Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The Spring Special rolls on as we enter the final week of $300 Guide Trips.

Grant, Paul, and Blair were out fishing today down from the northern region and graced us with this beautiful Rainbow image. More on the Facebook Page tomorrow.

The weather is cooperating somewhat with the wind hampering some of the dry fly action. The bugs were here yesterday but the fish didi not respond as we would have liked. Today? A new day indeed.

The rain did not come in the volumes that the weather guesser said it would and that is OK. We have enough water on the ground, in the ground, in the reservoirs, in the river this year.

The warm weather did not come either. Some did. But the tributaries felt a little pressure as the mid level snow budged a touch and is matriculating into our larger system.

The Dearborn is rising slightly at 461cfs and the Little Prickley Pear is off color at 271cfs and on an upward path. Both should be stable and falling before the end of the weekend. Or not?

Rain forecast for the weekend and today, tomorrow. How much precipitation will actually fall? Oh less than an inch. The high level snows are still frozen and will not move until we get daytime highs over 80F and nighttime lows over 40F. That has yet to happen. But we are still in April which is winter in Montana.

Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The dry fly fishing that we normally witness is not upon us in the capacity that it normally is. But the weather, water temps, and water level have something to do with that. We are experiencing higher water levels than we normally have for April. Having said that you can find a few. Look hard in your old dry fly haunts and you may be rewarded.

Adams, Midge Clusters, tiny little midge patterns, with CDC emergent droppers can bring the trout to hand.

As for the streamer bite? Better every day. The water is warming and the trout like to move for the big bug more often when their metabolism is increasing. Plus, a long winter for them too. Hungry bastards like meaty treats. Stop into Headhunters for over 150 streamer patterns to choose from. The best selection in the Tri-County Region!

Headhunters has a full and wide selection of weighted tips for you to choose from as well. And streamer lines? Tons. A vast selection from RIO, Airflo, Orvis, Cortland. All the best for your the Missouri River angler.

Nymphers are having the best luck. Still deep with bobber to split in the 6′-8′ range. Pink is not out of favor but the normal flies are making their mark. A ton of midge patterns with mayfly patterns are leaving the bins after their long winters rest. Peep Shows, Frenchie’s, Angel Hair PT’s, Hot Spot Pt’s, Hot Spot Scuds, Arnold’s Sili Scud, Choi’s Spicy Scud, BK’s Pink Blob, Purple LB’s, Micro May’s, and many more!


Headhunters Fly Shop open 730am to 730pm. 12 hours of goodness for you the Missouri River Trout Angler. Izaak’s is open too daily @ 3pm with dinner @ 4pm. Yum. Uncle Joe’s Bar daily @ 8am. The Taco Cart not yet. The Frenchman in WC and the O too. See you in Craig this weekend for trout fishing fun. You know you want to come…




Soon. Missouri River Baetis

Soon. Missouri River Baetis

Baetis on the docket.


Have seen some movement and have seen some fish respond.

More on the way. Soon.

Your objective?

Be at the right place at the right time.

Your task?

Drift well.

We know you have the tools to achieve greatness.

Will you be with us in May to see this through?

We hope so.


Why do you think they call them Mayflies anyway?
New Breed Chicks Rule #547

New Breed Chicks Rule #547

New Breed Chicks Rule #547.

Lisa has always been a New Breed Chick. And she Rules.

Thanks for coming on out Lisa and fishing the Missouri River.

We will see you later this summer!

We love women anglers! They are the best. We also have female guides that will guide you or your wife. Give us ahsout.

New Breed Chicks are everywhere and welcome here in Craig.

Top 10 Tips for Higher Water Success

10 Tips for High(er) Water Success

The flows this morning are 8360cfs. This is not high by historical flows, but is higher than some anglers are comfortable with.

High flows are aver 15K to us here on the Missouri. We will write another blog when she gets to that level, which we do not expect. The flows are similar to the 6K mark, but higher. Smart huh?!

Imagine the subsurface structure and put the flies on those structure points. Here is where long time Mo River Anglers thrive. They have a map of the bottom of the river etched in their minds and they are looking at it while fishing/drifting. Think of drop offs, bank lines, the old primary shelf, the secondary shelf…things like that. Fish love structure. They feed, hide, chill on structure points.

