’t go.

Flies that leave the store more frequently than others include the ever popular Dali Lama, Yellow Yummy, White Zonker, Ramp to Ramp, the leech is back, Gold-Diggers, White and Natural Sculpzilla’s. This game moves fast as you know so if you need up to the minute fly reports, come on by and check out the largest streamer selection in Craig.

The week ahead in Montana

Enjoy the rest of today as the worm week for most starts tomorrow. Rest and get ready for the coming weekend. Let us know how we can help. If you are coming to Montana and scheduled to fish another Montana river we may see you here in Craig. Craig is rolling and in full summer motion. All ahead full.

June is right around the corner and the bugs are happening. Get ready for a good one? One for the ages? Maybe. We will have to monitor the water levels closely and hope for the perfect storm.


See you in Craig this coming weekend. Or just come this week. Let us know how we can help with any questions, concerns, or info needs regarding Montana’s  Missouri River.

Two things we are excited about this Memorial Day Weekend include the sun and at the river. The two stars of the show. And you. You are a star too!  Missouri River Montana Fishing Report  Water levels are Dearborn 1120cfs and Little Prickly Pear 351cfs. The Missouri is running at a current level of 8670cfs with a water temperature of 54F. Right in the wheelhouse of trout favorite temperature. It is like our 68F. The trout love 54-58F. Perfect. Jump and run and fighting hard do our trout. The river below the Dearborn is off color. Is it fishable? Yes, sort of. Some are going down and scratching out a day. Others not so hot. You choose. The upper river is quite crowded so the lower may be an option for you. Depends on your game. Into the experience? Lower. Into body count? Upper. Half of both? Craig to Palace? The Dearborn while floatable is not for fishing yet. We will keep you on top of the action here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.    Nymphs that Rule!  Flies that the trout like are all over the board. Talk to 10 different anglers and you will get 10 different outcomes. The flies and type that are so very popular this weekend and week ahead include narrow bodied mayfly nymphs like the Two Bit Hooker and the Brush Hog. Little Green Machine and his cousin the Red Headed Step Child. Indigo Children can work and Micro Mays, Peep Show's, Angel Hair PT's, and the like. Midge Pupa still playing well at the dam and locales downriver. Fat ones, skinny ones, one's you tied, one's you stole from your fishing partner. Caddis Pupa playing a huge role as you drift downriver. Probably on the upper as well. Had a feller in the store ask me why we would toss a caddis when he had not seen that many caddis in the Craig region. I simply reminded him that caddis, all insects, are living subsurface before they enter our atmosphere. So, the caddis are very active subsurface before the "hatch". So bring your fly box full of caddis flies.  Dry Flies that we Love!  Caddis and other flies that are making a move include XCaddis, X2Caddis, Translucent Pupa, Stocking Wing, Goddard, CDC and Elk, AC Caddis, Buzzball, Adams, Ants of all kinds. We are nearly into a zone where many differing flies will get the job done. The difficult part is finding the fish. When you find then you can generally get them. Stop and look for rising fish in normal rising fish locations. If you want to blind fish you certainly can get it done. Not a terrible idea. Bring couple Baetis Spinners for the secret fly. Got it? Secret Fly is a BWO Spinner.  Streamer Fishing moving forward or deeper  Tips, intermediate tips, T8 and more to get you to the zone where the fish are. The high and bright sun has not helped your streamer bite this last weekend. If you want to get out and get on it in the morning, that would help. If you want to get out and fish during the evening session you may get rewarded. Or not. But how will you know if you don't go. Flies that leave the store more frequently than others include the ever popular Dali Lama, Yellow Yummy, White Zonker, Ramp to Ramp, the leech is back, Gold-Diggers, White and Natural Sculpzilla's. This game moves fast as you know so if you need up to the minute fly reports, come on by and check out the largest streamer selection in Craig.  The week ahead in Montana  Enjoy the rest of today as the worm week for most starts tomorrow. Rest and get ready for the coming weekend. Let us know how we can help. If you are coming to Montana and scheduled to fish another Montana river we may see you here in Craig. Craig is rolling and in full summer motion. All ahead full. June is right around the corner and the bugs are happening. Get ready for a good one? One for the ages? Maybe. We will have to monitor the


Headhunters BBQ Tonight!

Headhunters BBQ Tonight!

Headhunters BBQ Tonight! Yes, it is the first sign of summer. A free BBQ @ Headhunters.

We are rolling out our finest Tube Steaks from Hebrew National along with the bun! Yes, for you the hungry angler.

Get in on the fun and then head over to Izaak’s for a real taste of BBQ. Ribs, brisket, chicken, pulled pork. And cocktails too!

See you wandering aimlessly with hot dog in hand about 4ish tonight!

Friday Foto Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report 5.23.14

Hooray for the weather, for the holiday weekend, for the trout.

All good things happening here in Craig Montana. Kicking off the weekend in the west!

If you are not coming this weekend, we certainly hope we see you this coming weekend, or for the hell of it, try the mid week. Take the week off. We’ll understand.

This last weekend with the Caddis Festival was awesome. But who could beat this weekend with the weather and the fun here in Craig. Check out the weather. Over 80F today!


Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report

To keep you on track while packing for your trip tot he Mo, we have compiled a list of items to include when rolling up to Craig Montana.

Drift Boat. The flows are at the 8770cfs zone and we want you to have a great time. A boat will allow you greater freedom as the wade fishing is diminished with these spring release flows. No boat? Rent one from us! Try out the NRS IDB. You may like it. An Adipose Flow?   A Diablo Kayak? Yep, we got those too! Fun floating devices at Headhunters.

