Crawfish Flies For the Missouri River

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At some point every spring, trout in the Missouri River start eating a lot of crawfish. It is difficult to know exactly when this will happen, but below are some facts that should aid in your angling success.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”27228″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Spring Spawn During the spring, when water temperatures rise into the 50s, male crawfish begin … Read more

Juvie Jigger Streamer Strikes!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Juvie Jigger Streamer At the end of April, Headhunters hosted a Spring Streamer Fly Tying Contest on our Facebook page. We received a ton of awesome entries. Choosing a winner was tough. Each shop staffer and several guides selected their favorite three streamers. Eric Stollar’s Juvie Jigger streamer was selected by the greatest number … Read more

Live Fishing With Mark Raisler and Visit Montana

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Live Fishing With Mark Raisler and Visit Montana

A few days ago, Mark Raisler filmed this video with Visit Montana on the Missouri River. If you weren’t able to get out there this week, this is the next best thing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Darrell, Carla, and Barley

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Darrell, Carla, and Barley Darrell, Carla, and Barley stayed in our Brown Trout Cabin this past week over their anniversary while they fished the Missouri River. We love getting the chance to share our knowledge of the river with awesome folks like Darrell and Carla (and dog treats with cool dogs like Barley). We hope … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Faith Edition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Faith Edition Faith recently caught this nice rainbow on the Missouri River. Faith is rocking the local Carroll College colors. Her outfit matches her rainbow trout! We see a lot of students from Carroll enjoying their proximity to the Missouri River. Faith and her father Paul know how to enjoy … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Peggy and Trish Edition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Peggy and Trish Edition Peg, Trish, Lynnett, and Skip on today’s New Breed Chicks blog. These women are all volunteers with the Casting For Recovery program. They fished with Whitney and Kurt a week and a half ago. During their day on the water, Trish and Peg both caught their largest personal bests for different … Read more

Spring Streamer Fly Tying Contest Photos

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Spring Streamer Fly Tying Contest Headhunters hosted a streamer fly tying contest on our Facebook page this past week. The objective was to submit a home-brewed streamer pattern that would work well on the Mo this spring. Tyers sent in a ton of awesome streamer patterns! It was hard to narrow down the submissions. I … Read more

Ninch’s Fish Finder Worm

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ninch’s Fish Finder Worm needs to be in your box. Fish like worms. Rising water flushes worms from the banks and bottom of the river into the current. Last week the flows increased from around 5,000 cfs to the current flow of 7,120 cfs. The fish are eating both aquatic and terrestrial worms now.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_image … Read more

Why Get Guided?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Why Get Guided? We hear this question a lot in the shop. Mark has written about the subject here and here. If you’ve wondered the same question, I’d recommend that you read these links. The following is a short and timely example of why a person might want to consider a guided trip: A couple … Read more

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery Midge Edition

The midge flies are here.

Some BWO emergences that are pretty stellar too.

As Dangerous Dan Gard used to say…


It really can be Cosmic. Will the weekend produce that kind of fishing?


As Larry or Capt. Scott used to say…

As many fish rising as there are stars in the sky?

No. Not really.

But is has been good this week. Getting better as we drift towards May.

Get out the dry fly stick and cast a little.

As Squeeky has always said…

Dry fly fishing is good for your Constitution.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.28.14

Great weather and not many folks around make for a great week.

Nice and quiet for the last time. For about 10 weeks. Then June, July, August.

With the increase in guests we have an increase in the dry fly bite. More bugs, more fish looking up. Got your plans yet? Call today for guides, lodging, information.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

More of the same with some changes too. Nymphing is the best way to get some in the net while the dry fly bite exists and streamer anglers are getting a few as well.

What will you do? Some of each if you wish.

The dry fly guys are finding a few during the day eating caddis down low. Low in the canyon, down low in the Cascade region. March Browns are all but gone til next year. But, but there are still some BWO’s around and the fish are on them. On them in a manner that many do not recognize. Baetis spinners are filling the mouths of late afternoon feeding fish. Look for softer spots where 9K cfs fish rise. Near banks for sure.

The trout are eating the dead bug. So whether you like to fish the spinner, a Harrops Hi-Viz works nicely or a Hackle Stacker too, or if you like the cripple approach that is fine as well.

The flows are holding int he upper 8k range and 8690 falls into that category. Water temps are 54F and just right for the time of year. Some movement throughout the day is normal.

Nymphers are still rigging their system with 6′-7 1/2′ from bobber to split shot. The worm and the Rainbow Czech Nymph are the most common top flies with the Caddis Pupa making a run for the top spot. The bottom fly can change through out the day and the hot ones are sows, caddis pupa, pink tops, Ray Charles, translucent pupa’s with beads, Purple Weight flies…

Streamer fans? Sink tips with additional sink tips with wither weighted or non weighted patterns depending on your tip weight. Banks are the focus of these anglers and they are picking up some fish daily. Overcast and hazy mornings help this parade of casts.

The weather has been downright pleasant. Too pleasant for some and just right for others.


The shop is open daily @ 7am and open later than the rest as we prepare for the summer months. We will stay on pace with your fishing schedules and always be here, be there, be everywhere for your Missouri River fishing needs!

We have some availability for the next week, maybe two if you need to get out and beat the heat, beat the summer pressure, or just relax and have a Headhunters Guide drift you down the river. Want to learn a new stretch or improve you reach cast? We can help…

Check out John’s Weekly Newsletter here if you want another angle and to keep in touch with a deeper conversation about the Mo!


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.6.14

The water downriver is clearing already. The LPP Creek has about half the volume of mud as it was yesterday. Today, half as much again. Good vis all the way to Craig. The water is green but not dirty. I’d say 2 feet still in Craig with vis not an issue until you get to the Dearborn. Then not too bad. Guides all the way to Cascade again yesterday. No fear.

