Spring Training Video


Spring Training Video

IT is here. Spring is here in Craig. I felt it last week. A Nic spring afternoon, that felt like spring.

While you may not be able to attend your kids basketball game, cause it is cancelled, you can still go outside.

Why not take that basketball player out to the stream. The original social distancing. You will both get some should points for that activity.

Check out this video from a number of years ago. All fishing done with a dry fly. A fun day for sure. That is out there.

Wait until the snow stops flying here in the canyon…and then step into the river.

The fish could be rising. Let’s hope so.

That would feel good right now.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/40323097?fbclid=IwAR1j7eBz7m3F-kr7h5Qr9EjExfYQLErilidcvRKmz_duKIPVKX_V05K3ApA”][/vc_column][/vc_row]