George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth A great tune. A great message. From one of the Beetles. This will get me through Thursday. Opening Monday here in Craig. Give me love, give me peace, give me rising trout…you make up the rest of the lyrics. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”–s”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

George Harrison Sings Today Headhunters Blog


George Harrison Sings Today Headhunters Blog

Love this tune. A good one to sing at work today.

And George looks like any river guide we see these days. Bearded with guitar, dog, Tundra, Adipose, part-time girlfriend wanting to go to Bangladesh.

Not much to report today other than the water is coming up. Higher Ground by Red Hot Chili Peppers comes to mind. The water temps have risen too to 45F. Things are happening.

You may have to look a bit harder to find them with the water moving. And the fish do not like the rising tide much. They really don’t mind it if the gauge is diminishing. So hold your head high if you are getting your teeth kicked in.

Just hum along with one of the Beatles, George Harrison, today Headhunters Blog style.

Shop open longer hours as we move into the later part of the month with hot perked coffee in an urn large enough to fill your Thermos on us!

A good sale rack rolling, demo rods, demo lines for yor two handed Trout Spey rod, guides, shuttles, rental boats, and more at the friendly fly shop located next to Izaak’s in Craig Montana.

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