Friday Foto Fishing Report 4.19.19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Foto Fishing Report 4.19.19 I liked the Yes and No format earlier this week. It fits my rapid posting early morning style, and needs. So here we head into another Montana Weekend in downtown Craig. Love to see you! Yes: Brown and gold streamers like the Kreelex. Or Sparkle Minow. Or olive flavored. … Read more

Attention Swingers and Strippers Mozuri Minnow Video


Attention Swingers and Strippers Mozuri Minnow Video and Tying Kit

Swingers and Strippers are coming in daily. One of the flies that you must have is the Mozuri Minnow.

Created by John Arnold of Scumliner Media and Headhunters Fly Shop this pattern is a something you should tie up before coming. Black Leeches too!

Enjoy this rain ridden Thursday in central Montana. Fall is settling in, almost. The Autumnal Equinox is Saturday September 22nd in the evening. Be ready for this change in colors, fishing, and technique.

Yes, the Headhunting and Streamer Fishing will be heating up once again for this annual falll fishing event! Enjoy the Mozuri Minnow on your local river too!

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