10 Tips for High(er) Water Success

  1. Stay on the inside bend while nymphing. The fish don’t like that turbulent water near or on the rip-rap banks at this temp and at these flows.
  2. Add a tip to your streamer line. If you are going to streamer fish, use a T-7 or T-8 tip to get it down to where the fish are.
  3. Don’t rip your streamer back to you like you are on some sort of dreamy Galloup TV shoot. Slow and easy with long pauses. Get the flies down to the fish and then begin your stripping magic.
  4. Look for other boats  catching fish. See and learn what they are doing and replicate their movements. Don’t cut them off or low hole them, they may mention it to you. But watch and learn.
  5. Chat with your fly shop, Headhunters, and glean some information from the staff. They are out fishing daily and will lend a hand in your success. Flies, split shot, technique, areas etc. Use them for knowledge and hints. Headhunters is transparent. We’ll tell you all we know.
  6. Add more weight if you are not flirting with the bottom of the river occasionally. If you do not get the bait in front of the trout, they will not eat it. Period.
  7. Float longer floats. Bigger, faster water will allow you to cover more water. There are only a few great runs per mile in these higher and accelerated flows.
  8. As the Hazel gang in Maupin always say, “Fish good water well.” If you find ’em, stay on ’em.
  9. Get good at striking the fly hard when the bobber moves. Only those who hit it more often catch more fish. Those who watch, well…you know the unfortunate answer to that equation.
  10. Dry fly guys look for the bugs and slow inside tucked out of the way environs. You know those spots. Get in there and look, watch, wait…then cast. The BWO’s are out, or sort of coming daily. The midge yesterday was pretty epic in some areas. It is definitly happening as the water temps climb. We waited a long time, now it is the time. It will get better daily. We may be a week out still for consistent daily dry fly action? Bring your dry rod, you may employ it!

An easy 10 Tips for High(er) Water Success today from your information experts here at Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig MT. Stop in any time for info, a vast Missouri River specific fly selection, tons fly lines, shuttles, or just to chew the fat. We dig fly fishing talk!


Ed Note: Hey if you want to view any of our past content you can! Just click on the Blog Icon in the Header for all of our fishing reports and blogs. Need to waste an hour or two at work? We got the content for you!




New Boat Smell

New Boat Smell | Tax Day Edition

It is the time of year when we see a ton of new boats coming out to the Missouri River for the inaugural float.

Why not christen your craft on the Missouri?

This is one more of the many new boats we see on the Mighty Mo every year.

Dump your boat in the Holy Waters, stay at the Craig Trout Camp, and eat at Izaak’s, drink at Joe’s.

A perfect weekend.

New Boat Smell

Do you have a new boat ordered for the 2014 year? Why not? Most of America is flat broke on this Tax Day. A great day to get on the horn and order yourself a deduction for 2014? Right?

You can top it off with a $300 Guide Trip with Headhunters. A $400 trip at Land of the Giants.

While we love the Adipose Boatworks Flow Skiff we are looking forward to the arrival of the NRS Inflatable Drift Boats, the Freestone Drifter. You can read more about it here as we tested and reviewed this boat last August. We are promised they are in the mail en route to Headhunters, the funnest fly shop in the world. Maybe today? Maybe.

New Boat Smell
Get yours at Headhunters Fly Shop

We will post here on this informational blog about the arrival, the first build, and the New Boat Smell that will surely ensue. We will have one, the NRS Freestone Drifter, for demo and you too can get on board with the hottest new boat of the young 2014 fly fishing season.

So if you like either and Adipose, a Hyde, a Clackacraft or one of these new babies above get your New Boat Smell out on the water for everybody to smell. Truly, one of the better aroma’s we can think of!

Happy Tax Day to you all. We hope your day includes a delicious lunch courtesy of Uncle Sam. Write it off. It is the American way.


Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 4.14.14

As the weather warms just getting better everyday.

The sun always makes the fishing better. If you have had winter until yesterday morning that is. Today Monday?

I’m praying for sun. I did a little coffee & sun jig this morning before I wrote this Blog.

What will this week bring? Sun I hope.


Sun brings water temps that rise. Sun brings spring bugs to the surface. Sun brings smiles.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Deeper, slower, slenderer is the word on the river for those who like to strip their fish in. Or on.

Try those follies too skinny for most. Those that are not articulated. Those patterns that look anemic to Galloup fans. They certainly sink faster. Too much volume on the fly keeps it suspended in the water column. Honest.

Skinny Flies Rule.

Nymphs sink faster when they are slenderized too. That is why the iron worm gets there. Ju-Ju Baetis. Zebra’s. Thread based flies. Those Copper Johnny deals. We used to call those Copper Johns…back in the day Wire Abdomened PT’s. Just sayin’.

Split shot helps it sink faster. The nymphs. Try two for twice the success. Slutty flies are the answer. Did get a few on those Copper Johnnies today. Back in the day we used to call them…

Saw a few BWO’s slipping by the chines Sunday afternoon in the canyon. Just a few. Midge mania later int he day as well. Clusters peeling off the boat on anchor near the shore.

