New Breed Chicks Rule Baliey Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Baliey Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Baliey Edition A good one from New Breed Chick Bailey on this Saturday morning. Caught this one on a hopper. And yes, it was Bailey’s first day fly fishing. What a stunner for her first fish on a hopper too! Thanks Bailey for getting out there and making it happen with … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Stephanie Returns Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Stephanie Returns Edition & 4th of July Fishing Report

New Breed Chicks Rule Stephanie Returns Edition Stephanie graced the early pages of the blog and has more than one installment in the New Breed Chicks annals. Stephanie and friend Amanda, you’ll see her early next week as she too has a New Breed Chicks Rule post forthcoming, rocked it all day long with HH … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Shalom Edition #2

New Breed Chicks Rule Shalom Edition #2

New Breed Chicks Rule Shalom Edition #2 Shalom Thomas fishing with HH Guide Dewey this past Friday. Shalom and husband Marty, straight outta the North Shore in Oahu, have been here on the Mo a number of times and this is the second time Shalom has graced the New Breed Chicks Category. The previous time … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule and Future Fly Fisher

New Breed Chicks Rule and Future Fly Fisher!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule and Future Fly Fisher! Hailey Walpoole with this caddis caught trout. Her guide, who would like to remain nameless, said she fished the dry better than many of his adult male clients. He said she popped this one off with a reach cast accurately on the fish and this was … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Faith Edition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Faith Edition Faith recently caught this nice rainbow on the Missouri River. Faith is rocking the local Carroll College colors. Her outfit matches her rainbow trout! We see a lot of students from Carroll enjoying their proximity to the Missouri River. Faith and her father Paul know how to enjoy … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Peggy and Trish Edition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Peggy and Trish Edition Peg, Trish, Lynnett, and Skip on today’s New Breed Chicks blog. These women are all volunteers with the Casting For Recovery program. They fished with Whitney and Kurt a week and a half ago. During their day on the water, Trish and Peg both caught their largest personal bests for different … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

3 generations of gals here on the Mo this winter.

Andy, Danielle, and Hannah fished in the damn cold weather a couple days after Thanksgiving. An afternoon fish session with boat heaters, hand warmers, warm hats, and hot soup. And a few fish to hand. Just awesome.

Snowing hard again today here on the river. The roads and boat ramps are dicey. Not great travel conditions. But hardy Montanans are used to hardships. We certainly live here for the river and take the added discomforts in stride.

Planning on coming out this weekend? We believe any temps aver 25F are not too uncomfortable for fishing. Below that temperature you can certainly be on the cool side. Ice in your guides is a problem.

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

A couple inches have already fallen this morning. Really feels like more will fall today. Quiet on the river today. Really calm too. No wind to fouls things up. At least here in Craig.

Be sure to read the excellent 2015-16  Spey Rod Lineup & review yesterday on this very blog. And remember that we have all kinds of demo rods at the shop and ready to fish anytime. Even in the snow.

I love fishing in the snow. It is so quiet. Just you, the spey cast, the silent sound of falling snow, and an occasional tug!

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule

Alex on the Mighty Mo this last week.

She and her husband popped up from Billings for a touch of fly fishing on the Missouri.

The Bighorn used to be their favorite river. No longer. They we quite pleased with the the fight on our feisty Rainbow Trout.

We love them too Alex. They are planning a move to Missoula soon and will be a couple hours closer. Hooray!

I have a feeling we will be seeing more of these two in the future.

Look us up for anything you may need Alex. Even the two handed classes offered in the winter months.

They said they would be attending…for sure.



New Breed Chicks Rule Molly Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Molly Edition

New Breed Chick Mooly out with her family this past week.

Can she fish? Oh yeah.

She is no stranger to a fly rod. Molly spent her formative years in Jackson Hole skiing the winters until the snow became water. Then she would fish the streams until the mountains came ending the summer. Both she and her husband were engaged in the outdoor recreation business until the kids stared coming.

When she spoke about her youth, meaning post college days, Molly lit right up.