BBQ. Bring one of these if camping. Or visit Izaak’s. Open daily @ 3pm for cocktails, 4pm for dinner. Try the Nacho’s for a pile of goodness. Ribs for dinner. Home made ice cream for dessert. See Stevie or Claudia for a Moscow Mule!

Headhunters is rumored to have a Tube Steak BBQ on Saturday? You heard anything about that?

Rods. Bring fly rods. Lots of them. A streamer rod with a set of sink tips, a dry rod with a RIO Gold attached, and a Nymph rod with a RIO Indicator II line. Want to try a new rod for 2014. We got ’em! Demo a rod from Headhunters like a SAGE Method or One or Circa for those with dry fly aspirations. An Orvis Helios 2? A Sweetgrass Mantra Bamboo? You want one of those? Try before you buy at Headhunters.

Flies. Bring a boat load. Or get some additional hot flies from the shop. We’ve got the most comprehensive selection in Craig. Bar None! Scuds, Sows, FB’s, derivations of Mayfly nymphs that will blow your mind, caddis pupas and emergers, Midge Mania, dry flies like cripples and emergers for the March Brown emergence, and a vast selection of caddis dry flies as they are happening now and the invasion could come this weekend.

Sleeping bag. Don’t forget the sleeping bag and have to sleep on the hood of the truck. Not that I’ve ever done that. Check out our site for over 20 great canyon rentals!

Camera. Bring the camera for hero shots and for capturing the moment your buddy falls out of the boat.

Beer. Whiskey. If you space it, you can always pick up a 12 pack at Joe’s. Open daily @ 8am. And you know the rule. If you see me in the bar @ 2am, send me home.

Mini Bike. For hi-jinks around camp. If you need a shuttle, call us, stop in, or just send us an ESP message. Ninch can pick up on those type of things. He is very perceptive.

Wiffle Ball and Bat. For fun after fishing. Don’t throw out your casting arm. And definitely not your rowing arm!Or just come to the porch and hang.

Sunglasses and sunscreen. A sun shirt for good measure too. It’s gonna be real nice.

Smiles. Bring a bundle of them.

The cooler. A YETI. Full of the BBQ fixin’s, Budweiser, Gatorade for the hangovers.

A map of Craig. If you don’t have one stop into the shop and we will draw you one. Just get off on exit 234 and you should be fine. How do you know when you get Headhunters? Just look for the funnest fly shop in the world, and turn right.

Headhunters open all weekend @ 7am with a free cups of Joe for those in need. Open late til at least 8pm for evening shuttles, apres fishing hang, fly line cleaner, sun hats ,shirts, gloves, sunscreen, flies, free info, an ear to bend, smiles, boat wash, demo rods, boat rentals…







Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.21.14

The water levels remain stable as the higher level snows have started to come off. Albeit just recently. Like yesterday.

So when will the river be in the 6K range? Not for a while is my guess. Late June?

Just throwing that out there. I hope it sticks. We got a lot of water to run through before we can even dream of those kind of flows.

Is the dry fly fishing good? No, not really. It is if you find a few. Those who are looking have had success. But you gotta look.

The fish are not all that educated at this point. My and those who I have spoken with this last week have echo’d the same story. Spot ’em you got ’em. But you gotta spot ’em first. Adams, clusters, May Browns, and even heard of a few taken on a caddis towards the lower river. Good evening action, well bugs, caddis on the lower as well.

We do know that the bigger browns are showing up in nets throughout the river. And some really big Rainbows too. A few fish on the tape this last week in the 24″ range. Honest. Peter Skidmore Headhunters All-Star and Lynn straight outta Tennessee with this pig in the photo.

Floaters, boats, and just plain drifters all over the river. If you want some peace and quiet the dam is the place. I have heard rumors of just one boat up there this week. And not just once.

So that is the story. Need some facts to get you through this humpday? We ll just keep reading.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Flows & Temp: 8690cfs, 49F.

Little Prickly Pear Flows: 327cfs and level. A touch of color. Gone around the corner.

Dearborn River Flows & Temp: 845cfs & 48F. Had a few float it. OK. Not great. Good scenic float, some fish. Call the shop for an update if you plan on going.

Hot Nymph: WORM? Sows, Scuds. Caddis down river. Micro Mays, Little Green Machines, BWO Bubblebacks, Hot Spot PT, Tung Death Metal, Tung PT, HAre’s Ears, Zebra’s, Newman’s Own, Don King’s, Amex, Choi’s Spicy Scud…

Hot Dries: Adams with various colored post for viz! Buzzball, Nymen’s, Purple Craze, Smoke Jumper, RS2. Bottom line? Something yo can see and they will eat it. Most of the time. PS, don’t drag it too many times!

Hot Streamer: Skiddish and his 2 cousins. FireEye Kreelex, white, flashy brown. Bright fly bright day? Try it.

Hot Float: The reach with the fewest boats.

Hot Tip on Clothing: All the kick ass sungear at Headhunters. Sun Gloves, BUFF, Freefly logo’d hoody’s, SIMMS Women’s hoody’s, SIMMS Mens hoody’s and crew necks, Freefly crew necks logo’d, 12wt. neck gaiters and sun shirts, FishPond logo’s and original art sunshirts, HH logo’d sunshirts, SIMMS Sungloves…and more. We have sunscreen too!

Headhunters Footwear: Flips, sandals, covered toe sandals, light and fleet of foot SIMMS Vapor Boots.