Maybe the dry fly deal is maturing. Finally.

Rolling through the month with guides out daily, tons of shuttles, Missoula visiting daily, flies beginning to shift to normality, and lots of fishing friends showing on the porch for the first time this year. We love and enjoy seeing old friends.

And meeting new ones too.

Shop open daily from 8am and staying late for after work shuttles, the best in local logo wear, all the fresh info you can chew on…digest it at your own risk.


New Breed Chicks Rule #421

New Breed Chicks Rule #421

Sally rocks. She rules too.

She can throw a dry with the best of them. And does often. She even lets her husband Chuck sit in the back, most of the time.

HH Guide Jared got her in position to hook this nice Brown Trout on a Skwala.

Nice Work Sally!

We will probably see her here on this very fishy blog again someday. They visit Craig often…

Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.9.14

The sun has come. But rain today and 61F.

The bite is on with good reports of nymphing and some highlights of Skwala action. The Skwala action is not red, or even white hot but a few have been fooled below Craig.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Nymph Flies that are red hot, or Pink Hot include FB Sows, FB Rays, Soft Hackle Rays, Caviar Scud, Hot Beaded Softies, Rainbow Czech’s, Amex, Pink Lightening Bugs, Zebra’s, Purple Lightening Bugs, Rainbow Warriors, PT’s, Worms in all flavors, Skwala Nymphs, Rubberlegs…

Rigs that many guides and anglers are fishing run something like 6’+ from bobber to split, a couple spring favorite flies strung on below the split. Add more split if you need to get further down, but a size B should suffice. Add a touch more like a 4 or 6 if you need that extra horsepower. Moving the indicator will help too. Be in tune with your rig and if you are not hanging them as often as you think you should, change.

Streamer dudes are getting a few. The bite is not all that great for all the anglers. Reports of slow to non-existent streamer fishing are heard at the bar. But today is Wednesday and things could change for the better. IT is the latter part of the week. See you with sink tips and Poly Sinking leaders attached tossing long sloppy streamer casts here on the Mo soon! Book your lodging today for a place to rest your weary casting arms.

Headhunters carries a wide variety of Streamer lines. Why not get the right tool for your kick ass streamer rod this spring. Stop in and give the crack HH staff a heads up on how you roll. They can accommodate your fetish. Or at least point you in the right direction.

Skwala fishing on the Missouri River? Yes. While we do not have the numbers that some west side river have as far as the olive big bugs go, we do have enough to get the trout wound up and excited about this spring stonefly. Some are tossing them daily. We got the patterns that our trout love inside the warm confines of the HH HQ. Yes, in downtown Craig. Ninch has stocked the right stones for your dry fly pleasures. I hear purple is the new pink? What does that even mean?

Flows are stable at 6460cfs. Stable and flat for over a week. More info coming at you Saturday as we attend the Missouri River Advisory Committee meeting in Helena. More then.

Water temps are rising with the advent of Spring Air Temps! We are currently at 39.5F and we may touch the hallowed 40F today. Or tomorrow. What will happen then? Goodness is the answer. Greatness? Not til 42F.

Missouri River Montana Fishiing Report
Rising temps make us smile!

Check us out if you need any lodging or guiding service this month or any month ahead of us. We got all you need, well most, for your Missouri River trip. Just need info about hatches and such? We love to talk trout. Shop open daily @ 8am with shuttles, flies, info, warm hats, gloves, sunscreen, fly poles, and all the terminal tackle you can shake your fly stick at.


Missouri River Montnaa Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.8.14

Spring is here. What? Yep. The 2nd day over 60F today and we are nothing but excited.

And warmer.

Get out your tube of sunscreen and apply liberally. Warmer tomorrow for sure.




The weather will be great all week with air temps over 60F. We dig it. Maybe it truly is time to crawl from your winter cave and wet a line.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Nymphing is really good. But not for all. Those squirrelly trout can be tough to locate some days. Try and try and try again.

Adjust something if you cannot get them. There are only 3 things you can control while nymph fishing.

