Drift Boat Drive-In Recap today not eh Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.
Great turnout last night on a long day. About 100 folks showed to view the Montana Fishing Film Festival in Craig last night. Fished all day, dinner at Izzak’s, Film @ Headhunters, pares film activities late night at Joe’s Bar. Keeping it in Craig is pretty easy to do with the river in town, food, the World’s Funnest Fly Shop, and 2 great bars. Sounds about right huh?!
Summer is off to a bang today as we reflect on last nights fun and today’s sun. Summer is here, this being the kick-off, and we are ready and willing. Headhunters is the place for all things trout in Craig.

The boys from Montana Fishing Film Fest are fishing today as well. A lower float towards Pelican. They hav been enjoying the trouting with surface eats for the latter portion of the week and we look forward to having them here again as the summer moves along. Maybe not this year, but they will be back for another raucous event in 2015. Look for more here on this very fly fishy Blog.
Free events are what we are all about and this was no different. We passed the hat and got some great donations for the boys, and HH picked up the rest of the tab. Hot dogs with Kraut, salty chips, and a few beers were devoured as the film kicked off about 930 pm. Dusk-ish in Craig. Perfect.
Films by Montanans for folks fishing in Montana, the Missouri River.