Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff

Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff


Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff

Well, we agree with everything Tim Rajeff is talking about. You should too.

A key phrase he mentioned in the opening is that practice happens when you are away from the fish. Practice does not happen when you are staring at rising trout. Your cast does not have an opportunity to improve when your knees are quivering with the sight of rising fish.

Practice. Pros practice. Those who catch more trout practice.

Do you practice swinging your golf clubs? Do you see the Course Pro once in a while? Annually?

It’s not like we here at Headhunters are telling you to go out in the garage and lift weights!

It’s casting practice. 10 minutes. Fun stuff. Stuff you can do while drinking beer. Double fun stuff.

Develop your casting practice routine and catch more fish this year.

Headhunters is your Missouri River Eduction Source here in Craig Montana. We can help. Casting lessons available from our in house experts who are well versed in teaching casting skills.

Call today and we will get you set up with the right instructor![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]