Tons of out of area guides here on the Missouri this wee and until Mid July. Until the west-side and north-side and south-side rivers recede. They all come to the Missouri. If you are headed here and need lodging please check out

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 

Good to great nymphing depending on who you ask. Morning was better than the afternoon yesterday, but today? Gotta go to know.

Worms were on fire yesterday. Today? Try it for your lead fly and go with it. It is a fly that the fish will come to in certain conditions. A valuable tool for spring conditions.

Sows, scuds, PT’s. The same stuff for the month. May is a terrific month for fly fishing on the Missouri. Will the dry fly bite come on?

That is what we are holding our breath about. The dry fly game. Still holding. Late nights is still the answer. For a couple. Not a handful.

Streamers? Yes.


Getting cooler and getting wetter. Yep, spring in Montana. We did like th 70F weather last week. More ahead? not this week. Maybe the weekend will bring nicer skies. Although the BWO’s like the overcast. The fish like the overcast. The BWO’s get stuck when it is cooler and wetter. That is why the dry fly bite is better during overcast days. The bugs stay on the surface longer.

Headhunters open daily @730am for all your Missouri River Fly Fishing needs. Gloves, sunscreen, killer logo wear, SIMMS products, RIO fly lines, SAGE fly rods, accessories galore, and the friendliest staff in Craig.


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Rain day on the Missouri River. Raining as I rose this morning and may continue all day long.

The tribes have jumped a bit in the last 24 hours and the Dearborn is tossing some mud our direction. Brown for a spell, maybe a mile, then it is OK. Fish caught below the Dearborn all day long as I polled a couple anglers pulling out at Prewitt Creek last evening.

Dearborn at 875cfs and the Little Prickly Pear is running a cool 433cfs this morning. This rain may add some more water to these tribs.

Other than that, everything is cool here. The fishing is good withe the dry fly being the least of our worries this coming week? Unless the BWO’s decide to put on a show. Which may happen? Maybe.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend with playoff BB and Hockey.

Thanks for reading this very fishy blog. We appreciate it.

See you in Headhunters on your next trip to Craig.

Missouri River Montana Weekend Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Weekend Fishing Report

The weekend us upon us and the weather is warm. Time to head out fishing to your local river or lake, or to the Missouri River. It’ll be fun!

The fishing report will be short and factual.

2 spots left for the Sunday McCune/Gould Spey Clinic. $200/head for some world class spey and 2 handed instruction. Mark will be BBQ’ing up some killer lunch and snack items during the day while the fellowship is sure to be great. Cast on both sides of the river with one on one instruction from both Mike and Whitney. A do not miss event to get your 2 handed cast in tune!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

I ran into another local outfitter today and he wanted me to mention that the dry fly fishing is tough. Not a whole lot of fish rising. But there are some. He believed I had mislead you, the reader that the dry fly fishing was ‘on’. It is not ‘on’ per se, but there are fish rising toward the evening periods. Get out at noon and float til dark. You’ll see some busting midge balls as they float down the river. If you stay out late, you will see them. An Adams towing a Buzzball should suffice.

So one or two fish during the day will be the norm until it is not the norm, it is the exception. Those tossing the Skwala all day long have been pretty quiet. Blanksville I think is the address.

The nymphing was better today as the fish seemed like they would cooperate more willingly. Boats from the Dam to the tiny ‘burb of Cascade. Sows, Czechs, Ninch’s Pink Selection @ HH, FB’s, Worms, more PT stuff. The normal from the last couple weeks. Any number of midge pupa’s as well. Lots of good options for flies this weekend!

Longer from bobber to split than you are comfortable doing. 7’+ is the norm. A split or two to get you there.


Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 7:30 am and open late for that evening float you will be doing this weekend. Or knock off early to day at work and come down to the river.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.28.14

Flows holding at 8670cfs and water temps are 44F. Not bad for an April Monday.

The bugs have definitely arrived in a big way and some fish are responding. Look hard in the afternoons and post up for those surface friendly creatures. The dry fly gang has had a few fish to smile about this past week. Not many, but this week promises to be the breakout week. I think? Guessing Mother Nature’s moves has proven even harder than…insert your caption here.


Looks good to me. We hope the spring weather sticks for a while. At least until summer. Makes sense. No? May is a great month for warmer temperatures, dry flies, nymphs, better to the best streamer fishing of the year and still relatively quiet ont he river for pressure.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.28.14

Dry Fly Killers: Glarachute Adams, Purple Craze, Sparkle Dun, Nymens DOA black posted or grey, Smoke Jumper, and Snowshoe BWO Dun.

The March Browns should come this week. They generally do, according to history. That’s what we got to go on. The past will tell the future. They could be a week late though with the temps a touch below historical numbers. Do you remember your good March Brown spots/runs?

Nymphers: Still the same bugs with FB’s making a return, Worms, Trad. Lightening Bugs, Pearl LB’s, Purple LB’s, large Rainbow Czechs, T-Head Warriors, Purple Prince’s, Anato-Mays, Micro Mays, Zebra’s, Don Kink’s, Newman’s Own Midge.

The fish have been ornery this last week again with highs and lows. Some mornings good fishing, and poor afternoons. Then some days the opposite. Just like fishing can be. The water is deeper than you may think in some runs. Also the water speed has changed in lots of runs too. Slower in some spots while the faster regions will confuse you. Check it out and make a solid nymphing plan and go forward. If Plan A does not work, I hope you got the next in line. You will need it.

Watch and learn. Look for anglers with trout on the line and observe the type of water they are in, and find some water like it! See, learning is fun.

Streamer Fishers: Better daily. Kreelex, R2R, any one of many good looking leeches, for Walleye too, Skiddish Smolts in Olive, Brown, and regular, Black Bugger Jigs, Widowmakers, Daili Lama’s, Home Invaders, Yellow Yummy’s White Zonkers.

