Flag Day Friday Fishing Report June 14th

Flag Day Missouri River Fishing Report 6.14.19

Flag Day Missouri River Fishing Report 6.14.19 All is well here Flag Day Missouri River Fishing Report 6.14.19. Summer has descended upon us, finally. Warm daytime temps with warm nighttime temps leave us feeling warm! We love it. Today is Flag Day and what better way to celebrate America than fro fishing. So, we bring you … Read more

Summertime Covers


Summertime Covers

Summertime is a few months away. Shucks. Snowing hard in Craig today. And the week ahead. Not many hints of summer out there. The river is frozen. It is wintertime. Not Summertime!

Been singing this tune to myself for a month now.

Now, time to impregnate your brain with it.

A great one from the Gershwin’s/Porgy and Bess mid 30’s.

The inter-web states there could be 25,000 covers of this tune.

Sublime is a good one with the lyrics changed. All of the Jazz greats covered it too. The 3 Queens: Sarah, Ella, Billie. The Chairman of the Board. And beyond. Musicians in every genre will continue to cover this unreal tune composed 80 years ago.

A few of them below. I do like the Willie versions.  It did not appear on his historic album Stardust, although I though it did until I looked it up. Stardust/Nelson is amazing.

The Sarah Vaughn version is haunting. Miles Davis is great and the Summertime cover is no different. The Herbie Mann Album @ the Village Gate is unreal. And the cover is fantastic too!

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5xafQXg1yI” video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2bigf337aU” video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAmBSZYeJY4″ video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayE6Shlv598″ video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR1bOE3Fszo” video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=FddnmJsrYds” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River August

Missouri River August

August has arrived and with it the high and bright sun. Would not expect anything different than that? Would you?

The fact is that the average daily high temperature in August is 82F. 1 degree cooler than July. The water temps follow suit as they drop throughout this month.

So as the water and air temps cool the fishing can become difficult. If you know that coming into the game you should be just fine. August is tougher than the previous two months because of the conditions. We have some weed in the water column, the air is hot, the sun is high int eh sky, and the fish have seen it all.

You too can overcome the challenges and succeed! A few tips below to insure August angling success.

Missouri River August Tips for Success

Go out early and beat the heat. Not one concept better than this one. Go early and beat the heat. Fish do not like high sun. They do not have eyelids. They can’t squint man.

If you can’t go early, go late. But the evening session is by no means as good as the morning shot. Dawn Patrol for sure.

Be a better angler. The fish can get a touch gun shy in August. They have been fished over for a couple strong months. Make the first cast count and make sure you set up quietly. Gently. Secretly.

Stay hydrated. It’s hot. Drink lots of water. Wear a wide brimmed hat. Buff’s. Sungloves. A Bimini stretched over the top of your drifter? A great idea. How about SunBum Sunscreen. Lather it on.

Be prepared with a  few dry fly rods strung up. A techy small dry rod. A hopper rod. And maybe a bobber rod. Switch when needed.

If you want to stay away from the rest of the anglers fish the lower river. While it has more weeds, it has fewer boats.

Clean your fly line. It probably has not been done in a while. Do yourself a favor and clean that baby. It is the tool that delivers the fly to the fish. Cherish and enjoy clean fly lines. OR just get a new one. You deserve it.

Small tiny droppers can bring you success. Fish faster water. Don’t drag the fly. Clean off the weeds. Fish midweek. Get off before you are too punchy. What are your secrets for August?

Just use some good ‘ol common sense this month and you can get over on a few. They are finicky and they do go away when you make drifting mistakes. Trout are wild animals and sense predators.