Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto Shane Wilson drifting down the river last week. Laughing, fishing, enjoying the day. The weather is fresh, springlike, and fantastic. Visit us when coming to the Mo We’d love to meet you. We have Craig’s only Wi-Fi, cellular connectivity, and free coffee. Enjoy your weekend!

Sage PULSE: The XP Reincarnate

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sage PULSE: The XP Reincarnate Shane speaking with you today on your favorite Montana fly fishing blog from downtown Craig. Headhunters is my home and the Missouri River is our testing ground. Below are my thoughts from my favorite new Sage fly rod. Throughout my fishing life I’ve accumulated, sold, traded, and held onto … Read more


Truly a rambling short today on the Headhunters Blog from Shane of Headhunters Fly Shop. Shane might be deep into the Bailey’s this morning as he writes this piece. The holidays is nearly over and we will find a couple months of peace before the beginning of peak season in April sometime. Thanks Shane! Warm … Read more