Snow Days Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...?

Snow Days. Bitter Cold. CLOSED Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…?

Snow Days. Bitter Cold. CLOSED Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…? First real storm of the true winter. Had some snow back in September and October. Then not much to speak about for the next three months. Until this weekend. Looks pretty good for fishing Friday and Saturday with snow and air temps amenable to both the swing … Read more

Thursday Foto

Thursday Foto

Thursday Foto This is from two years ago. Snowing this weekend. 2018 Last year? Trout Spey Camp with over a foot of snow and temps not reaching above freezing for the week. In fact near zero for a couple days too! 2019 2020? Summery with fall colors. Sure is nice floating. Fishing is picking up … Read more

Sunday Snow Report from Headhunters of Craig

Sunday Snow Report from Headhunters of Craig

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sunday Snow Report from Headhunters of Craig Still snowing here in Craig. Not as much as the doomsday report had got us ready for. But thankfully we were prepared. Blowing hard from the north as we write. Drifting snow around the state and the Rockies got hit pretty hard. Specifically the eastern front. Lots … Read more

March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update

March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The water is high. The ice is too. Super High! Drove down the river today and it is higher than these photos tell. Flooding on some riverfront properties in the lower canyon. That little yellow boathouse you have seen in high water images above the big log … Read more

December 1st. Snow.

December 1st. Snow.

December 1st. Snow. A passing storm dropped a couple inches on us here in Craig. Slow angling traffic. Just right. Beyond booking, sending Christmas gift items, talking to you folks on the phone about hatch timing, and lots of Trout Spey conversations…here is the up to the minute Headhunters gang update. Richard is putting up … Read more

Brown Trout Like Snow!

Brown Trout Like Snow!

Brown Trout Like Snow! Guide Shane Wilson and this fishy feller got on top of the heap Saturday while snowing and cold on the Mighty Mo. Good to great fishing on a daily clip. Midges? Sometimes. Gotta go to know. How will you know if you don’t go? Nymphing is really good. Streamer fishing is … Read more

Winter Rewards Fishing the Missouri River

Winter Rewards Fishing the Missouri River Trout Spey casters up all the way from Big Sky. Bill, Jason, Rob, and Todd ventured up the state to the Mighty Mo to swing a few flies. And they were rewarded with nice Missouri River trout. Happy Sunday. It is snowing here, and damn cold. Several guide trips … Read more

Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!

Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!


Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!

Snowing in Craig Wednesday. More today? The weather guesser said it would.

Cooler this weekend than last. Highs in the lower 30’s.


This previous weekend gave us a taste of spring. But, thankfully it is a month or two away. Let’s stack up some of the white stuff in the hills, the mountains, the Rockies. For summer. Summer water is important.

So do your freaky snow dance in the office today. Invite a couple of your work posse over and do the funky jive.

Pattern it after this marvelous dancer below…

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Monday Snow Day, Trout Spey, & Shop w/Headhunters

Monday Snow Day, Trout Spey, & Shop w/Headhunters

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Monday Snow Day, Trout Spey, & Shop w/Headhunters Cold and snowing today here in the Missouri River canyon. We like it. While it is colder than most would like for tossing a fly into the famed winter waters of the Missouri River there will be a few tough guys out there making it happen. … Read more

Silly Snowy Saturday Scenery

Silly Snowy Saturday Scenery Snow on the ground yesterday morning. Some it has blown away towards North Dakota. Some of it has stayed. Super Freakin’ Windy today as we hold our first of many Spey Casting Clinics during the Missouri River Swing Season. These free spey clinics have become terribly popular and fill up fast. … Read more

Shit Skiers Say Video


Shit Skiers Say Video

In homage to the lack of snow here in the west we post Shit Skiers Say today on the Headhunters Blog.

Not much in the way of fall or even winter weather as of late. Nothing of substance for the last six weeks.

It will come, eventually. Maybe.

Do the snow dance in your living room today whilst watching football.

I know we will.

Bring it.