Sink Tips still the word. Heavier if you wish. Some still rocking the dry line, but not many. If you are, come in and get yourself a sinking tip. We got lots to choose from and we can educate you about how and why, and of course when to employ these game changing poly tips.

May is nearing and we are excited. We get continually jacked as the months roll on. The spring is upon us and summer is in the sights. But not for a while. About half of the staff loves May. It is their favorite month. A great month for blind dry fly fihsing, March BRown’s, Midge, BWO’s, the tail end of the Skwala, the first caddis, a nymphers paradise, and great streamer fishing for big browns as the rainbows are on the spawn adn not in the game.

What is not to love? Get out before June this year and ply your fly fishing trade on the Missouri River. Call us if you need assistance or stop in the shop daily open @ 7:30 am and open late til 7:30 pm nightly.

Remember us for all your lodging needs too. is your source for the widest variety and largest selection of rental properties for Montana’s Missouri River corridor.

Get in on our McCune/Gould superstar casting clinic this Sunday. A few spots left!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

New Breed Chicks Rule Sunday Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Sunday Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Susie Sunday Edition today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Check it out.

Susie spends some time wandering the mean streets of Craig. She visits as often as possible.

Sometimes she even brings her husband and family!

Susie has retired from teaching school. After years of listening to kids talk back…now it is her turn.

Thanks for hanging out with us a few times a year Susie. We love your style!

Have a great Sunday. Susie says so!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.26.14

Raining and sleeting out this morning as we movie into more winter here in Craig Montana.

Montana’s Missouri River is fishing well if you are prepared for the elements. Bring rain gear, hand warmers, a Thermos or 2 of coffee, a flask of whiskey, a cup-full of San Juan Worms, and a plan.

Lots of boats here this weekend as the other fantastic Montana river are out of shape. Folks from the Yellowstone, the Flathead, the Clark Fork, B-Root, Rock Creek Region, Broze-Man fellers, and many more. We are the relief valve for the state here on the Missouri River as we never blow out.

It is raining though. Should stop sometime this year? Like Monday. Totally. Back to our scheduled spring weather.


The last week of $300 Guide Trips as the Spring Special goes away in May. Get on board for the front end of this week and enjoy a cheap guide trip.

We also have a few more spots for the McCune/Gould Spey Casting Session Sunday May 4th. $200 will get you an entire day with these two Spey experts on the Missouri. Lunch included. A fun time will be had along with the top notch education.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.26.14

Good to great depending on who you talk to. The dry fly gang has been getting a few as the hatch improves daily. Today should bring a ton of BWO’s. Overcast, cool, moisture in the air and 50F. Just what those olives need. All you need is a box full of baetis flies and a strong reach cast.

The midgers have been doing OK too. More and more as the month passes by. Clusters are still producing well with the emerged coming a close second.

The nymphers have been having a ball. They are still gorging on the Firebead flies but the WORM is getting stronger asa lead fly. Rainbow Czechs continue to produce with the array of grey scuds fishing well too. Some are all PT all the time. Mayflies on the bottom, or filling both the top and bottom fly locations seem to be hooking a bunch of trout. Gard’s Glint Nymph and Rainbow Warriors are kicking ass. Hot Spot PT’s, Angel Hair PT’s, Red PT’s, Purple PT’s, Green PT’s, LB’s of all flavors…you get the drift? Get in and see our impressive selection of mayfly nymphs. Nearly 400 in our bins today.

Streamer anglers? Yes, getting it done. The snide is off this group and they are stripping their way to success. Still eating them on the pause. Watch and learn. Dead drifting with tension can work too. Sink tips? Yep.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 730am. Open daily late tip at least 730pm. Get your reservations for July or August today. Good dry fly action and lots of lodging still available. Operators standing by. How about the fabulous month of May? It rules too!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The Spring Special rolls on as we enter the final week of $300 Guide Trips.

Grant, Paul, and Blair were out fishing today down from the northern region and graced us with this beautiful Rainbow image. More on the Facebook Page tomorrow.

The weather is cooperating somewhat with the wind hampering some of the dry fly action. The bugs were here yesterday but the fish didi not respond as we would have liked. Today? A new day indeed.

The rain did not come in the volumes that the weather guesser said it would and that is OK. We have enough water on the ground, in the ground, in the reservoirs, in the river this year.

The warm weather did not come either. Some did. But the tributaries felt a little pressure as the mid level snow budged a touch and is matriculating into our larger system.

The Dearborn is rising slightly at 461cfs and the Little Prickley Pear is off color at 271cfs and on an upward path. Both should be stable and falling before the end of the weekend. Or not?

Rain forecast for the weekend and today, tomorrow. How much precipitation will actually fall? Oh less than an inch. The high level snows are still frozen and will not move until we get daytime highs over 80F and nighttime lows over 40F. That has yet to happen. But we are still in April which is winter in Montana.

Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The dry fly fishing that we normally witness is not upon us in the capacity that it normally is. But the weather, water temps, and water level have something to do with that. We are experiencing higher water levels than we normally have for April. Having said that you can find a few. Look hard in your old dry fly haunts and you may be rewarded.

Adams, Midge Clusters, tiny little midge patterns, with CDC emergent droppers can bring the trout to hand.

As for the streamer bite? Better every day. The water is warming and the trout like to move for the big bug more often when their metabolism is increasing. Plus, a long winter for them too. Hungry bastards like meaty treats. Stop into Headhunters for over 150 streamer patterns to choose from. The best selection in the Tri-County Region!

Headhunters has a full and wide selection of weighted tips for you to choose from as well. And streamer lines? Tons. A vast selection from RIO, Airflo, Orvis, Cortland. All the best for your the Missouri River angler.

