Montana Trout Spey

Trout Spey Gear Roundup

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ed Note: A re-post of this comprehensive Trout Spey Gear Roundup scribed by John this past month. We thought it important to post again as we now headlong into the TROUT2H Season. Swing Season has arrived! SWING SEASON 20-21 October is here, and that means we’re hearing the word “swing” around the shop more … Read more

OPST Commando Smooth

OPST Commando Smooth Sale!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The new-ish OPST Commando Smooth is on sale at 25% off starting today. Most spey anglers are familiar with the OPST Commando Head. It’s the head that started all of this “micro-skagit” stuff, and is the most popular single-handed spey line on the market. The Commando “Smooth” is the integrated version of the Commando head. … Read more

Ready your fly line situation today!

Ready your fly line situation today! Getting your gear ready in the spring is always a fun pursuit. I love getting out the fly rods and pouring over them on the kitchen table checking and looking and preening and loving and dreaming. Digging through the remainder of your gear is important too. The hardest way … Read more

Headhunters is the Trout Spey Line HQ

Headhunters is the Trout Spey Line HQ

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Headhunters is the Trout Spey Line HQ We have them all. Almost all of them. We may not have every trout spey line ever made but we have most of the bases covered including well over 100 trout spey demo lines you can try any day! Here is the current list of what Headhunters in … Read more

Dewey's Trout Spey Rig

Dewey’s Trout Spey Rig

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dewey’s Trout Spey Rig Ed note: Today on the Headhunters Blog we have Dewey’s Trout Spey Rig.  Dewey loves to swing the fly! He and Shane nymphed quite a few up on Thursday. But the real success was on the swing. Each had approx. 10 on the swing with lots of additional grabs, bites, … Read more

Ninch’s Trout Spey Set-Up

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ninch’s Trout Spey Set-Up Today we view Ninch’s Trout Spey setup. Ninch fishes the 2 hander most of the year when he is not tossing fires at rising trout. He is excited about getting out again soon when the weather warms this weekend! You can see Ninch at the next Free Trout Spey Clinic … Read more

Trout Spey Rigs: Braden

Trout Spey Rigs: Braden

Trout Spey Rigs: Braden Today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog we have Braden’s Trout Spey Rig. We thought it would be helpful if we outlined what we use here on the Missouri River during the Swing Season. Braden, and the majority of the HH Gang, swings a fly all winter long. Starting in the … Read more

The Missouri River Fly Line Source is Headhunters in Craig - Headhunters Fly Shop

Missouri River Fly Line Source is Headhunters in Craig

Missouri River Fly Line Source In downtown Craig Montana you will find your Missouri River Fly Line Source. You can judge a fly shop by a ton of different parameters like customer service, friendliness, accurate information, the attention to detail in the fly department, the sheer number of flies, the clothing lines, rod selection…but I have … Read more

Montana Trout Spey Fishing

Trout Spey Line Selection

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve been receiving lots of questions about “Troutspey” rods and lines lately. Folks are getting geared up for the fall. Streamers are on their mind, and many folks are choosing to swing them on foot, rather than from the boat.

We’ve already announced that we have several smaller spey rods designed for trout, including the new Sage ONE Troutspey (3110-4). We are also carrying two models from ECHO, the Glass Switch 4106 and the SR 4106. Both are 4 weights, but fish and feel similar to the Sage #3. (There is also a Sage #2, but that is designed more for smaller soft-hackles and such).

The “big news” isn’t really about the rods. In fact the ECHO’s have been around for a few years. The big change is the extremely short Skagit heads that go with them. RIO is producing an 11′ Skagit Trout Max for the ONE. We are also carrying the OPST (Olympic Penninsula Skagit Tactics) Commando heads, which come in at 12′-13’6″ in these smaller sizes. You can add to your choices traditional Skagit and Scandi heads from Airflow and RIO, Airflo’s new “Switch Streamer” and “Switch Float”, RIO’s Switch Chucker, and the Wulff Ambush. Plenty of choices. Too many.

