Joe’s Craig Bar Polar Bear Plunge

26th or 27th Annual Joe’s Craig Bar Polar Bear Plunge Wednesday January 1st @ the Craig Boat Ramp @ High Noon! News coverage attends yearly. You dress yourself up or down in some sort of bathing suit coverage. Immediately following the Annual Chili Feed @ Joe’s Bar. All proceeds going to the Craig Volunteer Fire … Read more

Happy New Year's Day

Happy New Year’s Day


Happy New Year’s Day

New Year’s Resolutions for Squeeky include…
  • More smiling.
  • More fishing.
  • More smoking of meats.
  • Fewer whacko’s in public office.
  • More chill. Way more chill.
  • More dry fly fishing.

Enjoy the New Year. Start fresh. Live peacefully. Fish more w/ Headhunters. Love more. Care more.

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