More important than fly fishing

More important than fly fishing


More important than fly fishing

I’ve watched this speech number of times over the last nearly 30 years. Jimmy V gives a great speech.

Not everybody can give a great speech. In fact very few can. Very few.

Jimmy Valvano gives a good speech.

This speech brings me to tears every time. And leaves me feeling uplifted.

It also makes me recognize that many things are more important than fly fishing. Way more important.

1600 Americans die from Cancer everyday. Everyday. Covid is bad too.   Infection and death rates are alarmingly high the past couple months. And increasing. There are so many things more important than fly fishing.

Fly fishing can give us a release that is important to many of us. Mental health is important.

Balancing, understanding, and metabolizing all of the stressors in our daily lives is pretty tough in the current climate.

So fly fishing is a healthy release.

But again realize that it is a minor player in the overall scope of our lives.

Jimmy V. Watch this speech if you have not. Watch it again if you have. I think it is a vehicle to center myself, and maybe you too.

A good reminder to donate to causes like cancer research. While most of us may not know many who have lost the COVID battle, we all know  humans who have been affected by cancer.

Thanks Jimmy V. Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.

Words of wisdom for fly fishing, and beyond.


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