Artifishal by Patagonia


Artifishal by Patagonia

Very cool and well done video about coastal waters and management thereof.

Worth the watch on this snowy Sunday here in Craig Montana.

And between football games, tying flies, and naps today![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tailout Video Scumliner Media

Tailout Steelhead Video Scumliner Media

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Killer Steelhead video from Scumliner Media today on the Headhunters Blog.

This is a few years old. I watch the Scumliner Headhunters videos often. They really are cool.

We love the 2 handed game all winter long here fishing Montana’s Missouri River. Another fully booked Trout Spey Casting Clinic this Saturday at Headhunters Saturday. The March session is also totally booked. Fortunately we have room as we host Mike McCune and Whitney Gould Spey Clinic April 29, 30 & May 1st for their ever popular Sustained Anchor Clinics. These specialized lessons are available for $200/day and reservation only.

Enjoy your Wednesday. It sure is nice to be in the most boring month of the year. February.

Think about it. Let “Tailout” cheer you right up.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

One man's spey rod journey

One man’s spey rod journey

Why should I take up spey “two-handed” fishing you ask? Could it be that new learning is good? Could it be that it looks like fun? Could it be that after watching people make that beautiful cast I just thought that I had to give that a try? Yes to all of the above. This is my short journey into two- handed fishing and why I love it.

I started a few short years ago truly because I wanted to catch a steelhead swinging with a spey rod. After watching all the videos I could stand, I knew it was time to go for it. I was like many beginners overwhelmed with equipment, terminology, and casting.

I have worked for Headhunters for a couple years now. But before I did I had signed up for Headhunters monthly series of free spey clinics. Much of the terminology and equipment was explained during the morning inside presentation. I’m not saying I retained all the info but words like Skagit, Scandi, anchor point, and snap-t became tangible. At the very least after the indoor morning session I would not be totally lost if  I was engaged in a conversation about casting a spey rod.

One man's spey rod journey
Swing Season Montana’s Missouri River @ Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig

Off to the water we went and after a short demonstration from John, I was handed a long trout spey rod.  I stepped into the river and made my very first spey cast. Wow!? After an afternoon of coaching from John, Sara, and Ninch I managed make a few casts that sent the line flying!

Thus begun my journey into the world of two-handed fishing. I did purchase equipment and began to practice on the Missouri as much as possible. My goal was get competent enough to swing for steelhead in the spring. I found I didn’t want to fish any other way during the winter months. Not only was the trout spey rod fun to cast but also an effective way to fish. That was the real surprise that it may be the most efficient winter method on the Mo!

As I look back at getting into the two-handed world it’s comparable to all the different aspects of my fishing life. At the beginning I remember my very own rod with a closed face Zebco reel.  Dad didn’t like untangling our lines. Then came spinning reels, no more Zebco. Life was good until I saw my first fish caught on a fly rod. Now a whole new world of fishing became apparent. Finally receiving a fly fishing outfit for my birthday the spinning reel begun to collect dust. Soon I found out casting was not as easy as it appeared but practicing was an obsession. Since that day I have always enjoyed learning many of different disciplines of fly fishing. Then the world of two-handed fishing touched my world and I liken it to putting down my spin outfit and picking up a fly rod. A whole new world of casting and fishing opened up. I viewed it as a challenge and fun to get right. Once the cast is made many techniques from streamer and still water fishing are effective. Two-handed fishing is a whole new part of fly fishing that makes me feel like a kid  starting out again. By the way I do use my single handed rod during the warm months.

For all of you out there looking for a challenge or new way of fishing give it a go. I caution you attending a two-handed clinic can be detrimental your single handed rod. We at headhunters would be happy to answer questions or help out with equipment selection. We promise not to sell you any equipment you do not want or need.

Oh yea last month I did catch my first steelhead on the swing. It was all that I hoped for.




Chrome F3T Trailer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A cool one this Friday. Friday Foto moving style.

West Coast Steelhead rule.

A conservation slant on this one. We totally agree.

This week Save Our Smith, and this film by Conservation Hawks Chrome.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

OP Steelhead Rules

OP Steelhead Rules Comment This Week!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Headhunters guide JP Basile contacted  me the other day asking us to let readers know that this is the final week from commenting on proposed regulations changes in Washington, some of which apply to Wild Winter Steelhead on the Olympic Peninsula (there are actually many rules changes to go through if you wish, affecting not only the Peninsula but other regions as well).