River Vehicle: Drift Boat. Flows pretty high for good wade fishing. While you can wade, it is not as efficient as the other method. Come or call in for tips and boat rentals.

Headhunters Fly Shop: Open daily @ 7am for all your river needs. Flies too. We have the best, most specific, and techy fly selection here in Craig. It really is good. Need a new fly line? We got those too. Line cleaner? The fly line is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the target. Just sayin’ Trust me, I’m a guide.

Lodging Hotline: 406-235-3447

Bullshit Hotline for those who want to chat: 406-235-3447


Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery brought to us today from our very own fly guru Ben McNinch.

Ben caught this image mid eek down below his house.

They boys caught some fish too! Fishing with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech.

We are just getting put back together after yesterday’s big event the 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival. A post will follow tomorrow.

Fishing Report today.

Fun all week long here on Montana’s Missouri River.



Craig Caddis Festival & BBQ Cook-Off next Saturday

Craig Caddis Festival & BBQ Cook-Off Tomorrow!

Hello to all!

This Saturday is our 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off!

Activities begin at 4pm with about 10 BBQ contestants grilling awesome food like Ribs, BRisket, Wings, Pork and much more!

Max Hay and Rocket to Uranus will perform on the Izaak’s Log am beginning at 4pm too.

Over 100 items have been gathered for our Silent & Live Auctions. Guide trips, canyon lodging, fly fishing gear, stuff from Great Falls and Helena shops too like a Globe on a iron stand, shelving units, gift cards from Taco Del Sol, radar detector from Sound Pro, tools from Power Townsend and many many more!

The Parade starts at 4pm too with this kickoff to the rest of the event. Want to be in the parade? Meet us at 345pm at the corner of August and Leonard Streets and we will get you in the Que! Yep, you too can participate this year in the fun events.

Come on down and join us for this great family event. $2 BBQ bites will keep you happy as you wander the streets of this fishing town on the banks of the Missouri River.

The Craig Volunteer Fire Department receives ALL Proceeds from this Annual Event.

Don’t forget to bring the whole family and your best of friends to this Saturday’s Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off @ 4pm in downtown Craig!

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Friday Foto today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Montana’s best photo blog every Friday.

Sara Roholt, a Headhunters All Star learns from Mike McCune of international Spey Casting Fame.

Last weekend we hosted Mike and Whitney Gould here on the Missouri River and a cool dozen enjoyed learning with the pros. Thanks Mike and Whitney we will see you again in one year. You guys who missed this clinic this year cannot miss it next year!

Sara and Ninch got in on the action too to pass along their 2 Handed expertise this coming winter at Headhunters monthly Free Spey Clinics.

We got Spey Rods at the shop for Demo anytime for a mere $25. Come in and try one out this spring. The water is higher than normal, adnso you may want to try to get out a few more times with your 2 Hander before the real dry fly bite starts.

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Yes it does.

The current line-up of Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

With many designs by Headhunters consigned artists, a cool idea from Julie Arnold, and more from Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore’s fiancé Hannah Uhde. What is next? Nothing. We got it all right now, today, in stock in the shop!

All of the Headhunters designs are proprietary. No “Name Drops” here. Headhunters prides itself on homegrown projects and our logo wear selection is no different. Sara, Julie, and John head up this original facet of our business.

Check it out. Come in for full details and hats, and shirts, and sun shirts, and button down shirts, and mugs, and coffee cups, Thermos’, magnets,  and much more!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

And one more…we have several more in stock. Last’ years favorite the Dead Drifter in Long Sleeve White and Long Sleev Black.

The Deaddrifters Skull in a sunproof hoody form Free Fly. And in a short sleeve white T. The women’s new line is cool too and we will post a women’s edition soon.

The Triptych Flies above is available in two colors in a sunroof oolong sleeve. The collegiate T’s are avail in several colors. The classic Headhunters Logo is in red and blue this year along with the standard issue white T. Kids stuff too.

The number of Logo’s hats this year is again amazing. The best selection of hats in the downtown Craig Corridor. early 50 different hats in stock for you Headhunters wearing pleasure.

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!Of course we have the H2 logo on some shirts too. We have button down shirts with logos adorning the pocket area. Classics.

My Day with Nick and the Fish Magnet

My Day with Nick and the Fish Magnet

Ed Note: This article sent to us by Headhunters Fly Shop friend Terry Armstrong in regards to their annual guided trip through Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service during the Spring Special. Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech is the guide in this story and a strong asset of our guide team. Thanks to all for participating and to you Terry for writing and fro you Gigi for becoming the fish magnet!

My Day with Nick and the Fish Magnet | Terry Armstrong

This year’s trip started the night before with us making sure all our needed gear and then some was packed and ready to go. We packed two 5 wt graphite rods; one was my old reliable workhorse rod a Sage RPL that has been with me over 25 years now, and the other my wife Gigi’s Winston.

Then just in case this happened to be the day the fish started poking their noses out and sipping on midges and BWO’s I threw in the Sweetgrass Mantra bamboo rod I bought last October and haven’t had much opportunity to fish with yet. Then I gave some serious thought to throwing in the 8wt streamer rod for good measure. I couldn’t help at least thinking about it. It’s the streamer junkie in me.

The rods where then followed with an assortment of other items deemed necessary for a day on the water in late April. Hats, gloves, handwamers, rain gear, and of course the condiments: wine (for her), bourbon (for me), and cigars.