The last 12 years she and Greg have been raising 3 children in Minnesota. Now the kids are of an age where they can easily cox them into the rig for road trips westward with rods and skis delicately placed crammed into the back of the Family Truckster.

All the kids cast and fish well. Molly said they run the entire family out on the lake in a pontoon boat, motorized, with 5 float tubes stacked on the deck. Stuff each child into a tube and toss them off the back. When the troops are deployed she and Greg get far enough away from the kids so when the children run into trouble they re far enough away that they have to figure it out on their own. A perfect theory in my book. Teaching self sufficient fishing behaviors is smart. You gotta start them young with this tough love fly fishing program for it to be successful.

Just a little guidance, encouragement, coupled with distance allowing for self discovery.

Pretty smart Molly.

She is a great angler who is quite excited to get back to the western rivers as she stated she and the gang will be back soon.

While Molly was interested in her kids catching a few fish she was not all afraid to punish her husband. I don’t know what the final tally was but I think Molly may have edged Greg out.

New Breed Chicks Rule WI Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule WI Edition

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Jackie today on the Headhunters Blog New Breed Chicks Rule Wisconsin Edition.

Really cool Jackie. She was out for the first time to the Mo with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens.

He husband Ken has made a few trips out with good friend and fishing partner Marko Baxter of Strike Foundy Indicators. Ken has done some testing for Marko and Strike Foundry…that’s what he calls it. Lots of testing. Here in Montana and definitely in the Driftless area. And probably a few other places too.

So Jackie said she oughtta come out to the Missouri River and do some testing herself!

And test she did. Catch she did. And enjoy she did!

Thanks and nice meeting you out here Jackie. You can come out anytime. Bring your husband too.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_wp_posts][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

Sunny Hodge on today’s New Breed Chicks Rule.

Headhunters Guide Jared Edens put the boat in position for Sunny to get the job done. Nice work Sunny.

New Breed Chicks do rule as these two beauties were caught on the dry fly.

Cool. Very cool.

Want to make your own New Breed memories. Bring your wife or girlfriend or daughter for a fly fishing trip to central Montana.

Even better, leave the boys at home and come out on your won.

Cool. Very cool.

New Breed Chicks do Rule here on the fabulous fishy Missouri River.

New Breed Chicks Rule Later Summer Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers today on the Headhunters Blog. Audrey helping Dad with this nice Missouri River Rainbow.

Good friends and original Headhunters clients Bret and Sara Childers from up north are now bringing several generations of the Childers clan. Father and Mother Childers and now their daughter Audrey.

Here is a note that Sara dropped us this morning.

Hello Headhunters,

We had a great time on the Missouri and enjoyed staying in your awesome Rv spots. We got a good picture of Bret & Audrey with a Mo Rainbow and thought it might be a good addition for your “Chicks Rule” on the blog. She floated Craig to Stickney with us, and by the end of the trip she was looking out the front of the boat telling her Dad, “I see sippers!”
Bret, Sara & Audrey Childers
Thanks Sara and thanks Audrey for rocking it on the Mighty Mo. We love seeing you folks here int he RV park and on the water. Bret helped John and Mark test the Inflatable Drift Boat by NRS last summer. Brett and Sara love to hang on the porch too. Can you blame them?
Thanks again Childers family for visiting and enjoying Montana’s Missouri River. See you soon!
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report New Breed Style

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report New Breed Style

Char Ford fishing with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens today on this updated fishing report from Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana.

It is July, and the fishing is easy. Well sometimes. I am referencing the Porgy and Bess tune from the Gershwin Brothers. Catfish are jumping’…

On any given day the stretch you fish can be quite vacant. Look around and go the other way. It works. After the 5th? Maybe.

Not too many bugs yesterday as we are in a mode where sometimes they are gonna come big, and other days not so much.

5 Ways to get it done this July

Dry or Die. Most that are here for the July period are DFO’s. Tie them on and cast. Bring your industrial bottles of GINK and Fly-Agra. Get out early and stay out late.

