Fly Shop Strong Small Biz Saturday!


Fly Shop Strong Small Biz Saturday!

Shop at your favorite local small businesses today.

And tomorrow.

I do some speaking in a few communities every off season. I often hear complaints from the guests that there is not a local fly shop. About how there once was, and that they have to travel lots of miles to visit a fly shop, and how great it would be to have the shop back in the community.

I don’t know the circumstances of those failed businesses. I don’t claim to know. But what I do know that if you spend your fishing dollars with big box stores, discounters, or online only businesses…you will not have a specialty retailer nearby.

Small businesses are important for your community. The dollars stay locally. The dollars support locals. That local is you. You have to make the call, it is your decision.

The only one it hurts is everybody. Those mega businesses will survive. What might not is your local fly shop.

Only 400 fly shops in America, 500 worldwide. Is it important to shop at them?

You have to make that decision. What’ll you decide?[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Shop Strong – ECHO Fly Fishing


Fly Shop Strong – ECHO Fly Fishing

A great Friday Video.

We agree with this message.

Thanks ECHO for making this.

Thanks to ECHO for being so cool. Tim Rajeff is a fantastic fellow. They are the easiest vendor to work with. Honest. The ECHO Trout Spey TR2 was the rod of the year for us here in Craig Montana.

Enjoy your Friday. Hope it is the beginning of a fly fishing weekend.

Stop by your fly shop on your way to the stream this weekend.


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