Silly Sunday Scenery Shop friend Billy P sent this along form last week. Billy is here again this week. Swinging? Yep. Have a Merry Swing out there Billy!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid Week Swing Pic Enjoying the solace here on the Missouri River near Craig Montana. Witer weather has settled in for the month. It will continue through the new year, beyond into the spring months. Get used to it. I know we do. All the while fantasizing about longer days, insects popping from watery … Read more
Dick’s Mostly Swing Fishing Report From the Chronicles of Dick Magill comes todays fishing report. Thanks Dick! We are in the thick of swing season here on the Mo, and for the most part the bite has been stellar. The water is cold, hovering around 37 degrees which has pushed the fish into their winter … Read more
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Foto Swing Pic We’re out there swinging daily. And fish like to eat the trout spey fly. Yep. TGIF.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Cassie Swings ’em up! Chris shot this image of Cassie after swinging this Rainbow up last week. Chris and Cassie make the trip up I-15 north to the Mighty Mo Trout Spey Mecca often. And we like that. Both of them fish quite a bit. Actually a lot. Cassie is certainly a New Breed Chick. … Read more
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Chronicles of Dick Magill Dick’s Top Ten Swing Flies November is one of my favorite months to swing flies on the Mo. Massive Rainbow and Brown Trout alike will absolutely destroy a swung fly. At times, the take can feel almost like your rod is getting ripped out of your hand. Savage. Here … Read more
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ed Note: A re-post of this comprehensive Trout Spey Gear Roundup scribed by John this past month. We thought it important to post again as we now headlong into the TROUT2H Season. Swing Season has arrived! SWING SEASON 20-21 October is here, and that means we’re hearing the word “swing” around the shop more … Read more
Late October November Missouri River Fishing Planner Good times here on the Mo. Calm today. Overcast. Moist. Cool. And yes, calm. That is the type of weather we yearn for here on the Mo in the fall session. So many good things come from the proper water temperature, right now a perfect 53F with flows … Read more
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Late Winter Fishing Report by Richard The weather has been unseasonably warm, which typically means the wind is turned up to 11. Controlling a drift boat in gusty conditions can be difficult to say the least, but the rewards can be totally worth it if you’re willing to get blown around a bit. Here’s … Read more
Mid February Fly Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River Fished yesterday with HH Guide Shane Wilson and friend Adam Craig to Stickney. Had a great time. Fished a couple hours. Not hard. Social yes, fishing yes, lots of fishing energy, no. A short fishing session with air temp 22F, calm, partly overcast. Breeze came up from … Read more
Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips A couple Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips for all of the Holiday Anglers out there today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. Headhunters Fly Shop Holiday Hours: Open today Monday 8-5. Christmas Ever Tuesday 8-Noon. The rest of the week open 8-5. New Years Day? Ohh, maybe a bit late … Read more
The Mozuri Minnow from the vise of John Arnold. John patterned this streamer pattern from the Yozuri Minnow fished on light tackle when living in the Florida Keys. Originally tied with Walleye in mind it soon proved to catch plenty of those silly Mozuri River rainbows too!
Now a daily player and certainly an all-star in the winter months here and everywhere.
Tie this up and fish it on your streamer rod, your swing rod, and have a couple back-ups in your box!
Enjoy the video, order up Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit, and add a couple more too! Winter starts after the holidays…
Mike says…I’d get out there this week Speaking with Mike of Headhunters, on the phone, this morning at Trout Spey HQ standing in my bathrobe drinking Baileys along with a splash of coffee and he said…I’d get out there this week. Weather is conducive for fishing the Mo. Hi’s in the mid 50’s thru next … Read more
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Thursday, Halloween, The Nat’s WIN, and November Ahead Not much to report today other than the river is quiet. Not too many around. Not one guide trip out the last couple days. And that is good. Why? Because it was just awful out there. Windy to the point of blowing small Wolf Creek children … Read more
Missouri River Trout Spey Spring Swing Report In one word. Good. Some days great. The fish do make the ultimate decision. Fished with Ninch and our Sage rep Thursday and Ninth put on a show. Outfishing Kurt and I by a wide margin. Why? Lots of reasons. Ninch is a predator on the water. Not … Read more
Late January Missouri River Fishing Report Mid Winter check on Montana’s Missouri River as we today give you the Late January Missouri River Fishing Report from your information source Headhunters Fly Shop of Craig Montana. Facts fill the fishing report in this Winter Edition. Again I remind you that what is reported, in fishing reports, … Read more
New Breed Chicks Rule Swing Style Cassie Cline today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog New Breed Chicks Rule Swing Style. Hi Mark! We had some success with the swing bite this weekend! After a tough week on the deschutes last week, it was great to be back on the Mo and see some friendly … Read more
The number of good runs for winter fishing here on the Missouri River is what makes us feel fortunate to be here during the several cold and snowy months.
Great runs for winter swinging. The Missouri is full of them. A a fun time to be here because you really get your choice of them. Left and right banks provide you so much water that you will not get tired of this river. We never tire of the MO.
But we are trapped here. All winter long. Hence the two handed rod. An effective tool.
While dreaming of warmer climates we simply return to the Mother Missouri.
The fish are moving into the winter trout lies. Slower and lower. Softer and shallower too. The boring water. They are moving that way.
The fish in this last week had changed location from the previous week. 2 weeks ago the fish would get on the bite early in the swing. In the faster riffle water. And they would take it hard.
I saw less of that behavior this last week. The fish have been eating it for me in the latter half of the swing. Towards the bottom. On the dangle. Twitching it or short strips enticed a few fish to eat.
The twitch or jig was working well. Most of the fish ate it not on the swing, but when I was imparting action to the streamer. Or just after the strip on the pause. But nevertheless becoming involved with your drift is important.
A local fish philosopher once said…
You can either let it happen, or make it happen.
Choose the latter.
The great thing about fishing is that you get to choose how you do it. Every angler is different and has different ideas of how to get that damn trout to bite the hook. You can dictate your destiny. You getta choose the outcome. You get a seat at the spey retrieval table. Check out the video by Scumliner Media McCune Retrieval Techniques blog that precedes this post for more on this topic.
Skagit or Scandi? Flies too.
Flies for the swinger the past couple weeks include some of the streamer all-stars for all river systems. Including the Missouri River in that equation the flies we love include smaller lighter buggers. Those tossing a Skagit line have been using an Intermediate tip or a MOW tip with an un-weighted bugger. Black and olive have been the favorites.
Montana’s best Trout Spey selection here in Craig Montana @ Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service
Have not heard of Skagit fellers adding the bigger deeper tips. But they may be. It is so skinny most everywhere that many Skagit anglers are using dry tips as well. Or the lighter set for the water level of 3300 cfs. No weeds to contend with. The not as weedy season has rewarded us with a not so weedy fall and early winter.
Those throwing the sleek Scandi lines have been using the beaded Bugger. Lighter floating tips encourage a bit of weight in the pattern.
Clousers, buggers, R2R, a couple flavors of the ever popular Kreelex, leeches of all kinds, sculpin patters, the slender Marabou Clousers, Skiddish Smolts in trad., brown, and olive..and more.
Trout Spey Rod & Line DEMO’s. Best Trout Spey selection in Montana.
Remember that Headhunters has demo spey lines for you to try before you buy. Also remember that we stock all things Skagit starting @ RIO Skagit Trout Max 200gr and OPST Skagit 175 gr. on up to the 6, 7 and 8weight spey rods. We have the Scandi selections that nobody else has in Montana. We have the lighter spey and switch lines from Airflo, RIO, OPST, and SA.
Backing, running lines of all types, leaders and tippets too. We are the Trout Spey HQ in Montana.
Rods from Orvis, SAGE, Echo, and more here available for DEMO daily.
November and December ahead…
We are just beginning our Swing Season. Pretty good so far. Much better than the not-so-great fall dry fly bite. The stripping streamer bite was hit and miss too. So as we move out of the unbelievable late fall/early winter nymph mania we are encouraged the the November swinging success stories.
December is traditionally a great Trout Spey month. Our clinics get under way, the river is devoid of any sane anglers, and the fish seem to be amenable to the twitchy trout swinging syndrome.
Come by and see us if you are interested, have any questions, want to sniff around a shop that digs the winter action, are lonely, need a pick me up, or got lost coming home from Bozeman and need to spend a long weekend in Craig MT.