FWP ACCEPTING COMMENTS ON CRAIG FISHING ACCESS SITE DRAFT ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT NEW CONTENT: See Image! Here is the Environmental Assessment I forgot to add! Read on. Recent news from the FWP office in Helena. Some movement in the Craig area with an opportunity for you to comment. Jan 28, 2021 12:00 AM Montana Fish, Wildlife … Read more

Wolf Creek FAS Proposed Improvement Project

#TBT Wolf Creek FAS Proposed Improvement Project

Wolf Creek FAS Proposed Improvement Project Ed Note: Lots of conversation about the updated, paved, striped Wolf Creek Boat Ramp since completion late October. The WC FAS has been changed, to exactly the proposal below. It is identical to the superimposed image below. We’ve had several folks complain to us, here at Headhunters, that we … Read more

Upper Missouri River Management Plan Scoping Meeting Tonight in Helena

Upper Missouri River Management Plan Scoping Meeting Tonight in Helena Meeting tonight at Montana Wild in Helena at 6:30 pm. Your voice determines the future of our Cold Water fishery. This is the pan for the 3 reservoirs above Holter Dam and the river sections below the dams. Canyon Ferry, Toston, and Hauser are what … Read more

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Clean. Drain. Dry.


Clean. Drain. Dry.

Do this. Commit.

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Make it part of your daily routine.

But only if you like fishing Montana waters.

Honest. Do this. Do not spread Aquatic Nuisance Species to non-contaminated waters.

Clean. Drain. Dry.

Wash your boat @ Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. You are always welcome to scrub away the ANS creatures hitchhiking on your drifter, raft, kayak, or PFD! Stop by anytime and use our cleaning station!

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Hunter and Angler Dollars important to Montana

Hunter and Angler Dollars are important to Montana!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]A quick video from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Winston Greely shoots and produces the videos for the department. Nice short vids about the topic of fish, wildlife,a dn parks. I see a theme there.

I met Winston 17 years ago here on the river. His love of the outdoors and fishing led him down the media path to a fantastic career with the FWP. Pretty cool stuff!

Ag dollars have fallen into 2nd place as recreation has led the way in terms of state dollars in the last decade. Hunter and Angler dollars are important and feed a bundle of Montana families.

We can only say thanks to you folks for making this state part of your lives while supporting the Outdoor Recreation businesses like ourselves.

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