  • The drift. Mend, mend up, mend down, mend across…do something to keep the drift rolling along as long as possible. You can’t get ‘er done without participation in your drift. Your float. It is you who dictates the drift. Be involved. If you do not know how to do it, learn. It is an, the most, important part of the equation. If it is not presented properly the fish will shy away from your shit.
  • The depth. Split shot can get you there. Add more, add less, spread it out, concentrate it in one spot. Add a weighted fly, or flies. Be in control of your sink rate. Drop them, the rig, in the water and watch it sink. If it gets there fast, that is gooood! And for those who think nymphing is tying a 12″ dropper from your dry fly you my be fooling yourselves. While that works, it is surely not getting to the fish harbored on the bottom of the Missouri River. Those in the know have several sizes of split and use them often. Be adaptive and involved in your depth selection!
  • The fly. The fly pattern can be important. If the one, or ones you are tossing/sinking do not get bit, then change. Give them a chance though. Whatever that length of time may be is up to you. I would guess an hour without a take may be long enough. Many, some will change before that juncture. Pink is still the word. Grey, tan, reddish, pinkish, orange-ish seem to be flavors in the mix. Some purple too? Change it up when no action is the rule. You want action, get some!

Missouri River Stats

Flows are flat level at 6460cfs. The water is a touch turbid. That means there is a little color in it. Not dirty by any means, but greener than normal. Actually quite normal in the spring as the lake(s) above us are in a state of change. The ice is coming off. And certainly more will disappear this week with the warmer daytime temperatures.

The water temps are rising slowly. Maybe a bit more this week with the aforementioned sun penetration. 38.5F this morning. We are looking forward tipping over the 40F mark. Soon, oh so soon. Then we get that olive flavored insect we love so very much.

And sun this week. We got that too.

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Check out the fantastic short by Scumliner Media here on this very Fly Fishing Blog Super-site. FISHSKI is the name. Fishing and Skiing is our game! It is really a fun video.

Speaking of videos, we are filming with the New Fly Fisher this week. We will let you know when this TV show will air. January 2015 is the word.

We are just coming off a big weekend with our anniversary, OGR14 in Zootown and here in Craig, along with a bundle of HH Guides out on the water. We are in full swing with the Spring Special. Cheap lodging @ Craig Trout Camp and a few other properties on the Missouri River in conjunction with $300 Headhunters Guide Trips. Fun times in your favorite fishing ‘burb in central Montana.

If you have not fished the Missouri this year, or ever…then maybe this is your year. We’d love to host you on this Blue Ribbon fishery.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open daily @ 8am. We are open late if you feel the need or overwhelming desire to fish after work or book your tip while in you living room, in your slippers, dreaming of the Mighty Mo and the un-real Trico Spinner Falls in late July!

Shuttles daily, guides available, rental Adipose Drift Boats, any lodging needs, demo rods, flies, info, sunscreen, BUFF’s, or a shoulder to cry on. We got your back.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.5.14

Yes pretty damn good. We add the sun divide the breeze multiply the fun and come up w/ the quotient this week as we have been in dire need of it for months.

The sun.

So fishing is a 7 with 1 point awarded for the comfort of air temperature.

The weekend weather is great. We look forward to fishing without gloves, snow toques, boat heaters and whiskey.

Just weak black coffee and a handful of streamers.

Streamer Fishing Report

Streamer fishing? Better than a stick in the eye. Great? Not really.

Some days are better than others. Again today reports across the spectrum. Some days are better than others.

Leeches of all flavors. Black, purple, red, olive and aural grey. They seem to be attracting the right kind of followers. Also this streamer pattern made for the Missouri River which the name has escaped me but it works. It is an articulated Sparkle Minnow. A double hooked R2R. Come in and see it. It is just killer.

Home Invaders, R2R’s, Coffey Sparkle Minnow in Smoke colors, Black Buggers, Micro Zonkers, full sized Zonkers in white or natural, Egg Suckers in purple or black, Skiddish in brown or olive, Shiela, Space Invaders, Kreelex…


Did not see may. But a few. A few, not more. More bugs Thursday and even more Friday. Today? Maybe they will rise.

Nymphers Dee-Light

Getting it done. PINK, Worms, a bundle of differing FB’s, PINK, Zebra’s, Exploding Midge, Newman’s Own, Don Ming, Dominick’s Dam Midge, Red Flasher, Stupor Sparkler…

Missouri River Weekend Weather


Better huh? Sun. Let’s hope it continues for 7 months.

Water Levels and Temps

In the mid 6K range. Temps are moving upwards and the sun penetration will help move the mercury higher. Can you say 40F soon? I can hear you brother and I applaud your exclamation!]

How about 42F for Skwala’s and BWO’s. Soon.

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service

Party time tomorrow Sunday the 6th. Fun in the sun with a BBQ hosted by Orvis and Izaak’s. See you around 4pm for Craig MT April fun. You might like it.

See you daily @ 8am. We got your slot for the $300 Guide Trips. Headhunters is your lodging connection too. Why not book both at the same time? Seems reasonable.

Spring is here and the dry fly bite will start soon. Do a simple dry fly jig in your living room. If you are embarrassed, do it in your garage. We’ll take either and we appreciate your dancing even if your wife does not.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.3.14

Yesterday brought sleet, snow, rain, wind, sun, overcast, calm.