Nymphers are having the best luck. Still deep with bobber to split in the 6′-8′ range. Pink is not out of favor but the normal flies are making their mark. A ton of midge patterns with mayfly patterns are leaving the bins after their long winters rest. Peep Shows, Frenchie’s, Angel Hair PT’s, Hot Spot Pt’s, Hot Spot Scuds, Arnold’s Sili Scud, Choi’s Spicy Scud, BK’s Pink Blob, Purple LB’s, Micro May’s, and many more!


Headhunters Fly Shop open 730am to 730pm. 12 hours of goodness for you the Missouri River Trout Angler. Izaak’s is open too daily @ 3pm with dinner @ 4pm. Yum. Uncle Joe’s Bar daily @ 8am. The Taco Cart not yet. The Frenchman in WC and the O too. See you in Craig this weekend for trout fishing fun. You know you want to come…




Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Monday on Montana’s Missouri River and all is well. The flows are hovering around 8000cfs and the water temps are 43.5F.

The bugs are here and more are hatching daily. The dry fly weather is suspect as the air temps are rising and while we did not have an early Spring it seems to have shown up now. 73F for a high today. We like that.

Some water will come from the mid level melting that will surely occur the next few days. We will see some water come through the Dearborn, not much from the LPP. Stickney and Sheep Creek are usually unaffected.

The bugs though. They are excited about the warmer weather. We should see continued improvement in the hatch volume as the next few weeks come to pass.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

The nymphing the last few days has been difficult. You may see rosy reports elsewhere, but they may be seeing fishing through Easter colored glasses. While it has not been red, or even white hot, the fishing is good enough to keep the net wet. Are we catching them at our normal rate? No. Still pretty good compared to other rivers when they drop off the chart. We are catching some, not a ton.

Many of the Rainbows are on the spawn, some are out of the river, some are just not interested in pink flies. They are busy procreating. More trout is good. Good times man.

The streamer bite continues to be slow. While a few fellers are catching a few not he bigger bugs, it is not super duper streamer fishing. Deep and slow is the ticket if you want to go that route. Tips, sink rates, weighted flies…see your local fly shop for more information.

Dry flies? Yes. Cluster midges, single midge, Buzzballs, RS2’s, BWO Cripples, BWO emerges, CDC Midges, para Adams, Smoke Jumpers, Nymen’s Crips, Harrop patterns. We got them all and the trout are ready for action. More daily. More and more tip we can make an honest afternoon out of dry fly fishing. Soon.

The flows should remain stable for a while. We are still monitoring the inflows, Canyon Ferry is 71% full and holding at that level-ish for the last ten days. We will see how the water managers play their hand. They are looking for normal water levels this summer.


Call the shop for lodging this spring, for $300 Guide Trips through the end of the month, summertime guide trips and lodging, any gear you may need, to chat with a top level fly shop staffer, or just to see if we think the wind will blow. We are here 7 days a week for shuttles, flies, info, coffee, new SIMMS shirts, sunblock, Buff’s, sungloves, or even Smith or Costa sunglasses.

Open daily @ 8am.

Saturday Missouri River Fishing Report

Saturday Missouri River Fishing Report

All is good with the Missouri River. Nothing is blown, the creeks are clear, and the fishing is good.

The Dearborn, Prickly Pear, Sheep Creek, and Stickney Creek are all clear and not affecting the flows or the color. The color is green, and there is some turbid condition,s, mostly form the lake above. The fishing is strong.

The best news of the week is the addition of dry fly angling. Do we have riverwide mega hatches? No. Not yet. Some baetis and some midge have made the fish look upwards and we like that. Posted up casting to sipping trout is what we live for. So look and keep your eyes open for these opportunities, as they are still quite rare. More every day though!

Saturday Missouri River Fishing Report

The chart is good. We like this better in April than we do in June. The reason for the higher than normal water? To keep it away in June for the dry fly bonanza…like PMD’s, Caddis, that sort of thing.

The nymph bite was off yesterday. Strange really. Some had better results than others. Most considered it a tough day. But spirits are always high and we will return to normalcy today. The hiccup in the water to blame? Maybe.

The streamer bite continues to be quite slow. Why? Who knows. Ask Mother Mo. Sink tips like fast and like extra fast are in vogue for the bugger bunch. Flashy, brown, gold, white, yellow seem to be the buzz if you ask at the bar.

The dries? Yes, as above on the rise. Good news. More as the hatch continues to wax. Keep it here folks. The info pipeline of the Missouri.

The weather? Spring-like today and tomorrow. We’ll see you applying your sunscreen liberally. Seen some burnt faces this week. Buff’s can help too.


Shop open daily with guide trips for $300. Spring Special in full swing. Discounted lodging too with Craig Trout Camp leading the charge. Call today and our helpful staff can get you into something for the week. Not all are discounted but they are all great and near the river!

8am is when you will see us at the shop for coffee, shuttles, flies, new SIMMS Waders, demo rods, info, and the general BS you should expect at Headhunters.



Top 10 Tips for Higher Water Success

10 Tips for High(er) Water Success

The flows this morning are 8360cfs. This is not high by historical flows, but is higher than some anglers are comfortable with.

High flows are aver 15K to us here on the Missouri. We will write another blog when she gets to that level, which we do not expect. The flows are similar to the 6K mark, but higher. Smart huh?!

Imagine the subsurface structure and put the flies on those structure points. Here is where long time Mo River Anglers thrive. They have a map of the bottom of the river etched in their minds and they are looking at it while fishing/drifting. Think of drop offs, bank lines, the old primary shelf, the secondary shelf…things like that. Fish love structure. They feed, hide, chill on structure points.