Highlights that will strike a cord with many of you include:

Adopt “No Fishing From a floating Device” rules on select streams.

Adopt Selective Gear regulations in North Coast Steelhead Streams.

Prohibit Wild Steelhead Harvest.

PROHIBIT WILD STEELHEAD HARVEST is so long overdue, and a testament to the shitty fisheries management my home state of Washington has long practiced.

Please click on the link below to see the rules changes and comment on them! You only have until Nov. 12 (Thur) to make your voice heard.

It only takes a few minutes to act.[/vc_column_text][us_btn align=”center” link=”||target:%20_blank” style=”4″ label=”PROPOSED RULES CHANGES CLICK HERE” custom_width=”200px” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22font-size%22%3A%2218px%22%7D%7D”][us_separator height=”20px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text]Bottom line? If you’re a conservation minded angler – and love Steelhead – these regulations are a no-brainer. They promote the health and future of Steelhead on the OP. They address the poor-practices of non-forward thinking anglers, the overall user experience, user conflict and Steelhead catch mortality. Most important, they promote the health of WILD STEELHEAD, the only kind that matter.

Below is a passionate note from JP, along with some pictures of his wife Teal and their family exploring the waters of the Olympic Peninsula:[/vc_column_text][us_testimonial author=”JP Basile” company=”Steelhead fanatic”]When I first asked Headhunters to share the comment page (WA. DFW Proposed Regulation Changes) about this topic I was very hesitant, especially when he asked if I would comment on how special these fish are. I am out of my element behind the keyboard, and sharing anything about Steelhead is not a great way to start your winter off. Bad Juju. They last thing you want is more people to share a run with. With the impact social media has had on fishing as a whole and specifically steelhead fishing, this was going to come with some heat. Possibly negative results.

I looked over on the couch where my oldest boy was asleep. He is now three, but his first trip to the OP he was just 3 months old. That was and still is my favorite trip up there. A week dragging him down the river in the rain, my wife feeding him on gravel bars, changing diapers in the raft, and we even had some decent fishing. It’s now in his blood. He has floated more steelhead rivers in his first three years than I did by thirty. So, when the thought of my son not able to teach his son or daughter about these special fish hit me, the parental instinct kicked in.

I instantly wanted to scream what these fish mean to us. I now wanted to share that, Steelhead will do that to you. They have a power that is unexplainable, not physical but spiritual. So to say this place and these fish are special is true and I want you to know that, if protecting them means more people, I will have to live with that to. I am asking anyone who is interested in helping save these fish for our future generation of Steelheaders to take two minutes and voice your opinion.
Thanks,[/us_testimonial][us_separator height=”20px” size=”custom”][us_grid columns=”6″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”15214,15215,15216,15217,15218,15219″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_350_350_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”6″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][us_separator height=”20px” size=”custom”][us_image image=”15220″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Steelhead Witch

Spooky Saturday!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Popular on Headhunters social media yesterday, our friend the Wicked Witch of the Grande Ronde is using her powers to try and skate up a Steelhead. The way the wind is blowing on the Mo’ this weekend, it seems as though the army of flying monkeys might be on approach. Let’s hope not. Have a safe Halloween with the kids and/or adults. See you in November.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto

From Scumliner today. Mark is on vacation. Here’s more spey stuff (that’s all I’ve been doing for months). The so classic Rod & Coat Rack at the “Upfront” on the Grande Ronde at Heller Bar. The Upfront is the beach on the downstream side of the Grande Ronde/Snake River confluence. As you can imagine, a pretty productive spot. This rack and it’s nameplates signify the local crowd that gathers here daily. Usually, one of them is the “Mayor”. I don’t think fly fisherman are invited.

I wonder who “Winger” is. That’s a good handle. An even better name…

Wild Reverence

WILD REVERENCE – Kickstart Wild Steelhead

A heads up from my good buddy Jim “JP” Schmitz about this important project regarding the plight of Wild Steelhead. Filmmaker Shane Anderson is finishing up a year long project  to find out why our Wild Steelhead are disappearing. Jim is one of the most ardent advocates of Wild Steelhead that I know. Here is … Read more