Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video & 5 Things to Never Do Dry Fly Fishing


Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video & 5 Things to Never Do Dry Fly Fishing

Water levels falling this week we think. They fell yesterday by a couple thousand and will fall again today below 9K. Hooray.

The dry fly bite yesterday was damn good as well. More to come as we get into the true dry fly period with water levels appropriate for the season.

Today we show you again Dead Flies Don’t Swim. A classic HH vid by Scumliner Media that shows the joys of July.

Dead Flies Don’t Swim is also branded on our dry fly specific fly line. We believe in the slogan. Meaning? Dragging flies do not get eaten by our voracious trout. Perfect dead drifts get us through the day for sure.

5 Things to Never Do Dry Fly Fishing

  1. Drag your fly. Dead Flies Don’t Swim. Dead bugs do not move on the water. The primary diet of our trout here in Central Montana is dead flies. Spinners, cripples, scents.
  2. Think you are good enough to toss the first cast into the lane and hope. Dude. I don’t know any body that good. Prep for a couple minutes and make the appropriate drift before you alert the enemy you are in the neighborhood. All men over 50 do this. Almost all. I’ve had a couple in the boat that don’t. Maybe a few. But not a lot. Fellers do this everyday. It’s bad. Catch more fish and practice a bit outside of the trout.
  3. Make your goal to catch the trout. Don’t foul it up early in the game. Make a plan. Execute. No plan?No fish. Guessing again? If you are a guesser, and I think you may be, then your goal is not to catch that trout. You can see everything. The fish rising, the fly floating not dragging, the fly. All the variables are in front of you. You can see them all. No secrets. No guessing. DOn’t guess your fly over there.
  4. Shoot line on rising trout. Most dry fly ops are within 30′. Some 25′. You do not have to shoot line 30′. Nope. Cast it with accuracy. Don’t shoot line at a 30′ target. You are guessing every cast. And that is bad.
  5. Get too close to another angler while dry fly fishing. Lots of water out there. Respect others water. BE smart. Don’t be that guy. You know. That guy the dick.

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All good in this fishy neighborhood

All good in this fishy neighborhood Thursday today. The Headhunters Dry Fly School is picking off tonight and we could not have planned for better timing than we did. Did we know that the 2019 summer would bring strong dry fly fishing? Nope. But we have been saying our Dry Fly Prayers. And they have … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop Reach Cast Video

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 7.22.19

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 7.22.19 Trico’s. Daily hatches grace us for the remainder of the month and the entirety of August, and some of September. PMD’s still a factor. Get some today! Spinners rule the day, during the spinner fall, mostly in the morning…per the Pale Morning Dun namesake. Caddis? Big Time. Spents, … Read more

Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th

Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th Fishing this weekend will be good. Trico’s in some sort of fashion, PMD’s, Caddis, Brown Drakes, occasional Pseudo’s, and Sally’s should keep you busy fielding dry fly opportunities. The upper river is great for the dry fly angler. If you like the flat dry fly sort of … Read more

Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report & Forecast Fishing is fantastic here on the Mo. The best water levels, water temps, hatch timing, dry fly opportunities, Craig Montana vibe, outdoor music, and fishing in some years for the July period. August is gonna rock too.  So here we go into the month … Read more

Friday Foto Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report 7.27.18

Friday Foto Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report 7.27.18

Friday Foto Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report 7.27.18 Flows dropping to 4800 cfs today as we Monto the last gasp of July.  Wade fishers paradise. Daily events include the Trico spinner fall @ 845 am. Later in the morning you may see the PMD spinner fall. Move past noon and get the caddis out of … Read more

5 Tips for Missouri River July Dry Fly Success

5 Tips for Missouri River July Dry Fly Success

5 Tips for Missouri River July Dry Fly Success The water is dropping rapidly. Finally. It is July and we are all about the dry fly this Month! It is our namesake for goodness sake! Headhunting we will go as we move into the middle of the first dry fly month of the season. Flows … Read more

July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report Trico’s. Going good. Some mornings they seem to not get out of bed though. So, we hope they are getting after it as you are out on the water. Yesterday was a good day. Floated Craig to Mid Canon and lots of action. Less pressure from anglers allowed the fish … Read more

