Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report June 16th 2018

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report June 16th 2018 The latest on Missouri River Flows Headed higher due to heavy precipitation basin wide today. Headed back above 12,000 cfs today. Rising above 13,000 cfs Monday. More precipitation Monday and Tuesday. An inch in this storm. Another inch combined Monday and Tuesday. June rainfall amounts … Read more

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery 20K and fishing well. Nymphing well. We will wait another month for the dry fly to be in play. Until then we will be happy with a few nice brown trout. Rainbows too. Josh liked this one. Fished with Josh and Lance from Calgary yesterday. Fun times for sure. The river is … Read more

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th We’ll give you the bulleted list today on the Headhunters Fly Shop updated fly fishing report for June 28th. Lots of folks around and sunny skies have all smiling. If you have not made your reservation and think you want to come on out and enjoy? … Read more

Missouri River Summer Weekend Outlook

Missouri River Summer Weekend Outlook Gonna be real busy here this weekend if last night was any indication of the near future. Streets of downtown Craig Montana clogged with RV’s, drift boats, aimlessly wandering fly fishing vagabonds, locals, non-locals, those just bellying up to Joe’s Bar for a quick one, or a full shift. Expect … Read more

High Water Vid from a few years back


High Water Vid from a few years back

A quick video from 6 years back, our last high water era, with instructional overtones. While this video is a few years old, it still applies to us today. Meaning today!

Fish the soft inside water, not the outside sexy stuff. Insides my fishy friends.

While we are not seeing the flows that we saw during the previous early summer season high water period 2008-2011, we may see them rise to the 10K-12K-ish if the water comes of the hillsides quickly. Or even higher if the rain gods grace Montana, the Rockies, and surrounding communities.

If the snow comes off slowly we may see the flows in the 6K-8K range for the month of June. This according to Stephanie Micek of the DNRC. Squeeky spoke with her yesterday and she said it has a lot to do with how the water comes off. Warmer temps, or even hot temperatures with day time highs in the 80’s F and night time lows above 55F will trigger some rapid run-off. If we see more seasonal day time air temps we will see a gradual run-off. Night time lows are part of the equation. When she dips into the 40’s the pace of the run-off happens much more slowly.

That is the news of the day my Missouri River brethren. Not excluding my sister-ren. Hah.

See you on one of those flooded dry fly flats soon enough. Until then happy hump day from us out here in central Montana to you living vicariously out there in wide open America.

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Wednesday Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Wednesday Missouri River Montana Fishing Report Damn good dry fly fishing. Most of the anglers I saw on Tuesday were toying with the dry fly. Good on them. Wednesday should be the same, with less wind. The wind came up about noon yesterday scaring most of the anglers into an early departure. Saving up … Read more

Missouri River Bugs – June

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Missouri River Bugs The following are some pictures of bugs from the Missouri River that were collected in June a couple miles upstream of Craig. These images will hopefully aid in your fly design and/or fly selection while you are fishing this month. Although all these images are of nymphs/larvae, PMDs and caddis are currently hatching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_image … Read more

Summer Video in Winter Big Sky PMD’s by Todd Moen

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have entered the 6 month countdown until the PMD’s arrive.

And I for one am damn excited. We have snow on the ground, high temps sometimes exceeding 40F, w/ a side of a brisk and chewy breeze.

Historically the PMD’s emerge sometime around the beginning of the 3rd week in June. We could see a rogue bug or two in late May. But that is just the first Pale Morning Dun tease.  A few more show in the 1st week. Again just flirting with us.

In a few days we also will enjoy the shortest day of the year. Conversely in six months we will enjoy the warm sunny days of summer. The longest day of year and the summer solstice. Did I mention the daily PMD hatches?

Todd Moen shows us SW Montana. We of course are here in central Montana on the Mighty Missouri River. IT is just like the video, but 50 times bigger.

Our large and long dry fly flats can have the feeling of an intimate environment just like the video. We truly love the summer time here fishing Montana’s Mega Hatch river.

