New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

Sunny Hodge on today’s New Breed Chicks Rule.

Headhunters Guide Jared Edens put the boat in position for Sunny to get the job done. Nice work Sunny.

New Breed Chicks do rule as these two beauties were caught on the dry fly.

Cool. Very cool.

Want to make your own New Breed memories. Bring your wife or girlfriend or daughter for a fly fishing trip to central Montana.

Even better, leave the boys at home and come out on your won.

Cool. Very cool.

New Breed Chicks do Rule here on the fabulous fishy Missouri River.

New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 8.1.14

The update is as follows. The fishing is fantastic in the morning, not so good in the afternoon!

The heat and some weed growth have kept the post lunch fishing a bit slower than we like. Those who like to get it done head out early and take advantage of the pre heat bite.

Good Trico spinner falls almost every day. Some are not as good as others as the hatch in conjunction withs gentle breeze can diminish the fall.

Remarkably good PMD action still to be had as the spinner falls have been quite impressive. Even some decent emergences in areas nearly every day. Don’t forget about this mid summer mayfly yet.

Caddis better in the evenings with good catch reports coming from the late night gang. Shuttles available at the shop if you plan on heading out after work. Stop in for a shuttle and a batch of kick ass flies.

Terrestrial fishing is as good as you are. Toss it out there as you can and let ‘er ride. Twitch if you can. Only if you can. A fine line between dragging the fly and twitching the fly. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Not as much pressure as we move into the month of August. Come on out early and make a half day of it for your pleasure. Come during the week if you need some real solace. Get out there!

Lodging has some availability as well. Give us a shout and stay in Craig this August at the Craig Trout Camp here in downtown Craig.

Still no fires bothering us here in our neighborhood. Good news.

The fish are getting a touch finicky if you foul up the initial drift. Get your game face on and make the first drift count. Give folks lots of room out there too. Treat others as you you would like to be treated!

Headhunters open at 6am for all your trout fishing needs. Fall clothing in stock as we near the fall. Not nearly yet, but it will be here before we know it. Open late for your late shuttles and lodging needs.

Lots of caddis patterns are working well. While we do not have our normal abundance of Caddis Flies this summer.