And we haven’t even talked about running lines yet.

We are spending a great deal of time really getting these rods dialed in with the right lines, as well as discovering the pluses and minuses of the new short lines and different running lines on these ultra-light rods. I feel as though we are close to halfway through our testing.

I’ll start off with some recommendations we have come up with thus far. Please remember that most of our crew approaches spey casting from a mostly Scandi/traditional point of view. We make no claims of being Skagit experts.


240 gr Scandi, OPST Commando 225 (12′), and RIO 250 gr SkagitTrout Max. (Still to come, Commandos in 200 gr and 250 gr, Ambush and Skagit Max Short)

This rod likes a 240 gr Scandi head (29′) a lot, but it might be a touch long for shorter anglers or when you’re right to the top of your waders. Dewey, Sara and I all thought it was perfectly balanced and threw with ease. Dewey and I are both 6’1″ (6’4″ with the flat brim trucker). For us there was no real problem with timing or speed. Sara (5’3″) on the other hand, had to work a little harder and lift her hands higher, especially when wading over her knees. This rod was designed with sustained anchor casts in mind, so it’s no surprise that you have to “overload the D” with such a short rod. But once you get it the lines sails. Probably the line for early season (Nov/Dec) floating presentations.

The 250 gr RIO Skagit Trout Max (11′) is designed specifically for this rod, and it works that way. At 11′ feet, you’re going to go through a learning curve, even if you’re an accomplished spey caster. So short that pre-launch moves are almost non-existent. Keep your hands low, and do not try to load up a D-loop. A continuous sustained anchor sweep and launch works wonders. Don’t stop! We are finding a 10′ MOW tip works much better than a poly-leader. I think the extra mass helps keep you on anchor, and gives all that energy somewhere to dissipate. We like the 5×5 iMOW the best for the Missouri.

The 225r OPST Commando (12′) is a little bit smoother and lighter, but probably requires a bit more skill. These are new to us and we’re still learning. OPST actually recommends a 175 gr head, which we have thrown but find hard to feel. An expert sustained anchor Skagit-head would probably fly it across the river. We do like the extra foot of length. Our comrades over at Red’s Fly Shop on the Yakima are recommending a 300 gr Commando, so it seems we are lacking a consensus on this one.

These lines are designed by Ed Ward and Jerry French (total Guru’s), so it’s hard for me to argue with their recommendations (175 gr). I think we just need some more time on the water with these.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”14836″ onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]

ECHO SR 4106:

RIO 225 gr Skagit Max Short (17′), OPST 225 Commando (12′) and Scandi 270

It’s important to me that we get this rod dialed in, as it comes in at a price more tolerable to most folks than the Sage ONE ($329 v. $950). This rod has been the trickiest to get properly lined up, but the “SR” stands for “switch rod”. This rod was designed as a switch, not a spey. It’s a little lighter in the tip, so you have to be careful about overlooking it.

It makes no sense on paper, but our favorite line thus far is the RIO Skagit Max Short 225 gr (17′). According to the charts, we should be 100 grains above that (or more), but the rod loves this head. Dewey and I spent a good deal of time throwing it with a 10′ 5×5 iMow tip attached, and it sailed with power, speed and a tight loop. Really more like a Scandi head. It had no problem turning over the tip and weighted fly.

A 270gr Scandi also sailed on this rod, but we ran into the same problems we did on the Sage ONE Troutspey. It will be a little long for some folks, depending on your height and casting stroke, and very close attention needs to be paid to your load and anchor point. The Skagit Max Short performed way better and almost as smooth.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”14837″ onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]


OPST Commando 225 gr, Scandi 270 gr

The same specs as the Echo SR – 10’6″ 4 weight – but a completely different animal. This fiberglass rod has a slow action with latent power perfect for Skagit lines. It also liked the 270 Scandi, but the above mentioned problems were probably magnified a little more.