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Freezout Lake Snow Goose Migration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Freezout Lake Snow Goose migration occurs each spring, and is a very popular event for nature lovers in the Great Falls area. Julie and I have logged many days at Freezout – but in the fall and with guns. Never in the spring with cameras and binoculars. We decided to spend a morning checking it out last weekend with our daughter Adair. The weather was beautiful and it was a packed house. This event attracts birders and waterfowl photographers from all over the west (World?).

Adair didn’t really get it as we hiked the levies and saw some birds. We really didn’t see that many ducks and geese considering Frezzout’s fame for waterfowl production, though there are several thousand swans around. We had just about given up when we saw a large number of cars parked on the lower lake so we decided to give it a look. It didn’t take 10 minutes for a group of geese the size of a medium sized city to descend onto the lake. Then she got it.

If you’re into this sort of thing, you might check it out. It only last a couple of weeks before the Snow’s continue their journey north. if you’re in the area, head north out of Great Falls on I-15 to Vaughn, then follow the signs to Choteau/Glacier Park. Right after the town of Fairfield, you’ll run right through the middle of the Freezout Lake area. If the birds are around there will be cars up and down the shoulder of the highway.

You can drive to plenty of the viewing spots, and there is a system of levies and roads throughout the Wildlife Refuge. Some of these roads are open, but many are closed except for foot traffic. Very easy walking if you want to get a little exercise while you’re there.

Bring binoculars for sure. If you want to bring camera gear you’ll want a lens of at least 300mm equivalent. You’ll see more pro’s here with $10K telephoto lenses than anywhere outside of an NFL stadium. My 70-200 was definitely not enough on my full frame camera, though it was close on Adair’s inexpensive crop-sensor camera.[/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”3″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”18206,18207,18213,18212,18211,18210,18209″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”3″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”3″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto December Snow Edition

Friday Foto December Snow Edition

All is well here fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

Friday Foto today here on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Trout Spey Casting Clinic led by John tomorrow. SOLD OUT. The next one coming in January.

The snow pretty much melted yesterday with the roads all but bare and dry. Even the secondary dirt roads have thawed. The boat ramps should be all good too.

Looks like a nice weekend ahead of us. If the damn wind stays to a digestible level. Super windy Thursday. Not enough to keep anglers off of the water though. The SW wind leaves ample shores in the lee available for fishing.

See you for a coffee break at the shop this weekend. Open at 8am daily.

Headhunters Fly Shop Sara experiencing winter drift boat fun!

You may have seen this short 1 minute film with Sara having some winter fun.

She wanted to go faster. But in the name of safety, and lack of Fireball, we kept the speeds under 30mph.

This is SOL’s favorite film by Scumliner. Short and sweet. And funny!

Enjoy this nice quick winter break from an early 2014 Scumliner Media Short Film.

Somewhere Out West from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Now, it's winter.

Now, it’s winter.

Yep. Winter. Now.

@1630 Sunday it was 45F, partly cloudy and dead calm.

@ 1632 Sunday it was 31F, blowing out of the north 17mph, and snowing.

Sunday night snowing hard and damn cold.

This morning. Cold. Snowy.

Maybe baetis will come now.

Nobody around. A perfect ploy.

Water temps plummeting this week. They should fall quickly with the air temps falling well below the 20F range!  During the day. Mostly lower though.

Now, it's winter.
Now, it’s winter.

The fishing? Decent.

Swinging can be really good. Streamer fishing pretty good too.

Nymphing? Not as good as it should be, but not terrible either. We are so fortunate to be here on the Mo. It’s good. Just not an “11” right now. Depends on the day. Some days they just eat it better.

Dries? Near dusk for the weekend. Today and this week? Don’t even want to hazard a guess. Cold I think…

Guided trips out this last weekend. More towards the end of this week. More 2 Handed Specials as we move well into the November period. 1st FREE Spey Clinic December 6th. Sign up today. You’ll love it. A classroom session led by John with his killer Powerpoint Presentation, coffee, donuts, friends, and a room full of Spey. Followed up by an afternoon of on the water action with lots of different spey rods to try, cool lines, and hands on instruction. Bring your own rod, or use one of ours. Free and Easy. Call today.

Shop open daily 8-6.
