Missouri River Photos by Jon Covich

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We had a visit from well known angler, photographer and tackle rep Jon Covich last week. Jon was taking his boys on a fly fishing trip through Montana before they had to go back to school. I asked these boys if they were excited to go back to school, and they both just dropped there heads and shrugged. Adair could learn something from these two. She likes school.

You’ve seen Jon’s photo’s on the pages of just about every fly fishing magazine over the years. You also may know him as a member of the Flywater Travel team. To see more of his photo’s go to www.joncovich.com, and here’s the direct link to his blog post about his trip.

Here’s a few of his great shots of the Missouri River.

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