Sunday Shelf Ice

Shelf Ice Sunday


Shelf Ice Sunday

Be careful out there with the shelf ice building throughout the week.

Probably more this week too. Nightly temperatures have dipped well below the freezing mark allowing shelf ice to develop.

While shelf ice up and down the river corridor the slush does not start until about Mid-Canon. Then every mile you head downstream it increases exponentially. That may be too strong a figure, but it certainly increases enough to stop fishing by the time you get in the neighborhood of Gary Cooper Bridge abutment.

Enjoy your Sunday. Good football on the TV today. Relax another day before many of you go back into the work fray. Good luck on that.

Again, be aware if you are wade fishing of the shelf ice situation. Also if you are wade fishing you should be aware of the icebergs floating downstream.

Most of the boat ramps have shelf ice protruding from them as well. Most boat ramps will certainly require a 4WD outfit this week. Or choose the flat entry and exit points.

Anywhere above Craig the ice in the river is pretty much non-existent. It really starts in the Mid-Canon area. So most are fishing upriver of Craig. Stop in and get an up to the minute slush, shelf ice, and fishing report from our crack staff here on site 364 days a year.

Be careful out there. Enjoy the week ahead!

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Essential Addt’l Items for your Drift Boat

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Everybody has the basics in their drift boat.

YETI Ice Chest, spare oar, extra oar lock, spare boat plug, warm jacket, rain pants, a heater when it’s cold, gloves…

Pictured above are some of the things that I feel are necessary for bringing your game up to the concierge level.

I am striving for the concierge level for sure. I really think it is a function of age. I’m old enough to have a number of killer fly rods, extra reels, boat heater and kerosene heater systems, the right clothing, SIMMS Waders, Kast Gloves…but why go without when spending 1/2 of the year in a drift boat.

Essential Addt’l Items for your Drift Boat

Cotton Terry Hand Towels. My favorite extra item int he boat. Used to dry your hands. To wipe your mouth. To clean any mess that may develop during the day. I use them clean for a day, then y=they clean the floor the following morning, then to the wash. Good for a wash or two until they become totally grotie! My clients favorite addt’l item.

Micro-Fiber Towel. An update tot eh Terry Towel. Used for sunglasses, camera equipment, anything f=that needs a clean and soft towel.

Beef Jerky. Good everyday at 10 am. If you start drinking beer at 89am, then 9am is the appropriate starting time. The bigger bag the better. Beef Jerky makes every fishing day better.

Extra Car Keys. I have 3 in the boat. Seems like the right number. I put them all back in the boat. Don’t get locked out at the ramp. If you do, make sure you have plenty of Beef Jerky.

Sharpie. Everybody needs few Sharpie’s around.

Chocolate. I like the big Toblerone Bars. Big enough to share. You can hoard it if you wish, but if you get busted you gotta have some for others. This tube holds 6 big bars. Stock up at Costco when you see items like this!

Hand Warmers. I buy these too by the case. I have never had too many of these in the boat. It’s like having too much money. Never heard that phrase out of anybody I know. I warm them up on the dashboard in the heat of the window defroster int eh truck on the way to the put in. Then put them ion your shirt pickets warming your core for the day. A 2nd pair in your gloves or outer pockets to warm those fingers too!

An extra extra boat plug. Takes no room. Find the 2nd one when you cannot locate the 1st one.

An extra super warm hat. This one is waterproof too. With ear flaps. DWR finished. 90% of your body heat escapes though your head. Cover it for all day warmth. Keeps the rain off too. Extra comfort without sacrificing a ton of space.

Matches/Lighters. Ever had to pull over, start a fire, to get warm? I have. Most of my friends have too. Lots of flame sources are pretty important to me these days. Safety is key. Only two kinds of people. Those who have needed to start a fire, and those who will need to sometime in the future.

Baby Wet Wipes. You only need them if you don’t have them. Big bang for a little product. These can be clutch!

RIO Fly Line Cleaning Towelettes. Why even get in the boat if your fly line is not slippery and clean. Better shooting, better floating, all better all the time. These 99 cent towelettes are the most important indirect item in my boat. I use them 2-4 times a day when fishing. The best way to get your fly to the target is by having a perfectly slick fly line. The RIO Line Cleaning Towelette is essential!