Todd Moen of Catch Magazine brings us a much needed winter PMD tease today with Big Sky PMD’s.

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Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.26.15

“Cosmic Dude”

Dan Gard would have said this. Or did. Or is.

Have not spoken to Dan this year but gotta believe the Ghost of Dan Present is here…sayin’


I second that comment Dan.

Cosmic is the word. Honest.

Dry fly fishing is as good as you make it. As good as you could expect it. As good as you dream abouyt.

Except for the conversion rate. That is totally up to you.

Do you have to land the fish to count it? Some do, some don’t and yet other don’t care at all about the landed trout.

They are into the entire experience. In its entirety.

PMD’s off daily on the upper. How many? Enough. Some days the hatch is magnified. Others not so much.

Caddis on the lower reaches is the key. Just like the upper river fish will take a caddis, the lower river fish will take a PMD…but both prefer the former, or latter?

Yellow Sally’s can be part of your day too.

Drakes? Yes. Read John’s post a few days ago about the occurrences…

Blackfoot? On fire.

The Missouri River? On fire.

Rainbow Release on the Missouri River

I was asked at the bar how I thought the fishing was. I stated…“Damn good.” The feller asked why I thought it was as such and I stated back…“When do you ever have as many opportunities at rising fish than right now.” And he said…“You know you are right. I pass several, if not dozens of rising fish till I come upon one I want to tangle with. if I stopped and fished to every rising fish I would consider it unbelievable.”

It is because where else do you have the opportunities like we are so very fortunate to have here on the Missouri River in June?

“I ask you where?”

Nymphers are delighted and so are the dry fly anglers. The weather is hot and getting hotter.

Will we survive? Yes.

Is it over? No.

Will the bugs hatch in the sun? They always have before. PMD’s and Caddis and Sally’s and Trico’s and Ants and Hoppers…are all sunny weather bugs. No?

Is it hot this weekend, or forecast? Oh yeah.

We sure love the summer here in Craig, the epi-center of fly fishing on the Mo.  Fly shops, Joe’s Bar, Izaak’s Restaurant, Wolf Creek, Cascade…all of it.

Visit us daily @ 630am and the latest open on the river til 9pm.

Missouri River June Saturday

Missouri River June Saturday

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The calm before the storm. Almost.

Lots of folks on the river this fabulous weekend with the weather presenting a reason to slather on a cupful of Sunscreen!

Bustling as we move into the dry fly season. June is the tipping point for those who like to toss the dry fly…all day long.

Can you do it right now? Yep. Not the pod filled mornings and afternoons we all think of when dreaming about Missouri River dry fly fishing, but not bad none the less.

A few hints to keep in mind this month.

Missouri River June Saturday

  • Be courteous. Boat ramps, on the river, giving wade anglers a wide berth, wade anglers understanding that boats need a little space too…smiling.
  • First cast is the best cast. The 17th cast or presentation is not the one you want to rely on. The 1st cast is always the best. Remember that the element of surprise never falls out of favor.
  • Fish early, fish late. Go out early and get off early. Go out late and get off late. Headhunters is your all day long Missouri River fishing resource. We get here early to accommodate your fishing problem. Flies cost a couple bucks each. Counseling is expensive! Shuttles all day long too.
  • PMD’s are yellow in color.
  • Caddis fly like a wounded moth.
  • March Browns and BWO’s are all but gone. Some tiny mayfly shit happening that will drive you nuts. Do we have the fly for that sort of shenanigans? Yep. We call it a LaFontaine’s Buzzaball.
  • The Buzzball is King. Mark believes that wholly. He also writes this blog and is biased. He also believes that soda pop in a glass bottle tastes better. He also believes in 1st casts.
  • Splashy rise forms indicate tough to catch fish. random rises do not equal a hatch that you can predict. In this case, good drift catch fish. A tough nut to crack. Skittering caddis can work. Soft hackles can work. The Translucent Pupa is a fantastic fly for this erratic trout behavior.
  • Headhunters is the Funnest Fly Shop in the World.
  • Nymphs are on fire, most of the time. You can bump[ into a soft afternoon. It happens. Remember that when we fish during the golden hour before lunch and the fish will eat any type of drift good or bad…and then we head out after lunch and the fishing becomes more difficult…good drifts are more important when the fish become tight lipped!
  • Good drift catch fish. Both on the dry and on the nymph. Present properly and you will be rewarded more often.
  • When dry fly fishing it is important to cast at the fish. You can cast 12′-19′ above the fish, but you will not be rewarded. Cast at the fish. Short perfect drifts catch more fish.
  • We will have enough water to get us through the
  • Bring all your flies this time of year. All 3 disciplines are working. Bring all the rods too. If you need to DEMO a fantastic rod from SAGE, like the One, Method, Accel, Vantage, or Salt…we got ’em. Try it out on the river you love.
  • PMD’s for two months. Caddis for the next three? Trico’s in July. Terrestrials late this summer.
  • Not too early to book your fall trip to the Mo. Lodging and guides becoming booked. We are about half booked for the September-October time frame. An early warning. Well, a mid flight warning. By September the October dates are not as good.
  • Shop open at 7am. Earlier soon.
  • Summer is here and we love it. Happy Saturday to all of you!