We arrived Sunday morning at 8am in the thriving metro Craig area. Town was buzzing and the Headhunters Fly Shop parking lot was wriggling. To be honest I really didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the town except for a brief whimsical gaze in the direction of Joe’s Bar. We met up with Nick, our guide for the day, was already there and waiting.  We exchanged pleasantries, decided on section of river to float, and transferred gear from our vehicle to his.

We started at the Wolf Creek Bridge without incident.  Just the last minute usual trips to the little unisex concrete bathroom. I have to admit it is nice having someone rigging rods for you and putting the boat in the water while you light a cigar and enjoy the view. Or in Gigi’s case…wandering around the area contemplating possible hiding places for a Geo-cache reportedly in the immediate area.

The boat was launched and so began our day on the water. It was a great day of nymphing with a long leash and some scud imitations. Gigi as usual caught at least 2 fish to my one, and probably even better than that, but who’s counting?

On many occasions Gigi had a fish on before I even had my line all the way out. Chicks rule and she was a fish magnet on the water. The fish are definitely becoming more energetic with the warming water temps. Didn’t get a look at the backing but came close on a couple of occasions.

We were into fish all day long with mostly sunny skies and cool temps 40 to 50 degrees. The big “W” reared its ugly head at times but had an adequate number of merciful reprieves to keep the day fun. Half-way through the float I was thinking this was going to be to short of a day that we should have chosen a longer float, but by the time we reached Spite Hill to take out I had caught plenty of fish and was more than ready to bring a great time to a great end.

 Gigi being the show off, and a fish magnet…she caught one last fish as we headed to the takeout.

Once again I ended a day of guided fishing as a slightly better angler then I started with a few more tidbits of knowledge added to my 35 plus years of experience. It never ceases to amaze me how little I know. After fishing the Missouri River 50 plus days a year for 35 plus years I still am learn new things every time I fish with someone else or read a book.

This was my fourth guided trip in my life and my third on the Missouri and I have ended each trip a little better angler than when I started. Thanks to Headhunters Fly Shop Nick Stipech for a great day.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.3.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.3.14

A couple hints today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Report for this early May weekend.

Sow bugs man. Scuds and sows. Mostly the key for the Headhunters guides this week. Some mayfly action, but the prominent flies are of the crustacean variety. Come into the shop and see our vast and significant selection of sows. Scuds too. Czechs and a variety of many more.

Today the McCuneGould Spey Clinic is happening at 9am. Mark has some chicken marinating in a bag for the guests at lunch. First Headhunters  BBQ on the property in Craig? Soon, oh so soon my fishy friends.

A couple spots open for the clinic tomorrow too. Call today and get yourself in to this once yearly Missouri River magical instructional class. You might learn a few things about spey. Quite a few things maybe.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

The weather is cooling and so are the water temps. With the rise in air temps this last week we saw the water temps increase. Then the drop in sun in the sky, the wind, and such and we got 44F again. Baetis like it. Midges like it. The fish like it.

Clean and clear tributaries for your floating and fishing pleasure. The Dearborn, clean. The Prickly Pear, clean. Sheep Creek, clean. Stickney Creek, clean.


The NRS Freestone Drifter is on the property and ready to rent. Come by and see this perfect boat for the Madison, the Missouri, Belt Creek, the Blackfoot, the Dearborn, your river or creek. This is the sports car of inflatable drift boats. 250# of rubbery love. Yep, I said it.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.3.14

Good to great reports yesterday. Rec fishermen came in with varying reports. Not many fish in buckets and they are right. The fish are in-between the buckets. Run and gun with a couple sows, scuds, or Czechs. Worms too.

Midges and tiny attractor type flies like Rainbow Warriors, Gard’s Miracle Midge, Frenchie’s, Firebeads and the like are working as well.

Boats are top to bottom with many days the clogged section being the upper. WC has received a ton of pressure. Go later in  the day if you want solace in that run. Craig down is a good choice. The canyon? Lower yet, you bet.

Dry fly guys are staying out late and getting a few to hand. Midge clusters like the Buzzball, the Griffith’s, big giant Adams, CDC Hanging Midges,  Quig’s Cluster…and many more.

Streamer anglers are getting it done. Slow and fast both. Mostly the slow though. Toss the heavy bug with a  sink tip. Get after it. Streamer fishermen are the oat positive of all of the disciplines. They may be the most fun. No fish to hand? Great day, lots of follows and some killer refusals. All good to that crowd. Good attitudes are infectious and these guys lead that parade.

Headhunters Fly Shop

Open daily @ 730am for all your river needs. Come in today and see us. We have some cool full coverage Buff’s that are awesome. A new line of sun wear from 12wt. Check it. Tons of new logo’d stuff that is sure to impress with the sun protection in mind…and a few collared shirts too. Demo rods galore, rental waders, rental boats including the new NRS Freestone Drifter as well as the always popular Adipose Flow, and fun people too.

Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. World’s Funnest Fly Shop…


New Breed Chicks Rule 1st Fish Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule 1st Fish Edition

Stephanie straight outta Montana’s Capitol City Helena with here 1st trout on a fly rod.

She often rows her husband Jerry down the river as he fishes here on the Missouri River.

I think Jerry may be rowing more than he thinks in the future with Stephanie’s recent found love of fly rodding for trout.

New Breed Chicks Rule 1st Fish Edition

Guide Mark Raisler had the pleasure of guiding these two this last week.

Stephanie bought the Spring Special for her husband Jerry for Christmas. Awesome present Stephanie!

Jerry said he wanted the same gift this year too!