10 Tips for High(er) Water Success

  1. Stay on the inside bend while nymphing. The fish don’t like that turbulent water near or on the rip-rap banks at this temp and at these flows.
  2. Add a tip to your streamer line. If you are going to streamer fish, use a T-7 or T-8 tip to get it down to where the fish are.
  3. Don’t rip your streamer back to you like you are on some sort of dreamy Galloup TV shoot. Slow and easy with long pauses. Get the flies down to the fish and then begin your stripping magic.
  4. Look for other boats  catching fish. See and learn what they are doing and replicate their movements. Don’t cut them off or low hole them, they may mention it to you. But watch and learn.
  5. Chat with your fly shop, Headhunters, and glean some information from the staff. They are out fishing daily and will lend a hand in your success. Flies, split shot, technique, areas etc. Use them for knowledge and hints. Headhunters is transparent. We’ll tell you all we know.
  6. Add more weight if you are not flirting with the bottom of the river occasionally. If you do not get the bait in front of the trout, they will not eat it. Period.
  7. Float longer floats. Bigger, faster water will allow you to cover more water. There are only a few great runs per mile in these higher and accelerated flows.
  8. As the Hazel gang in Maupin always say, “Fish good water well.” If you find ’em, stay on ’em.
  9. Get good at striking the fly hard when the bobber moves. Only those who hit it more often catch more fish. Those who watch, well…you know the unfortunate answer to that equation.
  10. Dry fly guys look for the bugs and slow inside tucked out of the way environs. You know those spots. Get in there and look, watch, wait…then cast. The BWO’s are out, or sort of coming daily. The midge yesterday was pretty epic in some areas. It is definitly happening as the water temps climb. We waited a long time, now it is the time. It will get better daily. We may be a week out still for consistent daily dry fly action? Bring your dry rod, you may employ it!

An easy 10 Tips for High(er) Water Success today from your information experts here at Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig MT. Stop in any time for info, a vast Missouri River specific fly selection, tons fly lines, shuttles, or just to chew the fat. We dig fly fishing talk!


Ed Note: Hey if you want to view any of our past content you can! Just click on the Blog Icon in the Header for all of our fishing reports and blogs. Need to waste an hour or two at work? We got the content for you!




How to Fish Rising Waters

How to Fish Rising Waters & Current Water Predictions

Lots of questions, calls, and folks inquiring about how to fish the rising water levels.

Generally this happens in June. It is April. No worries.

Bottom Line? The water will rise. When? Soon, now, today, tomorrow.

The plan is to allow the water to go through the gates to prepare for the 117% of water in the upper hills. The Rockies. The Missouri River drainage area.

Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10.54.49 PM

So will we have a ton of water in June? Maybe. But the water managers plan on not repeating the debacle of 2011 or 1997. If it starts raining now and does not stop until Noah arrives..then we may have a problem. Until then. We are not concerned.

Missouri River Water Advisory Committee

The Missouri River Water Advisory Committee meeting this previous Friday outlined the probable flows for the upcoming months. They stated a probable flow of 10,000 cfs. A probable low of 8,500 cfs and a probable high of 12,500. The meeting consisted of a bundle of FWP, DNRC, BOR, PPL, and 6 public. While a couple log time local outfitters were in attendance Headhunters Fly Shop was the only fly shop in attendance at this very important Missouri River water and flow indicator meeting held annually.  At no point during the meeting did the panel suggest we would have flows over the 12,500cfs mark.

Unless it starts raining cats and dogs tomorrow and does not stop until the 4th of July. Then, we got issues.

The colder weather in December led the flow to be below average than historically measured while the warmer than normal March led us down the road of low lying snow melt and higher than normal inflows. That brings us to today April 16th.

Historically we have all the precipitation on the ground by April 15th according to Stephanie Micek of the US Bureau of Reclamation. She also stated that inflow in 1997 and 2011 we sat or above 200%. We are on the same path for those inflows to continue April thru July 2014. In an attempt to mitigate the the flows that many consider too high the USBR and PPL are attempting to release some of the water in Canyon Ferry Lake so we do not encounter another 1997 or 2011 level of flows.

She is saying they, we, you do not want flows at or above 15K. We agree Stephanie.

Average peak flow of the previous 64 years? 14,900cfs.

As many of you remember ad already know the plan yearly is to fill Canyon Ferry to full pool, 97%, in the last week of June allowing for summer flows of 4100cfs.

Looking at models from the previous 64 years the water managers devise a plan that resonates with all parties involved to achieve this optimal flow of 4100cfs.

Saturated ground water levels also mean that the need for irrigation is lessened therefor the water amount pulled from reservoirs is diminished. More water through the system. We are currently experiencing more ground saturation than the previous two years.

NOAA predicts that we have an equal chance to have above average precip as we are to have below average precip. The temperatures for the next two months are predicted to be below average.

The Missouri River is a resilient gal. She fishes everyday. We are so fortunate to live an work on this river. Mother Mo allows us to fish non-stop while other freestone rivers experience annual run-off as they become unfishable due to clarity and color. Not so here on the Missouri.

Our local tributaries are clean and falling. Our low level snow is off the hills and we are clean. The river proper is green, greener than normal with visibility in the 3′ range. Not diminished in any manner to slow the bite.

The Dearborn is 297cfs and Little Prickly Pear is 188cfs and falling. Both on the steady downward slope. Little to no coloration change as both of these tribe can carry a bit of color. Sheep Creek is clear. Stickney Creek is running and is gin clear too.

How to Fish Rising Waters

Some days you get ’em, and other you don’t get as many. That is the theme. We are so fortunate that we are able to fish this world class resource all 12 months and while the better than average flows this April can change your style, your approach a bit…we are able to fish through these Mother Nature influenced periods.

We don’t consider this 8K mark high water. Is it higher than our historical average? Yes, but high to us means over 15K. That is considered high water. This is a seasonally adjustment to alleviate the potential of higher than average flows in June.

