'boo This Classic from Scumliner Media

‘boo This Classic from Scumliner Media


‘boo This Classic from Scumliner Media

A spring day here in central Montana.

Snow on the ground and 20F. Headed toward 40F today. Warmer this week with some scattered snow showers, rain, sun, and most likely some wind.

A transition week really. Will se see more winter lie conditions or will this week usher us into a springlike mode? Who knows. Again, tat Mother Nature creature is a tricky one.

This video by Scumliner Media titled ‘boo was shot a couple years ago. A good one to watch as you too figure out your spring. Should I fish, should I get out on the ski hill a couple more times? What should I do? Tie summer PMD patterns? Go for a drive along side your local stream?

Whatever you decide enjoy it today. Tomorrow is Monday.

We do have a couple Sweetgrass Rods in the shop that you may like. Come by and see if bamboo is in your future. Thanks to the Sweetgrass boys for keeping tradition alive and well in Twin Bridges Montana.

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