High Water Vid from a few years back


High Water Vid from a few years back

A quick video from 6 years back, our last high water era, with instructional overtones. While this video is a few years old, it still applies to us today. Meaning today!

Fish the soft inside water, not the outside sexy stuff. Insides my fishy friends.

While we are not seeing the flows that we saw during the previous early summer season high water period 2008-2011, we may see them rise to the 10K-12K-ish if the water comes of the hillsides quickly. Or even higher if the rain gods grace Montana, the Rockies, and surrounding communities.

If the snow comes off slowly we may see the flows in the 6K-8K range for the month of June. This according to Stephanie Micek of the DNRC. Squeeky spoke with her yesterday and she said it has a lot to do with how the water comes off. Warmer temps, or even hot temperatures with day time highs in the 80’s F and night time lows above 55F will trigger some rapid run-off. If we see more seasonal day time air temps we will see a gradual run-off. Night time lows are part of the equation. When she dips into the 40’s the pace of the run-off happens much more slowly.

That is the news of the day my Missouri River brethren. Not excluding my sister-ren. Hah.

See you on one of those flooded dry fly flats soon enough. Until then happy hump day from us out here in central Montana to you living vicariously out there in wide open America.

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