Fish where you used to fish, when the water was lower. Except rig deeper now. The fish may have moved inside a bit. Nymphing is the game for most. Inside with the boat. The best way to look at the run is to believe you are wade fishing it. Look upstream and cast to the soft inside seam. The soft water. Medium speed along with medium depth. Imagine the sub-surface structure and put the flies on the shelf lines.

Or watch someone catching fish and replicate their actions.

The same old spring flies are on the menu. Pink, FB’s, PT’s, Rubberlegs, Worms, Skwala Nymphs, Midges, and BWO’s. Coming soon more of everything. Honest.

The good news for the bank addicted angler is that you can actually fish towards the bank. Find and fish the right sink tip for streamer success. Many are still fishing the softer insides for bugger brilliance, and most are still staying away from hard banks with too rapid a flow.

Fish the soft inside runs adding weight until you get near the bottom. Bobbers are good, Your choice of indicator. Just make it floaty enough to hold up the anchor attached.

Wade fishers are going to have a tough time. Safety is important and keep that in mind. Those running boats be aware of your safety gear like life jackets etc. Most of the places you step in the water @ 6K cvs the water is near the top of your waders. At 8K+? Yes, it is higher than your nipples. Be very careful as the water rises the pace is faster too.

Being a stupid angler is easy to fix. Being a stupid wader is much more difficult to remedy.

Dry fly fishing this week? Yes. BWO’s are here. In bigger numbers as the week fades towards the weekend. Midges are coming on strong too. Be ready for them to pop in a big way…today?

Call us up on the phone if you need more info or to read our mood, or our minds. It may get you nowhere, but worth the dime for sure.

The shop is open daily with guided trips $300. We have a few openings and we would be glad to help. Lodging is also discounted for the remainder of the month as well.

Check out this video from a couple years ago. This was not shot last week. We have flows of just over 8,000 cfs. A bunch of these techniques are valid for use at current flows.

See more videos from our vast selection of Hedhunters Videos on Headhunters TV.

High Water Nymphing from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.11.14

Friday, Friday, Friday.

We are really close to the weekend. And the fishing is heating up. Literally.

The water temps are moving upwards and the fish are jumping upwards as well.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 

Water Temps have moved above the magical 40F mark. The flows are reaching toward the 7K level. Will find out more of what may possibly happen in the future as we will report our findings from the Missouri River Advisory Committee meeting today.

The fishing is getting better. Still not all that terrific in the streamer department but that will change as the month progresses. Flashy, Brown, and some white patterns are in the conversation. Check out the best streamer selection in the tri-county area next time you are in Craig at the Streamer HQ. We got an amazing array of streamer lines for your low, mid, or deep water streamer fantasies.

Nymphing good to great on any given day. The regular array of spring flies will do the trick. Worms have been red hot with Firebeads and all shades of pink bringing up the majority of the fish to hand. Midges of course are finding their way into the water and BWO flies are making more sense every day.

Most are 6′-7′ from split to bobber and using about the size of a B or a BB or a string of 4’s. Mix and match for indicator nymphing success.

Dries? Skwala anglers are getting a few a day. Fish them in the Skwala Method you dig and cross your fingers. Or clean your fly lines because casting and placement is damn important.

Midges are in play too. Have seen some actual rising fish the last couple days. A few more in the evening too. Come late and look for some heads.

Missouri River Weekend Weather


Cooler by the looks of it. Dress warmly for the weekend weather as the midges will be hatching and our green stones too. Warmer next week and we will continue with the spring weather. Warmer please.

The westside guides have been crossing the divide as they are blown. We are not never blown and we are open for any thing and any information and any lodging requests. Your favorite out of area fly shop is open daily at 8am.

Shuttles, fly rods, rental waders, all kinds of killer flies, information, demo rods, Adipose Boatworks Flow rental boats, warm clothing, summer T’s, Headhunters Logo Wear, and free hot coffee.

See you in Craig this weekend. Stop in and say hello.


Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.9.14

The sun has come. But rain today and 61F.

The bite is on with good reports of nymphing and some highlights of Skwala action. The Skwala action is not red, or even white hot but a few have been fooled below Craig.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Nymph Flies that are red hot, or Pink Hot include FB Sows, FB Rays, Soft Hackle Rays, Caviar Scud, Hot Beaded Softies, Rainbow Czech’s, Amex, Pink Lightening Bugs, Zebra’s, Purple Lightening Bugs, Rainbow Warriors, PT’s, Worms in all flavors, Skwala Nymphs, Rubberlegs…

Rigs that many guides and anglers are fishing run something like 6’+ from bobber to split, a couple spring favorite flies strung on below the split. Add more split if you need to get further down, but a size B should suffice. Add a touch more like a 4 or 6 if you need that extra horsepower. Moving the indicator will help too. Be in tune with your rig and if you are not hanging them as often as you think you should, change.

Streamer dudes are getting a few. The bite is not all that great for all the anglers. Reports of slow to non-existent streamer fishing are heard at the bar. But today is Wednesday and things could change for the better. IT is the latter part of the week. See you with sink tips and Poly Sinking leaders attached tossing long sloppy streamer casts here on the Mo soon! Book your lodging today for a place to rest your weary casting arms.

Headhunters carries a wide variety of Streamer lines. Why not get the right tool for your kick ass streamer rod this spring. Stop in and give the crack HH staff a heads up on how you roll. They can accommodate your fetish. Or at least point you in the right direction.

Skwala fishing on the Missouri River? Yes. While we do not have the numbers that some west side river have as far as the olive big bugs go, we do have enough to get the trout wound up and excited about this spring stonefly. Some are tossing them daily. We got the patterns that our trout love inside the warm confines of the HH HQ. Yes, in downtown Craig. Ninch has stocked the right stones for your dry fly pleasures. I hear purple is the new pink? What does that even mean?

