Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff


Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

One of the great casters, instructors, and minds in todays fishing world. He also makes some pretty popular rods by the name of ECHO.

Tim today talks about Off-Shoulder casting. Truly an important cast here on this big river in Montana we fish daily. The Missouri River in Craig.

Why? Because the wind blows all the time. And sometimes upriver outta the north. Making it difficult. It may not blow against the grain all day long, or it will…nevertheless if you cannot execute this cast, those days will not yield many trout. Or opportunities.

So why not increase your chances and learn this valuable trout casting tool before summer 2020. Winter is a great time to add a couple tools to your box.

I am not one who learns casting on the water. Not enough time for that. When I’m on the water I am fishing. Not practicing. Learning is what you do off the water. Ask any great caster what they do. I know pro athletes don’t learn fundamentals on the field. No way man. Not during game time.

Yes, some yahoo is gonna comment that they can learn new casts, tread in unfamiliar waters, and conjure up some casting brilliance from the ashes of his last cast… on the water. And maybe you can sir. But the casting mortals, which is all of us but you, are best serviced by learning this kind of cast on the lawn. In a casting laboratory.

Yessir. At a time when you can concentrate on the cast. Not the rising trout.

Go out and practice this cast. It will not take much time to learn. Nope. You will pick it up pretty quickly. Because your brain already knows how to cast. And when you need to employ the Off-Shoulder Cast on the water, you will already know how it feels!

That other fella, your fishing partner brother-in-law will be thrashing around tomahawking freely rising trout. Unfortunately he’s the guy who can learn, on the water.

And then turn to you in the back of the boat and say “You wanna give these a shot?”[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]