Today? Who knows. Probably more of the same.

Our Spring Special is picking g up speed and several guides out daily.

You cashing in on the $300 Special?

Bugger Chuckers

The streamer guys are getting happy. Are they crushing them? Sorta. Not setting catch rate records but the action is good enough to keep them in high spirits for the Lion’s share of the day.

Brown, sparkly, jiggly. You know. The good action. We’ve got some cool patterns that we know you haven’t seen. We’ll get you up to speed on the hottest patterns of the week.

Bobber Fare

Nymphers? Hot and cold. Some coming back with good reports, others not. The fish seem to be wandering according to the reports. Will they wander into your pink pattern? Let’s hope so.

Look for not so fast currents and seek the bottom. Split shot is the way to nimping nirvana.

And if the bobber hiccups a millimeter…hit it hard. You are trying to catch them right? Just sayin’.

PINK, WORMS, PT’s, and all of the derivations you can choke on. Just remember to not forget the ball bearings. Pinch them on your line and watch it descend. Rapidly I hope. The key to getting more fish on nymphs is to get the bait in front of the target species and keep it there a long time.

Keep in mind that as the water is deeper and may be continues to get deeper that does not always mean you want to lengthen your leader. The upper region of the water column can hold fish too. As the midges move to and fro…they can be staged in the upper third. Watch and learn while parked. Understand your surrounding and capitalize. That’s what predators do…

Had a client once ask “Did he eat one of the flies or this ball bearing.”

Dry Fly Fans

Not much to cheer about. Mother Mo is holding back. A blanket hatch a couple days ago in spots. Will it happen again? Maybe this weekend!

The BWO’s are moving subsurface so the annual spring appearance is bound to come in April. It historically does…

Weekend Weather

Better. Can’t be any worse than the last couple weeks. Maybe the weather conditions will hold for more than 2 hours at a whack. Variable has been the theme. The old adage is relevant even today…“If you don’t like the weather now, wait 5 minutes and it will change.”



We are nearly finished with our 2014 remodel. We think it looks great. Stop in and see the positive changes. We’ll pour you a cup of coffee, stay a while.

Lodging for the weekend is going away. Call today for a spot in the sun. Shop open daily from 8am and open late tip fish. Later is needed.

Big to-do Sunday April 6th here in Craig withe Orvis Guide Rendezvous Craig Style and killer BBQ from Izaak’s beginning at 3pm. Casting contest open to all with a Orvis Helios 2 and a reel and a line on the blocks for the top 3 finishers.

Izaak’s OPEN for business tonight. 7 nights/week @ 4pm. Serving tip 10 for you late night anglers. Bar open at 3pm. Welcome back to Izaak’s. I know we are all smiles here at the shop as Chef Winders opens the doors for the 2014 season. Welcome back Izaak’s!




Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 3.31.14

I think we are turning the corner on spring.

The indicator birds have arrived. The Robins and Starling last week. The Bluebirds a couple days ago. Yesterday the Osprey came home for the summer. The Goldeneye are on their way out…

And snow/sleet/rain last night.

The weather this week looks bester as the days pass. We like Wednesday through the weekend. Much warmer temps make us smile.



Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

  • The streamer bite is turning the corner too. Strip them slow in soft and deep runs with sink tips. Find water that is not too fast, not too slow…the water that is just right. Soft sides and hard sides are coming on. IF they do not respond, try different water. Then change the fly.
  • Flies that work for the bugger whackers include the Dalai Lama olive or flesh, Skiddish Smolt original or brown, Hot Headed Leeches in purple or black, mini or micro leeches in a few flavors, Ramp to Ramp in traditional colors, Kreelex in bright or yellow, Zonkers in all colors. The theme is jigged heads with a side of flash.
  • Nymphs? Standard Issue. Pink, Midge, and Baetis. You could try a worm is you wish too. Add more split and find the zone. It could be in closer, out farther, in faster, or maybe slower water. The fish can move, they can swim. The bite is consistent while the fish location may vary. Keep the flies in the water as long as possible.
  • Dries? Not too hot. A very slow March for the dry fly. While some fish have been caught, we are not out finding them wily and dry flies leaving the store are pale in comparison to nymphs and even streamers. More streamers leaving the store than fires? Yes. It will turn around. The dry fly bite and the hatch scenario.
  • Anglers this previous weekend fishing top to bottom. The entire river has fish and is fishing. The streamer guys going lower, the nymph guys staying higher.