Flows are stable at 6460cfs. Stable and flat for over a week. More info coming at you Saturday as we attend the Missouri River Advisory Committee meeting in Helena. More then.

Water temps are rising with the advent of Spring Air Temps! We are currently at 39.5F and we may touch the hallowed 40F today. Or tomorrow. What will happen then? Goodness is the answer. Greatness? Not til 42F.

Missouri River Montana Fishiing Report
Rising temps make us smile!

Check us out if you need any lodging or guiding service this month or any month ahead of us. We got all you need, well most, for your Missouri River trip. Just need info about hatches and such? We love to talk trout. Shop open daily @ 8am with shuttles, flies, info, warm hats, gloves, sunscreen, fly poles, and all the terminal tackle you can shake your fly stick at.


Missouri River Montnaa Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.8.14

Spring is here. What? Yep. The 2nd day over 60F today and we are nothing but excited.

And warmer.

Get out your tube of sunscreen and apply liberally. Warmer tomorrow for sure.




The weather will be great all week with air temps over 60F. We dig it. Maybe it truly is time to crawl from your winter cave and wet a line.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Nymphing is really good. But not for all. Those squirrelly trout can be tough to locate some days. Try and try and try again.

Adjust something if you cannot get them. There are only 3 things you can control while nymph fishing.

  • The drift. Mend, mend up, mend down, mend across…do something to keep the drift rolling along as long as possible. You can’t get ‘er done without participation in your drift. Your float. It is you who dictates the drift. Be involved. If you do not know how to do it, learn. It is an, the most, important part of the equation. If it is not presented properly the fish will shy away from your shit.
  • The depth. Split shot can get you there. Add more, add less, spread it out, concentrate it in one spot. Add a weighted fly, or flies. Be in control of your sink rate. Drop them, the rig, in the water and watch it sink. If it gets there fast, that is gooood! And for those who think nymphing is tying a 12″ dropper from your dry fly you my be fooling yourselves. While that works, it is surely not getting to the fish harbored on the bottom of the Missouri River. Those in the know have several sizes of split and use them often. Be adaptive and involved in your depth selection!
  • The fly. The fly pattern can be important. If the one, or ones you are tossing/sinking do not get bit, then change. Give them a chance though. Whatever that length of time may be is up to you. I would guess an hour without a take may be long enough. Many, some will change before that juncture. Pink is still the word. Grey, tan, reddish, pinkish, orange-ish seem to be flavors in the mix. Some purple too? Change it up when no action is the rule. You want action, get some!

Missouri River Stats

Flows are flat level at 6460cfs. The water is a touch turbid. That means there is a little color in it. Not dirty by any means, but greener than normal. Actually quite normal in the spring as the lake(s) above us are in a state of change. The ice is coming off. And certainly more will disappear this week with the warmer daytime temperatures.

The water temps are rising slowly. Maybe a bit more this week with the aforementioned sun penetration. 38.5F this morning. We are looking forward tipping over the 40F mark. Soon, oh so soon. Then we get that olive flavored insect we love so very much.

And sun this week. We got that too.

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Check out the fantastic short by Scumliner Media here on this very Fly Fishing Blog Super-site. FISHSKI is the name. Fishing and Skiing is our game! It is really a fun video.

Speaking of videos, we are filming with the New Fly Fisher this week. We will let you know when this TV show will air. January 2015 is the word.

We are just coming off a big weekend with our anniversary, OGR14 in Zootown and here in Craig, along with a bundle of HH Guides out on the water. We are in full swing with the Spring Special. Cheap lodging @ Craig Trout Camp and a few other properties on the Missouri River in conjunction with $300 Headhunters Guide Trips. Fun times in your favorite fishing ‘burb in central Montana.

If you have not fished the Missouri this year, or ever…then maybe this is your year. We’d love to host you on this Blue Ribbon fishery.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open daily @ 8am. We are open late if you feel the need or overwhelming desire to fish after work or book your tip while in you living room, in your slippers, dreaming of the Mighty Mo and the un-real Trico Spinner Falls in late July!

Shuttles daily, guides available, rental Adipose Drift Boats, any lodging needs, demo rods, flies, info, sunscreen, BUFF’s, or a shoulder to cry on. We got your back.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.3.14

Yesterday brought sleet, snow, rain, wind, sun, overcast, calm.

Today? Who knows. Probably more of the same.

Our Spring Special is picking g up speed and several guides out daily.

You cashing in on the $300 Special?

Bugger Chuckers

The streamer guys are getting happy. Are they crushing them? Sorta. Not setting catch rate records but the action is good enough to keep them in high spirits for the Lion’s share of the day.

Brown, sparkly, jiggly. You know. The good action. We’ve got some cool patterns that we know you haven’t seen. We’ll get you up to speed on the hottest patterns of the week.

Bobber Fare

Nymphers? Hot and cold. Some coming back with good reports, others not. The fish seem to be wandering according to the reports. Will they wander into your pink pattern? Let’s hope so.

Look for not so fast currents and seek the bottom. Split shot is the way to nimping nirvana.

And if the bobber hiccups a millimeter…hit it hard. You are trying to catch them right? Just sayin’.

PINK, WORMS, PT’s, and all of the derivations you can choke on. Just remember to not forget the ball bearings. Pinch them on your line and watch it descend. Rapidly I hope. The key to getting more fish on nymphs is to get the bait in front of the target species and keep it there a long time.

Keep in mind that as the water is deeper and may be continues to get deeper that does not always mean you want to lengthen your leader. The upper region of the water column can hold fish too. As the midges move to and fro…they can be staged in the upper third. Watch and learn while parked. Understand your surrounding and capitalize. That’s what predators do…

Had a client once ask “Did he eat one of the flies or this ball bearing.”