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast The best July we have had as far as dry fly fishing in some time. Honest. I have not den here as long as some, but longer than many and that is Squeeky’s personal opinion. John agrees as well. We were talking on the porch a couple days … Read more

Missouri River July Fly Fishing Forecast

Missouri River July Fly Fishing Forecast July Fly Fishing Forecast July 6th and all is well. We have made it through the busiest month of the year, June,a nd have emerged on the other side with the hop of continued summer hatches and sunshine. And sunshine we will have this week ahead. Looks like very … Read more

Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video July 5th


Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video July 5th

Yep. Trico’s. Shot late July a few years back.

All the regular things apply here. First cast. Good drifts. Great presentations. Deead drifts…etc.

Because, dead flies don’t swim bro.’


Enjoy this flick today. Hotter that hell today and this week ahead. Fish early.

Good caddis action for the evening session. But a short window.

It feels like we are fishing inside a convection oven. Cooling towels could be important. And lots of water. Drink water. Lots.

Or die.

Loving July. Let’s hope the water temps don’t spike, the weeds don’t inundate us with weed-dum, and the air temps return to seasonal norms.

I’d fish now. The time is now.

Remember that fall is on its way and you should think about booking your lodging and guide trips to get them locked up. September and October are just around the corner.

How about visiting in November this year. Quiet, fishy. Lodging available, guides available, no pressure on the river.

How about giving way to the two handed game and get your Trout Spey on?

It’s an idea. Plant it. It will grow.

It’s July, and we are not even punchy…yet.

Dead Flies Don’t Swim by Scumliner Media today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Welcome to July with Dead Flies Don’t Swim Video

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A Scumliner Classic today to greet you into July on the Missouri River.

July means bugs. july means Trico’s. July means early mornings. July means fun.

Lots folks around during this the busiest month of the year.

Bring your sunglasses, sunscreen, dry fly rod, and reach cast.

Big ass BBQ on the 4th at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. 4-8pm. Come on by and say hello. Cast a bit at the Craig Casting Club. Tell fish stories.

Enjoy July wherever you are. The best of summer. Enjoy your weekend.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Summer Video in Winter Big Sky PMD’s by Todd Moen

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have entered the 6 month countdown until the PMD’s arrive.

And I for one am damn excited. We have snow on the ground, high temps sometimes exceeding 40F, w/ a side of a brisk and chewy breeze.

Historically the PMD’s emerge sometime around the beginning of the 3rd week in June. We could see a rogue bug or two in late May. But that is just the first Pale Morning Dun tease.  A few more show in the 1st week. Again just flirting with us.

In a few days we also will enjoy the shortest day of the year. Conversely in six months we will enjoy the warm sunny days of summer. The longest day of year and the summer solstice. Did I mention the daily PMD hatches?

Todd Moen shows us SW Montana. We of course are here in central Montana on the Mighty Missouri River. IT is just like the video, but 50 times bigger.

Our large and long dry fly flats can have the feeling of an intimate environment just like the video. We truly love the summer time here fishing Montana’s Mega Hatch river.

Todd Moen of Catch Magazine brings us a much needed winter PMD tease today with Big Sky PMD’s.

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The rain cometh

The rain cometh…

The rain cometh…

And tomorrow? Sunny skies. Maybe. With a chance of thunderstorms. Wednesday? Sunny skies.

Soggy, super soggy this morning. Any cancelled guide trips? Nope. Any frowns in the shop? No. Any wet dogs? Yep.

As Lindsey Channel stated earlier this season on a similar rain day…“Good day to catch a big one!”

All good as we need this soaker of a storm to continue our cooler water temps. Currently the water temps are 62F. Will we get to the dreaded 70F? Probably not. But Mother Nature holds the keys to our future here on the Missouri River.



The fishing? Unpredictable. Pretty inconsistent as we usually have stellar fishing through July. The bugs come and some days they don’t. The weeds have not been an issue as they have been in previous years. Do we have weeds? Yep. But not the slimy shit that many do not like.

