Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Peter speaks today about his normal winter routine and how he is counting the days until the 2015 Guide Season begins.

The Spring Special starts March 15th with $300 Guided Trips through the end of April. Get your name in the game by calling and booking Peter today.

Thanks for the update Peter and we look forward to another update later this month!


Winter activities….soakin!

During the winter I enjoy keep a pretty steady routine when not traveling.  Wake up, take a hike with the dog(sweat out the bad stuff) eat a nice healthy lunch, start cooking something in the crock pot,

A nice routine in my opinion.

When that routine starts getting old, it’s time for some winter recreation!  My wife and I are all about visiting hot springs throughout Montana! That’s our winter gig, as well as doing some snow shoeing and skiing.

Luckily those three activities usually go hand in hand!  So far we have soaked in 5 this winter. Bozeman Hot Springs, Boiling River, Chico Hot Springs, Boulder Hot Springs, and White Sulpher Hot Springs.

Number 6 is happening tomorrow when we head down to Elkhorn Hot Springs to soak and ski at Maverick Mountain.  Good times!

Nice bluebird powder day with a soak in some nice natural hot water afterward, doesn’t get any better this time of the year.  Especially considering how shot my legs are after a full day of skiing, rowing a drift boat all season doesn’t do much for that region of the body!

Hope everyone out there enjoys winter as much as I do, if not, maybe a ski and soak trip is in order!

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.