Pick up the Pieces Average White Band

Pick Up the Pieces Average White Band


Pick Up the Pieces Average White Band

I find myself singing this as we are walking around the shop shoveling snow from roofs, sidewalks, ice dams in the gutters, thinking about how to get the rental boats out from under the heavy white blanket, and dreaming of summer!

The air temps have been creeping from the basement the past couple days with some melt happening. The surface roads are clear. The parking lots and areas alongside the road are not. Still not a great time to head out fishing. But we will update you this week on the improvements along the river corridor.

Lots and lots of calls to the shop daily in regards the fishing scene. No scene yet fella’s. Maybe this week.

Making room for all of the cool spring gear that is flooding the shop. Flies galore, SIMMS, sage, Loomis rods, fly lines, sun gear, springtime fishing gloves…

The staff is bowling again today as we wait out winter. No fishing to be had, so we turn to bowling and beer. Closed early today for our staff outing.

I bet we are back on track late this coming week with shuttles, guide trips, and the like. The rental properties are ready to go for your Cabin Fever Guide Trips $400 starting this Friday!

While we continue to Pick Up the Pieces we hope you enjoy this video from The Average White Band.

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