Shuttles daily and good avail for the coming weekend in our local lodging spots @ Craig Trout Camp. A few other cool river houses avail as well. $300 Guide Trips continue to roll out daily. The best pricing coupled with the best guides? Slam dunk.

Laying carpet today. Fooling with rod display too. Installed new counter, counter tops, reel display and new line display this weekend. No April foolin’.

Give us a call and set up your summer trip today. Late July and August are looking good. Lodging and guides available…


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.28.14

Looking up daily here on Montana’s Missouri River and here in Craig.

We’ve been fishing daily and the clients have been able to keep themselves warm with the trout action.

Not too much on the dry, none really, but there is hope! Nymphing and some streamer fishing will keep you busy enough.

The flows are still in the mid 6K range and will stay that way fro some time. Really quite refreshing for some while it does remove some of the wade fishing spots it encourages new learning of location due to necessity. Some of those skinny gravel bars have another foot of water on them  and have been known to harbor midges and dry fly opportunities in the spring.

Water temps will reach 38F today and we like the movement upwards. More action, warmer water, more action. Period. Over 40F is a whole new ball game.

The sun today will heat things up. At least it will feel much warmer.

Stop in for the best Missouri River fly selection including an acre of nymphs, a field of dries, and a dungeon of streamers. We got you. You’ll have to come in and see it with your own eyes to see if you agree.

Hot beads, scuds, PT derivations, worms, and midge patterns rule the day. Try some other freaky shit too. It may work. The fish are in good shape and the takes in the last week have been more aggressive.

We have a few events coming to Craig MT n the near future.

Izaak’s will open for business on April 3rd. Hooray!! The hours will be 7 nights a week 4-9 or 10 through the month of April and then lunch coming on the weekends beginning sometime later. We are happy to have Izaak’s here and we know you feel the same.

The Missouri River Inn is closed as we speak. So nobody knows what the program is, but we do know it will not be open any time soon, and maybe not this summer. That is more than likely.

Sunday April 6th will bring the Orvis Guide Rendezvous to Craig and Headhunters Fly Shop. An afternoon Public Event with casting competition giving away a Helios 2 Rod, an Orvis Reel, and an Orvis Fly Line for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place! A BBQ will begin @ 3pm sponsored by Orvis and Izaak’s of Craig. Stop in after fishing Sunday and have a bite to eat and win a fly rod!

Headhunters Fly Shop Spring Special! $300 Guide Trips continue through the end of April. The last weekend in April is full but the remainder of the month has good availability. Get on board with this discounted guide trip and enjoy the first day out this year with a Headhunters Guide!

Craig Trout Camp. Rainbow and Brown Trout Cabins are $100/night. The Craig House starts at $150/night and Sutton House is $200/night for 4 anglers! We have a couple other discounted properties avail too. Call the shop for more info and reservations.

Headhunters Fly Shop Remodel. Yes again in 2014 we are not resting. We are installing a new Reel Counter, new counters and counter-tops in the front end, a new line display, new rod display, additional fly bins, and much more for your fishing convenience this year. Stop in and see us. We apologize for the minor mess…we are moving forward!

Shop open daily @ 8am for all your river needs. Remember we have Demo Rods and Demo Lines for you to try before you make the next step. Shuttles daily too. Flies, info, coffee, adn anything you may need to improve your Mo River Experience…




Hump Day Trout

Missouri River Hump Day Trout

Missouri River Hump Day Trout is a Brown Trout with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens.

Fishing in reaches other than the top end is in vogue as we move through the latter week of March.

It’s WFO. Yo.

This is the fishing report for the Missouri River today. Brown Trout are out.

You should be in.

We’re here daily with lodging options for those who end up in Craig.


We know. That’s how most of us got here.

Shop open at 8am for those who need coffee at the end of a long journey…

…where you ended up here on Bridge Street in Trout Town.

Montana’s Trout Town.

Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Images

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

Looks like a better week coming at us. We are moving from snow and 30’s to sun and 40’s to rain and 50’s.

You like apples?

Tumultuous and wonderful all in the same breath.

Fishing? Good. Folks wandering around in all reaches of the Missouri and finding success. Where is your favorite run? You can pick and choose.

You like the lower? Do it. You like the Dam? Do that. You like the shadows of the canyon? Get in there.

Your best bet is your best bet.

Sunday and all is well. Continued anglers crawling out of their winter caves and finding Craig Montana as their temporary fishing release daily. Some come for the weekend. Some come for the week.

Just one question.

When you comin’?

The weather is the key for you comfort. If you don’t like Montana in the winter or the spring…don’t come.

If you like trout fishing before the pressure increases then come now.

We have cabins, guides, and a spot for you.

