Saturday Morning Fishing Report

Saturday Morning Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Montana

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Saturday Morning Fishing Report Less wind today. Super windy yesterday. It finally took most of the leaves and placed them in the next county. What is left, is in my yard. Streamer fishing not terrible yesterday. Enough to keep you interested. White, yellow, not so flashy. The remainder fo the streamer selection, not as … Read more

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig Call us up @ 406-235-3447. Order Dead Drifter Sticker for 8 bucks. We stuff it in an envelope and send it to you. You stick it on… Why not get two. First run limited to 125 stickers. And we are under 100 already. The fishing is getting better … Read more

Althea Grateful Dead Video & GD 50th Abel


Althea Grateful Dead Video & GD 50th Abel

Talking about less and less…my favorite line of this one of my favorite GD tunes.

Calm and not too warm yesterday. 75F in the late afternoon. Not too bad at all.

Calm too. Did I mention that? I should talk about less and less.

We got 6 of the 50th Anniversary Grateful Dead Abel reels. All of them were purchased before they arrived. One feller went radio silence with a the reel below and a rod. The reel in question is a Abel Super 6N.

Why not pick up the last Super 7-8N Grateful Dead Dancing Bears too. A matching set.

Enjoy the video, the jam, and two new reels in the mail!

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