Blind fish the dry. Many do this in between rising fish. A good way to pick up a couple extra trout. Look for 18″-36″ of moving water and toss an attractor like an ant or a giant Adams or some sort of caddis.

Dry-Dropper. Something that not many of us do. It sacrifices both the dry and the dropper. We believe that it is perfect for freestone rivers, but not so hot for our river. Reduces the effectiveness of the dry and the dropper equally. Choose one or the other. Your most efficient option.

Deep Nymph Rig. Get the flies not he bottom with a split shot. The bottom is where most of the fish live. Deep nymphing is batting for average. Singles win ballgames. For those who like to catch a bundle, this is your technique.

Streamer Fishing. Underrated summertime activity. Strip them fast before the weeds make an appearance. Explosive grabs and bigger trout. Try it when things get slow on the other fronts.

Headhunters open daily @ 630am and open late until 9pm. Stop in for the best in Missouri River Flies. Free info too.

New Breed Chicks Rule Raining Cats and Dogs Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Raining Cats and Dogs Edition

A submission from our friend Stephen Caldwell and his wife Torrey from the rainy Mo this last week.

It is sunny now and we aim to keep it that way for a while.

Here is the short note that Stephen sent along.


Maybe this is worthy for a New Breed Chicks Rule? My wife Torrey Caldwell told me she’s had enough of those rainbows that she was consistently pulling out of the water all day, she said I want a bigger brown.
So we started fishing “brownie” like water and she popped the hook on 3 very nice ones prior to this one. She was very happy with this one, she picked it off out of a pod of rising fish with a small sz 18 caddis dry in the middle of a rain storm.
Not too many chicks out there are sniping browns off out of a drift boat during a downpour with a smile on there face like that, and the ones that are we need to make sure to not take for granted because they are awesome.

-Stephen Caldwell


New Breed Chicks Rule Raining Cats and Dogs Edition

Nicely stated Stephen. We need to celebrate them and encourage them to bring their friends! New Breed Chicks do Rule!

Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

It’s a Boy! Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

Ed Note: The baby in the picture is a BOY! Mark, the blind author, made the mistake. Hence the re-post. 

Brad Bischoff’s daughter’s new baby and trout picture all in one.

We love the next generation…

Thanks Brad for this killer photo of your grand-son, son-in-law, daughter, and rainbow!

Just awesome.


New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule #765

Mel and Aislinn out fishing for a day on the Mighty Mo this last week.

They got some killer Missouri River Trout.

It had been a long spell since Mel had fly fished. Or fished for that matter.

She has been traveling the great US of A eating fish though! So we cannot hold that against her.

Aislinn lives just up the road and fishes the Mo more often. Some times she brings her kids and sometimes her husband Chris too.

When are you gonna have your New Breed Day on the Missouri? When you do, send off a few photos for this very post and famedom across the weB!

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule Nearly Summer Edition

Kelsey Chambers rocking the New Breed Chicks Rule broadcast today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

I fished with Stephanie and Jerry Chambers in late April and Stephanie Chambers has also graced the New Breed pages. So Mother/ Daughter New Breed Gals do Rule!

Thanks to the Chambers family and supporting fellers Jerry and Dane.

New Breed Chicks do rule and today You Rule Kelsey!

Thanks for coming out to the Mo and we will see your folks often as they float the Missouri River often…

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule Saturday Edition

MJ Baglin fishing all week with Jared Edens of Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service.

MJ rules. Clearly.

Husband Frank is here #1 fan and they fish well together. We have enjoyed getting to know both MJ and Frank this past week and look forward to seeing them again in August for the hopper bite.

Thanks for stopping by for the week MJ and Frank. Nice meeting you two. Safe travels as you hunt up mor etrout this w=summer and we will see  you on the flip side this August…for moreMJ on the Blog!

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule #653

New Breed Chicks Rule Diane Edition today from the Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT.

Gary said he got out fished again by Diane. We believe it.

Not because Gary is a slouch…because Diane catches big fish!

Thanks for dropping this into our inbox Gary, we appreciate it greatly.

We love you two and thanks for the support!

See you soon in Craig…

New Breed Chicks Rule!