#TBT Depth Perception Video

#TBT Depth Perception Video


#TBT Depth Perception Video

Throw Back Thursday brings you Depth Perception by Scumliner Media. This throwback vid filmed in late July 2011.

You coming this late July? How about August? 2018, an to some extent 2017, was a unreal August experience. Really uncommon to have top notch dry fly fishing of the ilk we witnessed this previous August.

Will it happen again?

The combo you want is…No anglers. Lots of fish rising.

While it may not happen again, would you want to be here if it did? Book your Late July or August trip today. IT will make your May Thursday go by a little quicker. Operators standing by to take your call, answer your questions, and get you lodging too.

Calm, light moisture in the air, and quiet this 2nd day of May. We too are thinking about the summer months, dry flies, and cool drinks.

P.S. BWO’s on the river.

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