Check out the forecast and plan accordingly.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

For those who fish here is the latest on the latest…Nymphing heating up as the water temps reach to the 37F mark., Seems like every one degree higher the mercury creeps the fish just get hotter. And in such chilly watery conditions. 37F is good. 38F is better. How abotu 40F. Watch out.

Next thing you know there will be baetis littering the surface of Mother Mo.

You may want to come for that. In the mean time we are waiting for the Midge Explosion 2014. Not here yet. Damnit. Maybe this week. Maybe. We’ll let you know about two days after it happens…that is when it will register. The first day can be an anomaly and those who are here get first whack at them. Just how it goes man.

So how goes your addiction. Are you ready to come, or will you wait for the BWO’s? The Midge? The Skwala? The Caddis in May? Or are you a PMD man?

Everybody has their weakness.

If you happen to be on your way, in your car, following this blog closely then you should be aware of the current conditions.


Water temps are in the 37F range and will move upwards this week. A couple strong temps days in the hi 50’s will move it more rapidly. But in time. Anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. Patience.

Still not too fantastic a dry fly bite. Although they are near the surface in some slack ass backwater areas. You can toss it out and wait. Some trout may find it attractive, edible. Start looking more this week. It really is about time. The mid month mark is generally the front end. Some years it comes early, earlier. But in reality not by much. Too cold, the water temps this winter.

Swingers are attaching tips and getting a bit deeper. Come in for suggestions and reminders that the water is a bit deeper. Careful wading to some of those islands you have become comfortable visiting. Be aware the water is up. Flows are 6340cfs at press time.

Tributaries are clean and clear and no problems there.

Shuttles daily, shop open at 8am, free coffee, don’t mind our construction we are always open for you the Missouri River angler.

Thanks for your support the previous 6 years. We appreciate you as a customer. Come by and say hello.


Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This shaggy cat lived on the banks of the Missouri River for a couple years.

And caught a ton of trout.

A throwback hunter and gatherer Patrick is back int eh work force, begrudgingly.

Trout bums seems to be few and far between. The real starving kind.

While Pat was not starving he did play the role perfectly.

Happy 2nd day of Spring on this Friday. It is supposed to be snowing today.

Doesn’t really feel much like spring to us. But, we know Mother Nature cannot hold out forever.

Only a couple more months.



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Missouri River Montana

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.20.14

Rising Tide. The flows are now at 6500cfs+ and it is fishing well.

Remember that it is not 3K anymore and the water is moving faster. And, and it is deeper.

Where do Missouri River Trout live?

Having said that if you think about why fish reside in specific areas you will soon realize that the subsurface structure does not change by adding a foot or two of water on top of said housing. Therefore trout residences do not move far or at all when we experience higher flows. Just saying’.

Some fish do move towards the bank somewhat as the flows increase, but not always. No hard and fast rules when hunting troutskis.

Water temps are moving slowly upwards dn will again after the next snow storm moves through. Next week sometime. 36F is enough to make the comfort zone not too far away.

Spawning Rainbow Trout

Saw some Redds today out guiding. SO be aware that the Rainbow Spawn will be in effect for a couple months and be aware that if you stomp on them or harass spawning fish they are less likely to procreate efficiently. It’d be like your folks walking into you bedroom while you are making whoopee, throwing Peanut M & M’s at your head and heckling you…

Think about it.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | March 20th

Flies that are making the grade include Pink LB’s, Amex, Rainbow Czech, Pink Ray Charles, Pink Scuds, WORMS, Rainbow Warrior, Sows, Zebra’s in a few different colors, Dominick’s Dam Midge, Red Flasher, Peep Show, Ju-Ju Baetis.

Steamer flies still in the brown arena, natural tones, yellow and white. Why not give black a try?

Dries? Near, very near. Saw a decent batch of Midges today mid afternoon. Not enough to get too many fish worked up. Saw some splashy play trout but nothing of substance.

New flies still coming in this month. Loading up the bins for Headhunting success. Stop in and see us change throughout the month of March.

Looks like snow for most of the week. At least that is what the forecaster is stating. Will it really snow again? Please don’t answer that question. Spring is coming…I won’t hear of anything else.

Missouri River Weather


Come on out this week and stay with us for cheap. Cabins starting @ $100. Guide Trips $300. We’ll even brush the snow off your windshield for you…and we’ll have hot soup in the boat too!

What do you think of the new updated site? Scumliner working on it and you will see it morph as the week progresses. Look for more long winded articles that will live on the site. How to’s, of course the videos, photo work, product reviews, low brow humor and lame attempts to keep you updated. Yes, the most current Missouri River Fishing Reports with total transparency nearly daily. They will keep coming at you in force as summer approaches…and we are not kidding like many so called fishing websites that promise the moon…and deliver bub-kiss.

