A Guide Dudes’ Winter Memoirs
The month? January.
The day? Not really sure.
The year? Twenty Fifteen…Crazy how that sounds. It sounds like we live in the future!
Hello! Jared here, on the inter-web-network. I am here to report that things are very chill here in Cascade County. Days have been filled with nice walks, good food, and plenty of drinks.
The snow sliding has been pretty damn good so far. I recently took advantage of a sweet deal at Showdown Ski Area. $20 for dudes on Wednesdays! They call it Manuary! The three of us, Kurt Michaels, Ben Hardy and myself thought that was pretty awesome. Good to get out and enjoy the outdoors with a few friends. While yearning for warmer summer weather it sure is nice to experience the cold winter weather skiing and snowboarding here in Montana.
When the weather is too gnarly to go outside, I log in many hours behind the wheel of my Playstation. Not having played too many video games as a kid choosing to enjoy outside activities I can definitely say I love to game. Inside is OK by me.
At the end of every fishing season, which seems to arrive later and later each year, I always look forward to a few simple things.
And quiet.
A cozy house and many days to do whatever the day brings to me
My wife
and my dog.
In October we recently lost our beloved big brown dog Duke. After the season ended I realized Duke and I would not be going on any adventures together anymore. Needless to say I had lost my Chi.
RIP Duke, you were awesome.

A month rolls by, along with peace and quiet and my wife without our dog Duke. That’s when I met Moose. While many choose to mourn for months and months I decided to jump right back in the saddle and get another companion for myself and my wife.
Moose has brought a new ray of sunshine into our lives and I look forward to all the new memories we will make.
The Moose is loose!
Guide season will be upon us sooner than later and the rest of the winter and spring will slide by quickly. Some tie with Moose in the snow, some winter fishing with friends on the Mo, and some more sliding on the hill. Moose will be along side us the entire way. Hooray!
The days are getting longer and my mind is getting clearer. Soon it will be March and guiding will be a part of my everyday. The Spring Special is huge and getting bigger every year.
Until then, Peace. Quiet. Cozy House. My wife. And our dog Moose.
Jared Signing Out…