Robbing Banks All Whacked on the Scooby snacks

Robbing Banks all whacked on the Scooby Snacks


Robbing Banks all whacked on the Scooby Snacks

When I sing this tune out loud, or whistle it in the boat I am picturing the fishing connotations…

Of Brown Trout Robbing Banks of Spent caddis, all whacked on the Scooby Snacks.

Or do Rusty Spinners taste like Scooby Snacks.

Or are Scooby Snacks Trico Spinners?

Really, your choice on either side of the equation. Angler, or fish.

My Scooby Snacks consist of Beef Jerky, nice soft French cheeses, salted Italian meats, Rye Crisp, Reese’s PB Cups, Skittles…

Enjoy the Fun Lovin’ Criminals  cool 90’s jam today on the Headhunters Blog.

PS. Trico Mania has happened.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””]
