Just in from the USBR Tim Felchle this morning.
It appears the snowmelt runoff into Canyon Ferry Reservoir has peaked and inflows continue to decline. To control the rate of fill and assure the reservoir of refilling, releases out of Canyon Ferry to the Missouri River will be gradually decreased. As a result, the following operation changes are required at Canyon Ferry Dam and Powerplant.
CANYON FERRY RELEASES AND OPERATIONS: Times are Mountain Daylight Savings Time (MDST)
At 0900 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:
Maintain releases through the river outlet gates at 0 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 3,000 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 9,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 9,410 cfs.
At 1500 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:
Increase releases through the river outlet gates to 2,000 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 0 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 8,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 8,410 cfs.
Welcome to June. We love June. It is one of the two busiest months. June and July.
Why are they the two busiest months? Dry Fly Action is the primary reason. For a good solid two months we got the best in the region. The Tri-State Region. While the rest of the state can be blown out, high and muddy, we are right int he wheel house for great fishing.
All three disciplines are in play and the fish generally cooperate. Mostly.
But the dry fly is the primary reason folks visit the river every summer.
This is in it’s heart a dry fly river.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
If you continually work hard and fish well, you will catch fish. –Headhunters Guide Jared Edens
Guide Peter Skidmore with Bob and this nice brown trout last week. Bob has come twice with Randy who has been visiting Headhunters for 5 years now. They really love the Craig experience. The fishing is OK too they wanted me to say.
So very true. Tough sledding some days and some runs and some periods of the day for all of us, all of you, all of them. Not much for the dry fly bite this last weekend, but that will come soon.
The streamer fishing is tough too. Some fish in shallow water regions like the 18″-36″ in banks. Look for that perfect water and strip on through. White, yellow, and the brighter colors being the most popular. Still rocking T-7, T-10 and intermediate tips daily. The water temps are at the magical 53F+ mark and the fish will follow, chase, attack when prompted correctly, or often.
Flows 11K as I write on Sunday evening. Will it recede this week? Check out the inflows at Toston Sunday afternoon below. Indicative of things to come? Foreshadowing the future? We think so.

So what will happen?
Everything that goes up must come down.
Reports from all over the board this weekend. Good, bad, and ugly. We fully understand as we all have shitty days while trying to fool the trouts. Shitty catching that is, fun times must be had or it may not even be worth the trouble.
The weather is June like with daily thunderstorms reminding us that we are so very close to the Rockies. Those who do not bring rain gear are tempting fate. We all know how that story ends.
Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open everyday from 7am. Open lat til 8pm as well for late afternoon dry fly shuttles, information, line cleaning, bullshitting, porch sitting, info gathering, and anything you may need to make your stay better.
Used the “s” word 3 times wiring this blog.
Soon the fishing will be hot.
Shit Hot.
4 times…