See you folks on the river with Jerry behind the oars and Stephanie hooked up!

Missouri River July Caddis Flies

Missouri River July Caddis Flies Video

As we move through, or just into this wonderfully wet spring, we cannot help but think about July and swarming caddis flies.

July & August bring sun, dry flies dawn til dusk, along with caddis flies in your ears.

John shot this video a few years back now with Ben and Mark. Lots of fun as you can see Missouri River rising trout, late evening sun, and lots of laughing.

Spending time with family and friends coupled with trout fishing is something we should all do more of.

Is this the year that you begin fishing with your son or daughter? How about your Dad.

Don’t let it slip away.


Missouri River July Caddis Flies Video 


Depth Perception from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

Lee straight outta Seattle Washington with this Bamboo caught Brown Trout.

Nice Lee. Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech put him on this behemoth yesterday.

As Lee was battling this Missouri River Brown Trout he turned to the guest in the back of the boat and said, “Maybe you oughtta reel in, I think this is a big one…”

Do you like big ones?

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

The fishing is just fine. Good reports from the Skwala blind dry fly fisheres as the catch rate varies daily. The small dry fly fans are getting some play as the Midge and BWO’s are willing to emerge this week. Everyday a little bit better. Soon…soon we will be enjoying dry fly action for a couple hours every afternoon. True to the Mo.

Nymphing is good to great with Pink still in the lead. Coming in and coming on strong is the BWO. PT’s, Little Green Machine’s, Lightening Bugs, Frenchie’s, Sparkle PT’s, S & M’s, BWO Bubbleback’s. Ninch has the bins stuffed full of mayfly nymphs and dries.You should take a look.

The streamer fishing is shitty. Pretty shitty. even with deep tips the fish are not all that excited about chomping on the big fly. Are we still trying? Oh yeah. You cannot keep the streamer contingent quiet for long.

The water is 8K+ and stable. It is over a few islands. The structure has not changed but some of our nymph lines have. It is fun to see more water as it makes us break down the subsurface shelf system and analyze the nymph game.

Water temps are 43F. Good bug zone for a daily show. Get out and pray for a non-wind situation and bust out the GINK. Do it.

Shuttles, flies, GINK, Shimishake and spray, fly lines, rental waders, rental boats, free info, tasteless free coffee. All daily @ 8am and open til late for your afternoon dry fly floats.

Thanks, and we’ll be seeing you.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 4.14.14

As the weather warms just getting better everyday.

The sun always makes the fishing better. If you have had winter until yesterday morning that is. Today Monday?

I’m praying for sun. I did a little coffee & sun jig this morning before I wrote this Blog.

What will this week bring? Sun I hope.


Sun brings water temps that rise. Sun brings spring bugs to the surface. Sun brings smiles.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Deeper, slower, slenderer is the word on the river for those who like to strip their fish in. Or on.

Try those follies too skinny for most. Those that are not articulated. Those patterns that look anemic to Galloup fans. They certainly sink faster. Too much volume on the fly keeps it suspended in the water column. Honest.

Skinny Flies Rule.

Nymphs sink faster when they are slenderized too. That is why the iron worm gets there. Ju-Ju Baetis. Zebra’s. Thread based flies. Those Copper Johnny deals. We used to call those Copper Johns…back in the day Wire Abdomened PT’s. Just sayin’.

Split shot helps it sink faster. The nymphs. Try two for twice the success. Slutty flies are the answer. Did get a few on those Copper Johnnies today. Back in the day we used to call them…

Saw a few BWO’s slipping by the chines Sunday afternoon in the canyon. Just a few. Midge mania later int he day as well. Clusters peeling off the boat on anchor near the shore.

Maybe the dry fly deal is maturing. Finally.

Rolling through the month with guides out daily, tons of shuttles, Missoula visiting daily, flies beginning to shift to normality, and lots of fishing friends showing on the porch for the first time this year. We love and enjoy seeing old friends.

And meeting new ones too.

Shop open daily from 8am and staying late for after work shuttles, the best in local logo wear, all the fresh info you can chew on…digest it at your own risk.


New Breed Chicks Rule #421

New Breed Chicks Rule #421

Sally rocks. She rules too.

She can throw a dry with the best of them. And does often. She even lets her husband Chuck sit in the back, most of the time.

HH Guide Jared got her in position to hook this nice Brown Trout on a Skwala.

Nice Work Sally!

We will probably see her here on this very fishy blog again someday. They visit Craig often…

Missouri River Montnaa Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.8.14

Spring is here. What? Yep. The 2nd day over 60F today and we are nothing but excited.

And warmer.

Get out your tube of sunscreen and apply liberally. Warmer tomorrow for sure.




The weather will be great all week with air temps over 60F. We dig it. Maybe it truly is time to crawl from your winter cave and wet a line.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Nymphing is really good. But not for all. Those squirrelly trout can be tough to locate some days. Try and try and try again.

Adjust something if you cannot get them. There are only 3 things you can control while nymph fishing.

