Friday Foto with the Forest Anderson Craig Bridge today.
Damn cold the last couple days with snow coverage statewide.
Warming to day with anglers bound to be on the water. Gotta get rid of some of that Turkey Fat.
Swingers Unite. There will be some swinging going on for sure. Stop in for a chat about the 2 hander if you wish. Try something new this weekend. It is what the Pilgrims would have done.
Nymphers are looking toward the softer water arena’s for their subsurface success. Scuds, sows, pink flavors of LB’s, shrimps, Amex’s, and such. Some action from the mayfly side of life for a short time longer.
Stippers are getting cold hands. The water temps are such that lots of splashing, sliding water up the line can freeze quickly making your guides oversized and not too slippery.
Swingers are getting cold feet. Water temps are such that an hour in the water can make a fella want to take a stroll up and down the bank. 44F and falling daily.
Dry fly fellers are tying flies at home. Although apish or two could be up anywhere. Those in the know are in the know?
The weather coming up for the weekend is not terrible. Hi’s in the upper 20’s. But the sun can make all the difference. Makes it feel 10 degrees warmer. Or more? Coffee helps that feeling. At least for awhile. Joe’s Bar open @ 8am.
Shop open at 8am. Black Friday. Stop in for deals, sales, and all things killer int eh trout fishing realm.
Shop Small Saturday tomorrow. Shop locally and show your support.