Missouri River Bugs – June

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Missouri River Bugs The following are some pictures of bugs from the Missouri River that were collected in June a couple miles upstream of Craig. These images will hopefully aid in your fly design and/or fly selection while you are fishing this month. Although all these images are of nymphs/larvae, PMDs and caddis are currently hatching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_image … Read more

Missouri River Photos by Jon Covich

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We had a visit from well known angler, photographer and tackle rep Jon Covich last week. Jon was taking his boys on a fly fishing trip through Montana before they had to go back to school. I asked these boys if they were excited to go back to school, and they both just dropped there heads and shrugged. Adair could learn something from these two. She likes school.

You’ve seen Jon’s photo’s on the pages of just about every fly fishing magazine over the years. You also may know him as a member of the Flywater Travel team. To see more of his photo’s go to www.joncovich.com, and here’s the direct link to his blog post about his trip.

Here’s a few of his great shots of the Missouri River.

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Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

It’s a Boy! Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

Ed Note: The baby in the picture is a BOY! Mark, the blind author, made the mistake. Hence the re-post. 

Brad Bischoff’s daughter’s new baby and trout picture all in one.

We love the next generation…

Thanks Brad for this killer photo of your grand-son, son-in-law, daughter, and rainbow!

Just awesome.


Trout Porn

Trout Porn Stars

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]We received a visit from Team Trout Porn last week, as they hit the Missouri River as as part of their annual spring tour of Montana. Talk about enthusiasm, this crew seems to always have a smile on their face, regardless of the fishing, location, weather or water conditions. But they always catch fish, so they should be smiling.

For those of you who are not familiar with Trout Porn, they are group of young-ish anglers who run one of the most popular Facebook/Fly Fishing pages in the webiverse. Always loaded with awesome shots from around the world, if you like looking at images of big fish, you need to check this out. If you subscribe to the “Quiet Sport” ethos, then you might want to take a pass. If you like to have fun while you fish – and stick piggies – then you should “Like” it.

My favorite part of Trout Porn is that I don’t really have a clue who they are. They use nicknames like “Grasshopper” and “Headhunter”. As far as I can tell they are from Alberta, Wyoming, and Montana. At least. I do know a couple of names, but that’s about all. They promote trout, and not themselves. Not the usual bunch of media kooks we see around here. They really seem to love trout fishing and have a great time.

Trout Porn also releases a free e-zine that’s fun to flip through. Each member contributes a “newsletter”, and there is some great still photography/video from a variety of contributors.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_separator icon=”fas|star” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhGtUWlr4dU&list=UUPgqztlTj6MqbZT3_evPqyQ&feature=share”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Friday Foto today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Montana’s best photo blog every Friday.

Sara Roholt, a Headhunters All Star learns from Mike McCune of international Spey Casting Fame.

Last weekend we hosted Mike and Whitney Gould here on the Missouri River and a cool dozen enjoyed learning with the pros. Thanks Mike and Whitney we will see you again in one year. You guys who missed this clinic this year cannot miss it next year!

Sara and Ninch got in on the action too to pass along their 2 Handed expertise this coming winter at Headhunters monthly Free Spey Clinics.

We got Spey Rods at the shop for Demo anytime for a mere $25. Come in and try one out this spring. The water is higher than normal, adnso you may want to try to get out a few more times with your 2 Hander before the real dry fly bite starts.

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Rain day on the Missouri River. Raining as I rose this morning and may continue all day long.

The tribes have jumped a bit in the last 24 hours and the Dearborn is tossing some mud our direction. Brown for a spell, maybe a mile, then it is OK. Fish caught below the Dearborn all day long as I polled a couple anglers pulling out at Prewitt Creek last evening.

Dearborn at 875cfs and the Little Prickly Pear is running a cool 433cfs this morning. This rain may add some more water to these tribs.

Other than that, everything is cool here. The fishing is good withe the dry fly being the least of our worries this coming week? Unless the BWO’s decide to put on a show. Which may happen? Maybe.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend with playoff BB and Hockey.

Thanks for reading this very fishy blog. We appreciate it.

See you in Headhunters on your next trip to Craig.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

Lee straight outta Seattle Washington with this Bamboo caught Brown Trout.

Nice Lee. Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech put him on this behemoth yesterday.

As Lee was battling this Missouri River Brown Trout he turned to the guest in the back of the boat and said, “Maybe you oughtta reel in, I think this is a big one…”

Do you like big ones?

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

The fishing is just fine. Good reports from the Skwala blind dry fly fisheres as the catch rate varies daily. The small dry fly fans are getting some play as the Midge and BWO’s are willing to emerge this week. Everyday a little bit better. Soon…soon we will be enjoying dry fly action for a couple hours every afternoon. True to the Mo.

Nymphing is good to great with Pink still in the lead. Coming in and coming on strong is the BWO. PT’s, Little Green Machine’s, Lightening Bugs, Frenchie’s, Sparkle PT’s, S & M’s, BWO Bubbleback’s. Ninch has the bins stuffed full of mayfly nymphs and dries.You should take a look.

The streamer fishing is shitty. Pretty shitty. even with deep tips the fish are not all that excited about chomping on the big fly. Are we still trying? Oh yeah. You cannot keep the streamer contingent quiet for long.

The water is 8K+ and stable. It is over a few islands. The structure has not changed but some of our nymph lines have. It is fun to see more water as it makes us break down the subsurface shelf system and analyze the nymph game.

Water temps are 43F. Good bug zone for a daily show. Get out and pray for a non-wind situation and bust out the GINK. Do it.

Shuttles, flies, GINK, Shimishake and spray, fly lines, rental waders, rental boats, free info, tasteless free coffee. All daily @ 8am and open til late for your afternoon dry fly floats.

Thanks, and we’ll be seeing you.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Still miserably cold here on Montana’s Missouri River. Still beautiful though. Love looking at the scenery through the comfort of the windshield. With the heat blasting. The truck does not want to start during this deep freeze. At all. Silly Sunday Scenery | Bitter Ass Cold Edition Not a soul, not an angler on the … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Snow on the Mo

Snow this week for the Friday Foto image. It is mostly gone now, with some hanging on near and around the river. More forecast for the weekend ahead? We’ll see if it materializes. Until then, enjoy the solace ont eh river as the angler number are down to a November level. Still some hangers on … Read more

Girl’s Rule, Boy’s Drool – Photo Contest!

OK Headhunters Nation, here’s our next Photo Contest. You know all about our “New Breed Chicks Rule” category. Lovely women… who  can fish! Well, we want to see some of your shots of your favorite gal-pal, wife, girlfriend, mother, daughter, aunt or female fishing pal showing off their mad skills. Our contest starts immediately, and … Read more

Underwater Rainbow Trout

Big Sky Photo Contest – Ended

Our Big Sky Photo Contest sponsored by our good friends at Howler Bros. has concluded. All images have been received, and the judging will now begin. With the use of the W.O.P.R. super computer and a couple of 18 packs, the Headhunters staff will now judge the winning photo. The winner will receive shwag from … Read more