  • The drift. Mend, mend up, mend down, mend across…do something to keep the drift rolling along as long as possible. You can’t get ‘er done without participation in your drift. Your float. It is you who dictates the drift. Be involved. If you do not know how to do it, learn. It is an, the most, important part of the equation. If it is not presented properly the fish will shy away from your shit.
  • The depth. Split shot can get you there. Add more, add less, spread it out, concentrate it in one spot. Add a weighted fly, or flies. Be in control of your sink rate. Drop them, the rig, in the water and watch it sink. If it gets there fast, that is gooood! And for those who think nymphing is tying a 12″ dropper from your dry fly you my be fooling yourselves. While that works, it is surely not getting to the fish harbored on the bottom of the Missouri River. Those in the know have several sizes of split and use them often. Be adaptive and involved in your depth selection!
  • The fly. The fly pattern can be important. If the one, or ones you are tossing/sinking do not get bit, then change. Give them a chance though. Whatever that length of time may be is up to you. I would guess an hour without a take may be long enough. Many, some will change before that juncture. Pink is still the word. Grey, tan, reddish, pinkish, orange-ish seem to be flavors in the mix. Some purple too? Change it up when no action is the rule. You want action, get some!

Missouri River Stats

Flows are flat level at 6460cfs. The water is a touch turbid. That means there is a little color in it. Not dirty by any means, but greener than normal. Actually quite normal in the spring as the lake(s) above us are in a state of change. The ice is coming off. And certainly more will disappear this week with the warmer daytime temperatures.

The water temps are rising slowly. Maybe a bit more this week with the aforementioned sun penetration. 38.5F this morning. We are looking forward tipping over the 40F mark. Soon, oh so soon. Then we get that olive flavored insect we love so very much.

And sun this week. We got that too.

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Check out the fantastic short by Scumliner Media here on this very Fly Fishing Blog Super-site. FISHSKI is the name. Fishing and Skiing is our game! It is really a fun video.

Speaking of videos, we are filming with the New Fly Fisher this week. We will let you know when this TV show will air. January 2015 is the word.

We are just coming off a big weekend with our anniversary, OGR14 in Zootown and here in Craig, along with a bundle of HH Guides out on the water. We are in full swing with the Spring Special. Cheap lodging @ Craig Trout Camp and a few other properties on the Missouri River in conjunction with $300 Headhunters Guide Trips. Fun times in your favorite fishing ‘burb in central Montana.

If you have not fished the Missouri this year, or ever…then maybe this is your year. We’d love to host you on this Blue Ribbon fishery.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open daily @ 8am. We are open late if you feel the need or overwhelming desire to fish after work or book your tip while in you living room, in your slippers, dreaming of the Mighty Mo and the un-real Trico Spinner Falls in late July!

Shuttles daily, guides available, rental Adipose Drift Boats, any lodging needs, demo rods, flies, info, sunscreen, BUFF’s, or a shoulder to cry on. We got your back.


Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 3.31.14

I think we are turning the corner on spring.

The indicator birds have arrived. The Robins and Starling last week. The Bluebirds a couple days ago. Yesterday the Osprey came home for the summer. The Goldeneye are on their way out…

And snow/sleet/rain last night.

The weather this week looks bester as the days pass. We like Wednesday through the weekend. Much warmer temps make us smile.



Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

  • The streamer bite is turning the corner too. Strip them slow in soft and deep runs with sink tips. Find water that is not too fast, not too slow…the water that is just right. Soft sides and hard sides are coming on. IF they do not respond, try different water. Then change the fly.
  • Flies that work for the bugger whackers include the Dalai Lama olive or flesh, Skiddish Smolt original or brown, Hot Headed Leeches in purple or black, mini or micro leeches in a few flavors, Ramp to Ramp in traditional colors, Kreelex in bright or yellow, Zonkers in all colors. The theme is jigged heads with a side of flash.
  • Nymphs? Standard Issue. Pink, Midge, and Baetis. You could try a worm is you wish too. Add more split and find the zone. It could be in closer, out farther, in faster, or maybe slower water. The fish can move, they can swim. The bite is consistent while the fish location may vary. Keep the flies in the water as long as possible.
  • Dries? Not too hot. A very slow March for the dry fly. While some fish have been caught, we are not out finding them wily and dry flies leaving the store are pale in comparison to nymphs and even streamers. More streamers leaving the store than fires? Yes. It will turn around. The dry fly bite and the hatch scenario.
  • Anglers this previous weekend fishing top to bottom. The entire river has fish and is fishing. The streamer guys going lower, the nymph guys staying higher.

Shuttles daily and good avail for the coming weekend in our local lodging spots @ Craig Trout Camp. A few other cool river houses avail as well. $300 Guide Trips continue to roll out daily. The best pricing coupled with the best guides? Slam dunk.

Laying carpet today. Fooling with rod display too. Installed new counter, counter tops, reel display and new line display this weekend. No April foolin’.

Give us a call and set up your summer trip today. Late July and August are looking good. Lodging and guides available…


the Waking of a Trout Town

The Waking of a Trout Town. Craig Montana

The Waking of a Trout Town. Our favorite Trout Town.

Craig Montana USA.

Lots of movement this morning and last evening. We were in the shop tip 9pm…our latest this year.

The town is buzzing with trout anticipation.

Do you got it? The buzz? Or the anticipation? We got both.

Guide trips out daily from here on out. From here to eternity. From now until mid-November.

Calling in advance for lodging has now become a reality. Getting “your guide” requires some foresight and planning. Or just a phone call.

We have been crawling along through the snow and cold winter temps and winds and rains and such for the last month. The miserable month of March. We can nearly close the books on that lame chapter.

April will bring us and the river a new beginning. April will bring Izaak’s back into the nightly mix. It may bring a renegade BBQ here on Headhunters Porch too…

While many river and trout towns do not get revved up until July, here in Craig we are ready.

Lots of folks, most, believe that nothing happens during the off season in trout land. Not true. We need that 4 month period to get our ducks in a row, to renew the product lines, to improve our fly selection, to hire new additional staff, to rest, to plan, to prepare for the fun ahead.