Last year we posted on this very blog/fishing report site 758 times. Yep. Honest.

Trust me, I’m a fishing guide.

Keep it tuned here for the most updated, conscious, Missouri River fly fishing and lifestyle information source.

Friday Foto Fishing Report

Friday Foto Fishing Report

The water is up since the last report, since the last weekend, since the last snow and wind and rain events. Tonight? The Fly Fishing Film Tour stops into Great Falls at the Hilton Garden Inn @ 7:30pm. But the action gets t-rolling about 4:30pm with beers, contests, the best deals on gear all year … Read more

New Boat Smell

New Boat Smell | Spring Edition

New Boat Smell Adipose Flow Style with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech today. Nick had previously rowed a RO Deville, then a RO El Camino. He is excited about his new purchase. We’ll see Nick on the water gliding expertly and effortlessly to awesome dry fly water. Spring brings out many new exciting fly fishing related … Read more

State of the Missouri River

State of the Missouri River. Tonight in Helena!

The annual State of the Missouri River is tonight at Montana Wild in a presentation by Grant Grisak @ 7pm. Check out this presentation sponsored by Pat Barnes Trout Unlimited Helena Chapter. Please come join us on February 26, 2014 for the annual “State-of-the-Missouri River” presentation starting at 7pm at the Montana Wild facility located … Read more

Missouri River Fly Selection

Missouri River Fly Selection plus 400!

Spring on the Missouri River means greener grass, Midges, Baetis, streamer fishing, and movement at Headhunters Fly Shop. Did you just add 400 more fly bins? You changing the store again? Don’t you guys ever rest? Are you bringing in more Missouri River specific fly patterns? Yes, yes, no, and yes.   We are damn … Read more

Fly Tying Night in America

Fly Tying Night in America | Headhunters Fly Shop

Fly Tying Night in America in Craig Montana Headhunters Fly Shop. Tonight is gonna be a big one. Lots of folks making th journey. And we will tie. Come out and join us this Wednesday February evening for a couple hours of thread spinning, feather tweaking, glue sniffing. Hans Stephenson ties cool flies and produces … Read more

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Is winter over here in central Montana? No. But Old Man Winter is giving us a break this holiday weekend! A lighter weather report will allow fishing this weekend without too much pain. The boat ramps are pretty much cleared. Earlier this week we saw drifts and tough ramp conditions but the snow and ice … Read more

Headhunters Winter Spring Calendar

Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar

Lots happening in the near future here on the Missouri River. While Mother Nature never rests, although it is difficult to tell this week with air temps hovering below Zero, neither do we. The Headhunters gang is busy in the shop while getting you up to date on whats happening. Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar … Read more

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Still miserably cold here on Montana’s Missouri River. Still beautiful though. Love looking at the scenery through the comfort of the windshield. With the heat blasting. The truck does not want to start during this deep freeze. At all. Silly Sunday Scenery | Bitter Ass Cold Edition Not a soul, not an angler on the … Read more

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick | Big Wednesday

Headhunters Sunday Surf Flick on this Holiday Thanksgiving weekend. Football, naps, and senseless laptop retail fun. Fishing has been damn good this last week and this weekend. Enjoy this trailer of Big Wednesday. It’s Scumliner’s favorite surf movie. Buy it today and enjoy the warm blooded good natured surf angst all winter long. Big Wednesday … Read more

Cyber Monday Fly Boxes

Cyber Monday Fly Boxes

Team Headhunters Fly Boxes. Need something for a stocking stuffer? How about these dandy slimline HH Logo Fly Boxes! A Headhunters Gift Card fits nicely into an envelope to send your _______. Check out our smashing deals with our Black Friday Cyber Monday extravaganza. Enjoy! Shop open daily from 8am. Free Shipping all week long. … Read more

Missouri River

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 11.18.13

Slower this weekend on the Missouri River. What will a Missouri River Monday bring? Probable slowness. On the river, slowness. Not the fishing part. The people part. Maybe the fishing part too. Til the afternoon., then it will pop! Supposed to be real windy today. Here is what NOAA says: Monday: Mostly cloudy with a 20 … Read more

Guides So Nice

Guides so nice…

…we wait for the traffic to pass before we proceed. Wildlife on Montana’s Missouri River is pretty special. The entire state of Montana holds viewing opportunities for amazing nature experiences. This last week we have seen cow Elk, White Tails, Mule Deer, fox, Rocky Mtn. Sheep, Eagles, Goldens too, Osprey, Western Grebe, Blue Heron, Mink, … Read more