Get out early for the Trico hatch and fall. No PMD’s as they have run their course. Hopper fishing on any given day can be good but don’t bet your lunch on it.

The dam has been fishing well with nymphs. Purple lead and small tailwater mayflies and Zebra’s rule the day.

For those fishing the canyon the old classics have been getting it done. Hare’s Ear, Prince, rubber legs, Crawfish, Zonkers all good choices for the lead fly.

Some anemic caddis flies in the late morning and killer swarms in the late evenings for those who like to fish the golden hour.

August looks to be a quiet one as historically the fishing around the state is dyno-mite. No closures here as this unseasonably cool weather keeps the water temps reasonable. We have not exceeded the warning bell yet. Warmer air temps in the next week with temps reaching the higher 80’s.

Today a good streamer day as the bigger fish, and the junior set, will chase that streamer around and some may even bite it!

The rain continues to come as I write this report on the porch. Need rain gear? We have all the good SIMMS products in stock and that will keep you more comfortable than your ’93 L.L Bean outfit. Gore-Tex never falls out of style.

Average monthly total rainfall for Great Falls is 1.50 inches. The current total is 1.01 with the average total to date being 1.22 inches. We will exceed that with the rain falling hard today.

This is the Rocky Mountains and weather does change frequently and rapidly.

Give us a shout if you need any up to the minute rain or wind or sun or hatch reports. We are here daily 6am til 9pm.

Cover yourself up and enjoy this soggy day!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report plus 5 Late July Tips

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report plus 5 Late July Tips

The fishing report is as follows today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog and Fishing Report Page.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

The old adage again comes into play as we state to many that the fishing good as you are.

Truth here at Headhunters.

If you don’t like crowds stay out of the upper river.

Honesty too here on this daily blog.

Lots of pressure up top and it bleeds into the canyon as well. Many say hat this last weekend was as busy as they had ever seen it. Well, probably true. As I stated in the past, this is the tipping point and we will see fewer folks everyday from here on out.

The wild card is the other resources. Will we see anglers from around the state visit our river as restrictions elsewhere are tightened? Maybe. Time will tell.

Trico’s are the morning game. Good stories of success with emergers and duns. Spinners continue to work well here as they always do. Try a Trico Cripple for sneaky shit. Not many roll that way. Cluster Midges as a Trico Cluster can work as well. Double wings, Harrop’s Hi-VIz, Harrops CDC Spinner, and may more. Not having success witht eh Trico pattern fishng over Trico feeding fish? Try a Caddis. Do it.

Scant amounts of PMD’s around and the spinner fall is the key for angling success and fly choice. Or a captive dun. Or a floating nymph.

Caddis in the evening are your best bet. The PED deal is going on occasionally too. Spents, emergers like the Translucent Emerger or Pupa and a soft hackle too. LaFontaine loved the evening hatch here on the Mo.

Hoppers are happening. Some greenish small fella’s on the shore. A Red Legger works. Headhunters is your hopper destination. We have the best selection in the canyon. By far. Ninch is formerly from the westside and cannot stand not having the appropriate amount of foam in the shop.

Ants? Beetles.? Yes to them as well. Spruce moths out there too. See the most in the early mornings. Fishing it blind can provide some action.

It is a morning game in the recent past. The dry fly fishing has been going into the tank about noon. Some days til 2 or 3, others if the bugs go North with the South wind can end before noon. Hope and look for perfect summer breeze-less days for spinner and junk feeding longevity. But, do not forget about the golden hour too!

5 Tips for Late July Success

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report plus 5 Late July Tips
Clean your fly line often for Mo River Success. RIo Line Cleaners avail at Headhunters
  1. First cast is the best cast. For the DFO Army. Always the best cast. Only if you want to fool them.
  2. Nymphers find weedless water for sanity.
  3. Fish live in the weeds. So do the bugs. Maybe you should too?
  4. Prepare some conversation pieces for slow fishing. If the fishing is good, save them on 3″x5″ note cards for easy access at a later date. Or a long, long, long lunch.
  5. Fish in the am, then sleep. Then fish in the pm, then sleep. Perfect. A cocktail squeezed in at Izaaks and a plate of Walleye and Chips! I like the Wings too. Delicious.
  6. Clean your fly line a lot. But you already know this tip!