Dry fly fishing has not arrived as of yet, but it to is close. Stay tuned to this very Blog Channel for constant and accurate and transparent updates.

Are you awake yet. Are you ready for your trout season to begin?


When you are we will be here smiling, drinking coffee beer welcoming you, the Missouri River Angler back home…


Headhunters Fly Shop open every day early and late. We got all your lodging here in Craig and the Missouri River Corridor. Open daily @ 8am and staying late tip at least 7pm. Shuttles daily, flies, info, coffee, and random trout facts you don’t necessarily need to know.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.28.14

Looking up daily here on Montana’s Missouri River and here in Craig.

We’ve been fishing daily and the clients have been able to keep themselves warm with the trout action.

Not too much on the dry, none really, but there is hope! Nymphing and some streamer fishing will keep you busy enough.

The flows are still in the mid 6K range and will stay that way fro some time. Really quite refreshing for some while it does remove some of the wade fishing spots it encourages new learning of location due to necessity. Some of those skinny gravel bars have another foot of water on them  and have been known to harbor midges and dry fly opportunities in the spring.

Water temps will reach 38F today and we like the movement upwards. More action, warmer water, more action. Period. Over 40F is a whole new ball game.

The sun today will heat things up. At least it will feel much warmer.

Stop in for the best Missouri River fly selection including an acre of nymphs, a field of dries, and a dungeon of streamers. We got you. You’ll have to come in and see it with your own eyes to see if you agree.

Hot beads, scuds, PT derivations, worms, and midge patterns rule the day. Try some other freaky shit too. It may work. The fish are in good shape and the takes in the last week have been more aggressive.

We have a few events coming to Craig MT n the near future.

Izaak’s will open for business on April 3rd. Hooray!! The hours will be 7 nights a week 4-9 or 10 through the month of April and then lunch coming on the weekends beginning sometime later. We are happy to have Izaak’s here and we know you feel the same.

The Missouri River Inn is closed as we speak. So nobody knows what the program is, but we do know it will not be open any time soon, and maybe not this summer. That is more than likely.

Sunday April 6th will bring the Orvis Guide Rendezvous to Craig and Headhunters Fly Shop. An afternoon Public Event with casting competition giving away a Helios 2 Rod, an Orvis Reel, and an Orvis Fly Line for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place! A BBQ will begin @ 3pm sponsored by Orvis and Izaak’s of Craig. Stop in after fishing Sunday and have a bite to eat and win a fly rod!

Headhunters Fly Shop Spring Special! $300 Guide Trips continue through the end of April. The last weekend in April is full but the remainder of the month has good availability. Get on board with this discounted guide trip and enjoy the first day out this year with a Headhunters Guide!

Craig Trout Camp. Rainbow and Brown Trout Cabins are $100/night. The Craig House starts at $150/night and Sutton House is $200/night for 4 anglers! We have a couple other discounted properties avail too. Call the shop for more info and reservations.

Headhunters Fly Shop Remodel. Yes again in 2014 we are not resting. We are installing a new Reel Counter, new counters and counter-tops in the front end, a new line display, new rod display, additional fly bins, and much more for your fishing convenience this year. Stop in and see us. We apologize for the minor mess…we are moving forward!

Shop open daily @ 8am for all your river needs. Remember we have Demo Rods and Demo Lines for you to try before you make the next step. Shuttles daily too. Flies, info, coffee, adn anything you may need to improve your Mo River Experience…




Hutterite or Wrong

The Hutterite or Wrong?

A couple of our guide just love the Driftwood in Cascade Montana. A bar with a grill. In central Montana.

And they ought-ta like it. There are not a large number of restaurants in our neighborhood. The Missouri River Inn went south, again. The Oasis and The Frenchman in WC are going strong. Izaak’s is scheduled to open April 3rd. More on that later.

Hutterite or Wrong
Hutterite or Wrong?

Back to the Driftwood, again for the 3rd time this Spring. I promise this is the last blog regarding the Driftwood in Cascade. Seems like the boys like to write about this spot.

One Trick Pony? Maybe.

Thankfully these two have redeeming guide qualities. They certainly know where the fish live…

The object of this blog, included in the title, is a burger aptly named the Hutterite at said bar in Cascade.

It is a hot dog, an egg, a couple O-Rings, a patty, cheese, and May-o-naise.

No lettuce or tomato. Might ruin it?

So what is a Hutterite you say? The Hutterites are a colony of folks…well here is the Wiki definition below.

Hutterites (German: Hutterer) are a communal branch of Anabaptists who, like the Amish and Mennonites, trace their roots to the Radical Reformation of the 16th century. Since the death of their namesake Jakob Hutter in 1536, the beliefs of the Hutterites, especially living in a community of goods and absolute pacifism, have resulted in hundreds of years of diaspora in many countries. Nearly extinct by the 18th and 19th centuries, the Hutterites found a new home in North America. Over 125 years their population grew from 400 to around 42,000. Today, most Hutterites live in Western Canada and the upper Great Plains of the U.S.

So here goes. A poem again from Jared, his second. With help from his sidekick Peter. Buckle up readers.

The Hutterite or Wrong.


Ooohhhh….beef patty.

The hot dog coming

out of the fog

A little cheese with that bacon

We ain’t fakin’

If things look vague

put on a fukinegg

Cram an onion ring in there

and Let the bun

have some fun.