Electrical Tape. This stretchy waterproof tape can be used for lots of fix it jobs. While Duct Tape is great too, we already know you have roll in the boat somewhere. This secondary roll is essential too. A roll or two fits nicely in any drift boat orifice.

 Eyeglass Repair Kit. Eye protection, safety, is the number one rule in any fishing situation. Not tipping the boat over is pretty important too. Small screwdrivers, nose pads, extra little tiny eyeglass screws, in a tiny little tube. Pick one of these kits up at your local grocer or at the glasses store. The small screwdriver also works on fly reels. Bonus.

Loon UV Knot Sense. This is a product that I just love. Use it to fix a cracked/sliced fly line. Get rid of that hinge that is f***ing up your perfect slack line dry fly presentation. Use it to fix that groove in your favorite fly reel that is again messing with your line. Fill it in with UV Knot Sense! Use it to fix those leaking waders. The 12 holes you just produced crossing that barbed wire fence. Dab it on, and expose to the sunlight. The UV rays will immediately cure the goo. A product that is imperative in your drift boat.

Hot Sauce of your choice. I like several hot sauces! Who doesn’t. I currently have the Pepper Plant Chunky Garlic on board. A damn fine sauce. Big flavors of garlic married with various peppers. Good til the last drop. Makes that bland wife you buddy packed Pop w/ flavor!

These are items that I think will make your day go by smoother than expected. Why not live large in Montana. Big state, big times.

What are you favorite additional essential boat items? Let us know so we can add them to our own collection![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_grid orderby=”title” order=”asc” ids=”6844,10999,9123,9116,6650,9071″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers

New Breed Chicks Rule & Future Flyfishers today on the Headhunters Blog. Audrey helping Dad with this nice Missouri River Rainbow.

Good friends and original Headhunters clients Bret and Sara Childers from up north are now bringing several generations of the Childers clan. Father and Mother Childers and now their daughter Audrey.

Here is a note that Sara dropped us this morning.

Hello Headhunters,

We had a great time on the Missouri and enjoyed staying in your awesome Rv spots. We got a good picture of Bret & Audrey with a Mo Rainbow and thought it might be a good addition for your “Chicks Rule” on the blog. She floated Craig to Stickney with us, and by the end of the trip she was looking out the front of the boat telling her Dad, “I see sippers!”
Bret, Sara & Audrey Childers
Thanks Sara and thanks Audrey for rocking it on the Mighty Mo. We love seeing you folks here int he RV park and on the water. Bret helped John and Mark test the Inflatable Drift Boat by NRS last summer. Brett and Sara love to hang on the porch too. Can you blame them?
Thanks again Childers family for visiting and enjoying Montana’s Missouri River. See you soon!
Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Yes it does.

The current line-up of Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

With many designs by Headhunters consigned artists, a cool idea from Julie Arnold, and more from Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore’s fiancé Hannah Uhde. What is next? Nothing. We got it all right now, today, in stock in the shop!

All of the Headhunters designs are proprietary. No “Name Drops” here. Headhunters prides itself on homegrown projects and our logo wear selection is no different. Sara, Julie, and John head up this original facet of our business.

Check it out. Come in for full details and hats, and shirts, and sun shirts, and button down shirts, and mugs, and coffee cups, Thermos’, magnets,  and much more!

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!

And one more…we have several more in stock. Last’ years favorite the Dead Drifter in Long Sleeve White and Long Sleev Black.

The Deaddrifters Skull in a sunproof hoody form Free Fly. And in a short sleeve white T. The women’s new line is cool too and we will post a women’s edition soon.

The Triptych Flies above is available in two colors in a sunroof oolong sleeve. The collegiate T’s are avail in several colors. The classic Headhunters Logo is in red and blue this year along with the standard issue white T. Kids stuff too.

The number of Logo’s hats this year is again amazing. The best selection of hats in the downtown Craig Corridor. early 50 different hats in stock for you Headhunters wearing pleasure.

Headhunters Fly Shop Logo Wear Rocks!Of course we have the H2 logo on some shirts too. We have button down shirts with logos adorning the pocket area. Classics.