Shop open at 6am daily for any of your river needs. We have the new NRS Freestone Drifter in stock and for sale with the new updated drains. Just awesome. Come by and see it or take it out on the river for a spin. Rentals daily including our Adipose Fleet too.



Squeeky's Top 5 Don'ts of July

Squeeky’s Top 5 Don’ts of July

Or should it be the bottom 5 don’ts of the month?

Your choice. I wrote a blog a few years back of the Top 10 Worst Fly Fishing Products and got a ton of flack about it. So if you are the squeemish type, stop reading now. You may exhibit these behaviors and be offended. So if you are that kind of light hearted happy go lucky type of feller…Click over to any feel good page of your choice NOW.

All honesty today on this portion of the Headhunters Blog. July wipes all of the candy coating off me. This is a tough river with tough fish and if you like to contend and want to get a ton 4 fish of fish to hand then you gotta be a player.

A disclaimer: For the squeemish…I’m not saying that it is not, meaning July,  a time for everybody because it is. A wonderful time to be here. But if you are gonna go out there and be a cowboy, you better wear your chaps brother. And be able to swing that lasso around magically.

Top 5 Don’ts of July

These are directed to the dry fly anglers in the audience…not nymphers. Nymphers Unite!

  1. Don’t drag the fly over the trouts head on the first cast. Don’t do it. The most common way to offend a fish, to let the trout know you are in the region, to piss off the fish, to insure that you may definitely not not catch that trout, to alert the enemy that you are about to attack, to not catch that fish you are casting at is to drag the freaking fly over his head on the first cast. That is how most anglers don’t catch rising fish. Period.
  2. Don’t tell me you are gonna buy a new fly line after your month long dream trip to Montana. Hey this is the show man. Get the new fly before you come out. The fly line is the vehicle that carries the fly to the desired target. It is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the equation. Bar none. Cleaning fly lines a few times throughout the day is a good idea too. The fly line is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the desired target. Don’t sell your self short with at bad fly line. Don’t be that guy. Don’t do it. Beg, borrow, cheat or steal one and you will be so happy. You like new tires on your car? You like new socks? You like new and clean fly lines. It is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the desired target.
  3. Don’t get mad when you miss fish. It happens. Batting .300 is a big deal when dry fly fishing. You don’t get them all. Don’t get mad. Get even.
  4. Don’t be a dick. Plenty of fish for everyone. I have seen some really good respect and truly genuine good behaviors this last couple of weeks. Nice work fisher fellers. It looks good out there. Give wade fishers room. Give boaters room. No need to crowd. Plenty of dicks in other sports. Let’s keep this one relatively dick free.
  5. Don’t throw the fly 12′-29′ above the trout and expect it to drift all the way to the trout. Nobody can drift it that far consistently. Of course some fish are caught when we drift it through the fish we are targeting, and then continue downstream for another 47 1/5’…but that is not all that efficient. Throw at the fish, drift 3′-4′ and repeat. Not a new idea. Not my idea. Just the right idea. Target a trout and cast at him. Not above him. Cast at the trout. Not above him. Don’t do the alternative.


Do have fun.

Do enjoy the dry fly bite.

Do drink to your boys after the day.

Do get out early.

Do practice casting at home before your trip of a lifetime and enjoy your trip even more. This is the show, Don’t practice here, in the boat, between fish. Do practice casting. You will catch more fish. Those who cast better catch more fish.

Do use liberal amounts of sunscreen.

Do come back y’all.

Don’t complain. Nobody like a complainer.

Do enjoy the entirety of the day.

99 of 100 casts are some sort of slack line deal. Straight lines need not apply.

Do keep the trout int he water and not drop them in the boat. We are all offenders on this deal. Keep em wet this summer. We have really tried to not post fish outta the water photos this yer. We are on board with the keep em wet deal.

Do pay it forward. All the good stuff man. Enjoy the Missouri River.


And thanks for being cool.