Dry Fly Fans

Not much to cheer about. Mother Mo is holding back. A blanket hatch a couple days ago in spots. Will it happen again? Maybe this weekend!

The BWO’s are moving subsurface so the annual spring appearance is bound to come in April. It historically does…

Weekend Weather

Better. Can’t be any worse than the last couple weeks. Maybe the weather conditions will hold for more than 2 hours at a whack. Variable has been the theme. The old adage is relevant even today…“If you don’t like the weather now, wait 5 minutes and it will change.”



We are nearly finished with our 2014 remodel. We think it looks great. Stop in and see the positive changes. We’ll pour you a cup of coffee, stay a while.

Lodging for the weekend is going away. Call today for a spot in the sun. Shop open daily from 8am and open late tip fish. Later is needed.

Big to-do Sunday April 6th here in Craig withe Orvis Guide Rendezvous Craig Style and killer BBQ from Izaak’s beginning at 3pm. Casting contest open to all with a Orvis Helios 2 and a reel and a line on the blocks for the top 3 finishers.

Izaak’s OPEN for business tonight. 7 nights/week @ 4pm. Serving tip 10 for you late night anglers. Bar open at 3pm. Welcome back to Izaak’s. I know we are all smiles here at the shop as Chef Winders opens the doors for the 2014 season. Welcome back Izaak’s!




Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Images

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

Looks like a better week coming at us. We are moving from snow and 30’s to sun and 40’s to rain and 50’s.

You like apples?

Tumultuous and wonderful all in the same breath.

Fishing? Good. Folks wandering around in all reaches of the Missouri and finding success. Where is your favorite run? You can pick and choose.

You like the lower? Do it. You like the Dam? Do that. You like the shadows of the canyon? Get in there.

Your best bet is your best bet.

Sunday and all is well. Continued anglers crawling out of their winter caves and finding Craig Montana as their temporary fishing release daily. Some come for the weekend. Some come for the week.

Just one question.

When you comin’?

The weather is the key for you comfort. If you don’t like Montana in the winter or the spring…don’t come.

If you like trout fishing before the pressure increases then come now.

We have cabins, guides, and a spot for you.

Check out the forecast and plan accordingly.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

For those who fish here is the latest on the latest…Nymphing heating up as the water temps reach to the 37F mark., Seems like every one degree higher the mercury creeps the fish just get hotter. And in such chilly watery conditions. 37F is good. 38F is better. How abotu 40F. Watch out.

Next thing you know there will be baetis littering the surface of Mother Mo.

You may want to come for that. In the mean time we are waiting for the Midge Explosion 2014. Not here yet. Damnit. Maybe this week. Maybe. We’ll let you know about two days after it happens…that is when it will register. The first day can be an anomaly and those who are here get first whack at them. Just how it goes man.

So how goes your addiction. Are you ready to come, or will you wait for the BWO’s? The Midge? The Skwala? The Caddis in May? Or are you a PMD man?

Everybody has their weakness.

If you happen to be on your way, in your car, following this blog closely then you should be aware of the current conditions.


Water temps are in the 37F range and will move upwards this week. A couple strong temps days in the hi 50’s will move it more rapidly. But in time. Anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. Patience.

Still not too fantastic a dry fly bite. Although they are near the surface in some slack ass backwater areas. You can toss it out and wait. Some trout may find it attractive, edible. Start looking more this week. It really is about time. The mid month mark is generally the front end. Some years it comes early, earlier. But in reality not by much. Too cold, the water temps this winter.

Swingers are attaching tips and getting a bit deeper. Come in for suggestions and reminders that the water is a bit deeper. Careful wading to some of those islands you have become comfortable visiting. Be aware the water is up. Flows are 6340cfs at press time.

Tributaries are clean and clear and no problems there.

Shuttles daily, shop open at 8am, free coffee, don’t mind our construction we are always open for you the Missouri River angler.

Thanks for your support the previous 6 years. We appreciate you as a customer. Come by and say hello.


Spring Training Spring Fishing

Spring Training Spring Fishing.

Love spring. For some the favorite season of the the year.

The grass in becoming greener, the snow is less frequent, the refreshing smells of spring, smiles come easier, and we become comfortable enjoying the longer afternoons and rising temperatures.

The beer on the porch seems to add a spring in our step too! Soon, the BBQ will come out of storage and fire up!

Spring Training Spring Fishing

A pleasant time of the year for all. A time of year to find the pile of fly rods in the corner of the garage and dust it off.

I love Mariner’s Baseball and a number of you like your local teams as well. Peter is an A’s fan, Ben is a Boston fan, Ninch, Stipech and Matula are Detroit fans…who do you root for?

When the Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training I get excited. Excited for the spring baseball, for the daily games on the television, for the awakening of summer. Spring is the precursor to summer. The snowpack is foreshadowing a great water year. Great water years produce lots of trout based on the spawning recruitment. More water creates more habitat for insects.

It’s all good.

The rhythms of baseball and the rhythms of guide life have numerous parallels.

A daily game. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. You play for the sake of playing. You truly enjoy the process, the skill sets, the luck quotient, the sun on your face, the camaraderie amongst fellow guides and anglers, the repetivenss of the cast, the beauty of the sport, the intricacies of the flies, the mechanics of the drift, the minutiae that fly thread coloration makes, the same damn ham sandwich, the opportunity to learn, the length of the Missouri River summer which lasts as long as the major league schedule, the privilege to experience this world class resource on a daily basis.

It’s all good whether it be Spring Training or Spring Fishing.

How are you looking and feeling this spring? Good? Get out the glove or get out the rod and begin to enjoy the season that is upon us.



Headhunters is again offering the Spring Special. Feel like getting your Spring Training started? $300 Guide Trips and lodging starts @ $100.