Hutterite or Wrong
Now framed at Peter’s new house. Much to his fiance’s chagrin…

Written by Peter and Jared.

Yes, these two are fly fishing guides. Not poets, thespians, or genius’. Fishing guides.

We know they are beyond help. But if you want to give either one of these fellas your poetry grade, your reviews, or just stuff a sock in their pieholes…you can book them for a Spring Special Guide Trip for a mere $300 til April 30th. Tie it all in with cheap lodging at Craig Trout Camp. A good weekend, or midweek trip to the  Missouri River.

Thanks for reading. We promise the content will improve tomorrow…


PS: If their guiding skills were as poor as their poetry skills…they’d be working somewhere else!


Chronic Kreinik Connection

Chronic Kreinik Connection @ Headhunters Fly Shop

The Chronic Kreinik Connection in the central Montana region is located in downtown Craig. Yes, at Headhunters Fly Shop.

We got yer back bro’. You need, you desire, you demand the Cheronic?

We got it. The Chronic Kreinik Connection is hard to find.

I don’t trust those who say they got it, and then they don’t.

Not a product to lie about.

images 6The key to the Kreelex Streamer Pattern that sells and fishes like a bat on fire. Better though.

While we have well over 100 streamer patterns in the cozy fly bins @ Headhunters, the Kreelex lives in the spot light.

We got ’em in a few flavors for Missouri River Trout Lovin’. For the love of trout. For the love of selection. For you.

We have several colors of Kreinik in stock and we have the wildly popular Just Add Vise Kreelex kit too. We got you any way you want it.



Check it out for Kreelex love!

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This shaggy cat lived on the banks of the Missouri River for a couple years.

And caught a ton of trout.

A throwback hunter and gatherer Patrick is back int eh work force, begrudgingly.

Trout bums seems to be few and far between. The real starving kind.

While Pat was not starving he did play the role perfectly.

Happy 2nd day of Spring on this Friday. It is supposed to be snowing today.

Doesn’t really feel much like spring to us. But, we know Mother Nature cannot hold out forever.

Only a couple more months.



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Missouri River Montana

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.20.14

Rising Tide. The flows are now at 6500cfs+ and it is fishing well.

Remember that it is not 3K anymore and the water is moving faster. And, and it is deeper.

Where do Missouri River Trout live?

Having said that if you think about why fish reside in specific areas you will soon realize that the subsurface structure does not change by adding a foot or two of water on top of said housing. Therefore trout residences do not move far or at all when we experience higher flows. Just saying’.

Some fish do move towards the bank somewhat as the flows increase, but not always. No hard and fast rules when hunting troutskis.

Water temps are moving slowly upwards dn will again after the next snow storm moves through. Next week sometime. 36F is enough to make the comfort zone not too far away.

Spawning Rainbow Trout

Saw some Redds today out guiding. SO be aware that the Rainbow Spawn will be in effect for a couple months and be aware that if you stomp on them or harass spawning fish they are less likely to procreate efficiently. It’d be like your folks walking into you bedroom while you are making whoopee, throwing Peanut M & M’s at your head and heckling you…

Think about it.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | March 20th

Flies that are making the grade include Pink LB’s, Amex, Rainbow Czech, Pink Ray Charles, Pink Scuds, WORMS, Rainbow Warrior, Sows, Zebra’s in a few different colors, Dominick’s Dam Midge, Red Flasher, Peep Show, Ju-Ju Baetis.

Steamer flies still in the brown arena, natural tones, yellow and white. Why not give black a try?

Dries? Near, very near. Saw a decent batch of Midges today mid afternoon. Not enough to get too many fish worked up. Saw some splashy play trout but nothing of substance.

New flies still coming in this month. Loading up the bins for Headhunting success. Stop in and see us change throughout the month of March.

Looks like snow for most of the week. At least that is what the forecaster is stating. Will it really snow again? Please don’t answer that question. Spring is coming…I won’t hear of anything else.

Missouri River Weather


Come on out this week and stay with us for cheap. Cabins starting @ $100. Guide Trips $300. We’ll even brush the snow off your windshield for you…and we’ll have hot soup in the boat too!

What do you think of the new updated site? Scumliner working on it and you will see it morph as the week progresses. Look for more long winded articles that will live on the site. How to’s, of course the videos, photo work, product reviews, low brow humor and lame attempts to keep you updated. Yes, the most current Missouri River Fishing Reports with total transparency nearly daily. They will keep coming at you in force as summer approaches…and we are not kidding like many so called fishing websites that promise the moon…and deliver bub-kiss.

Last year we posted on this very blog/fishing report site 758 times. Yep. Honest.

Trust me, I’m a fishing guide.

Keep it tuned here for the most updated, conscious, Missouri River fly fishing and lifestyle information source.

Missouri River Streamer Short List

Missouri River Streamer Short List

The streamer short list today from the fly gurus at Headhunters Fly Shop. Missouri River Streamer Short List Swingers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow. Strippers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow. As you know, this is only the report. A … Read more

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Is winter over here in central Montana? No. But Old Man Winter is giving us a break this holiday weekend! A lighter weather report will allow fishing this weekend without too much pain. The boat ramps are pretty much cleared. Earlier this week we saw drifts and tough ramp conditions but the snow and ice … Read more

Headhunters Winter Spring Calendar

Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar

Lots happening in the near future here on the Missouri River. While Mother Nature never rests, although it is difficult to tell this week with air temps hovering below Zero, neither do we. The Headhunters gang is busy in the shop while getting you up to date on whats happening. Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar … Read more