This rod really likes the OPST Commando 225, and we also recommend using a MOW tip vs. a polyleader. We highly recommend all of the glass ECHO switch and spey rods. You can make a lot of little mistakes and still pull a rabbit out of your hat. Our only complaint is that physically smaller anglers notice the weight difference over graphite models. Dewey and I think it feels like any other two-hander, but Sara commented on the “extra-heavy feeling”. This has been true of most women+ECHO glass at our spey clinics. Still, they are among our favorite rods, especially for the price ($279-299).


We have always been fans of traditional plastic coated running lines (built like a fly line), but have been using mono shooting lines more and more, especially with these ultra-light Troutspey rods. These rods do not really give you any advantages when casting, nor are they easier. It’s more about the “fun-factor” and matching the appropriate sized gear to your quarry.

Our problem is that we fish on a very big river with big winds, and the fish tend to hold in the “middle”. We need maximum distance out of our gear. Using mono running lines gives us some distance advantage.

Our favorite is the OPST Lazar line, which is a newer and highly touted mono. While OPST claims several advantages over other mono running lines, I find that the small diameter and super slick coating are most noticeable.

We also use the RIO Slickshooter mono running lines, but are not big fans of the “Gripshooter lines. The grippy coating on the last 15′ of the running line pretty much negates any mono running line advantage. We find this especially true with these lighter heads. Also, the Gripshooter coating pulls of pretty easily, and it’s more expensive.

One huge disadvantage we are finding with mono lines has to do with weeds.We typically don’t do that much spey fishing this time of year, so floating weeds are not an issue. In the winter, the Missouri is crystal clear.

But with all of the line testing we’re doing right now, we’re out there during the weed “breakup”. The mono running lines are going to sink, and when they do they are going to grab some grass. We are discovering that even a couple inches of weeds (not much) can stop these lightweight heads dead in the air. So, for the time being we are back on the Airflo Ridge Running line (dropping in diameter from 30b to 20lb, and RIO’s Connect Core. We will switch over to mono later in the fall. If fall ever gets here.


Consider this part one of what will be several to come, and most information here is not set in stone. If nothing else, maybe this information will help you sort out your own Troutspey rod and line setup. More to come soon.


If you’re looking for a few Skagit pointers at Headhunters, seek out Ninch. He is the most accomplished Skagit caster on our staff, having absorbed all of Mike McCune’s teachings at our spey clinic. Remember: continuous sweep and launch stroke!

These new short heads definitely present some challenges. There are a blast to cast, but will take a little tweaking to your style, depending on your background. Also, you can use them on single handers. Might be worth a try under the dam for some fish taco materials.


We have all of these rods available for demo, and we’d love to hear as much feedback as possible. Don’t be shy about coming in and trying one out for the day.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

OPST Skagit Gear

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]OPST – short for Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics – is a new player in the Spey market, but with very old roots. Owners Ed Ward and Jerry French are part of the crew that invented Skagit lines and techniques. In an effort to build exactly what they wanted, they formed OPST and introduced two products that are quickly becoming popular.

The Commando Head is their own version of the Skagit head. Shorter and lighter than other “Skagit” heads, this really is something different. It is perfect for the shorter rods we use for trout and Steelhead, and they are a perfect match for the new “troutspey” rods coming to the market.

Lazar Line is the first OPST product I head about from local Skagit guru Erich Bittman. Shoots great, doesn’t tangle, hydrophobic, etc. Basically, most mono running line geeks I talked to swore by the stuff.

We are carrying both products at the shop (and online), and while we are mostly a Scandi crowd around here, I expect the Commando Head/Lazar Line setup to be seen on more and more rods around the Missouri  this winter. Including mine.

If you don’t know who Ed and Jerry are, ask around. Instead of explaining it to you here, I’ll let you check out some of their videos, which are really cool.

[/vc_column_text][us_separator text=”OPST VIDEO” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_video link=””][us_separator text=”OPST COMMANDO” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_video link=””][us_separator text=”OPST LAZAR LINE” show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_video link=”–JYunDrxJM”][/vc_column][/vc_row]