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First just a few…then a few more.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]First just a few…then a few more.

Saw a few of those June Mayflies today.

The lower is heating up with that ill flighted Trichoptera Gang.

The water temps are up and down. Well within the temperature range of our annual yellow Emphemerella emergence.



First just a few…then a few more.

Will they come? Soon. Soon my friends. We are right on the cusp.

The water flows will coming up as well as we adjust for the above normal rainfall this early part of June. The reservoir is filling on time @ 92.8% at press time. Inflows at Toston above historical averages now and climbing to 13K and beyond with the shower activity around the upper Missouri River drainage.

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 8.31.50 PM
Water coming up on the Missouri River

The caddis flies continue to impress in the middle and lower reaches. The upper reach is clean and fishing well, most of the time.

The weather has been seasonal and predictably unpredictable. Rain, thunder, lightning, sun, calm, overcast, and wind will make up the majority of your day out there. That is the June status quo.

Don’t get caught with your proverbial pants around your ankles without the proper gear. It can snow this month and commonly we see our last snow fall near the second week of June. Just sayin’. Bring good rain gear and warm clothing.

The bugs are coming. Soon.

First just a few…then a few more.

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Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 1st 2015

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 2nd 2015

Welcome to June. Great fishing, great fellowship, great times.

And some folks around too.

In a couple days we will have the water projections for the month and months ahead. Until then we will enjoy the 4000cfs range and the coming bugs. Until the perennial June flies make their anticipated emergence we will sees couple more BWO’s, a couple random mayflies like March Browns but more likely Callibaetis and Mother’s Day Caddis.

The caddis on parts of the river in the sun can bring a good good bite. If you do not see the sun out you may not see as many caddis. Food for thought.

We do love the month of June here in Montana. It is green.

The Dearborn is still running above 1000cfs and the LPP is in shape and fine. Sheep Creek also running clear.

Canyon Ferry is at 92.8% filled and filling rapidly! Inflows 11K with outflows at 3500cfs. Good news for summer water flows!

The rest of the game? Waiting for the bugs. Today and this week with rain on the mind we will wait and see. The water temps are rising slowly as we make our way into the wettest Montana month.

Bring your PMD nymphs, your caddis dries and nymphs, your streamer boxes, your BWO’s, a box of beverages of your choice and go out there.

Floats above the Dearborn are more common with the mud…but not everybody is fishing above the DB.

This month can bring weird weather so always pack appropriately. Rain gear is a good idea. Warm clothing is a good idea. Hot coffee is a great idea. Hot chicken broth? Oh yeah!

Still some time with only a few boats on the water this week. Then the cork comes off.

Shop open at 7 daily for all your river needs and the best in flies, fly lines, and information at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig.