The new line of RIO Fly Lines utilizing this technology and an improved core make the new series of RIO Elite Fly Lines something to behold.
Come by the shop and check them out today.
Winter is a great time to re-line some reels for the upcoming season.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Today speaking about the Headhunter Fly Line. A dry fly line designed by Headhunters manufactured by RIO for our dry fly obsessions!
It is finally dry fly season here on Montana’s Missouri River. And no better time to get your Headhunter Fly Line on that dry fly rod of yours.
For sale for nearly a year we could not be happier with the success of our first foray into line design. A proprietary line design and dry fly line like no other on the market.
Available at Headhunters of Craig or online
After years of trying every fly line on the market – and never finding exactly what we wanted – we decided to design our own line, specifically for technical dry fly fishing on the Missouri River.
The Headhunter Fly Line is designed for the medium to long casts we perform every day. Casts that require pinpoint accuracy, long-leader turnover, delicate presentation, yet the power to defeat the ever present Montana wind.
Dead Flies Don’t Swim!
We also created a stealthy sky colored line with a zone that helps anglers understand how much line to have off the rod tip to maximize false casting and line pick-up. Mission accomplished. And it turns out it’s a pretty darn great line for swinging soft-hackles, presenting short-leash nymph rigs, and general attractor dry fly fishing.
Designed for Headhunters, by Headhunters
A 21.5′ front taper with a 5′ mid section followed by a 24.5 rear taper. A Double Delta Taper, and industry first, that will bring a new level of efficiency to your dry fly game.
The Performance Zone really works well. Easy line pick-up at the 25′ mark. Just strip in line until the Lime Green portion enters the rod tip and cast. The Performance Zone is 15′ in length. You can pick up the line easily from the water anywhere with in the Lime portion. And the color change is easily seen in the air too. Meaning you can use it to your advantage while false casting. The Headhunter Line is designed to cast the best within this zone. For the 25′-60′ dry fly casts we so commonly encounter.
The Lime Green section is The Performance Zone.
We have had the Headhunter Fly Line on the water for nearly a year. The verdict in in. Dry Fly Anglers love it. More flies in front of trout. More fish to hand. More smiles! Lots of anglers have not only bought one, but two outfitting their 4, 5 and/or 6 weight. Available in line weights 4, 5 and 6.
Find yourself fishing the Delaware River, the Missouri River, The Henry’s Fork, Silver Creek, any spring creeks around America and Europe? Then you may enjoy the Headhunter Fly Line. Made for conditions that exist on all of the above resources and beyond!
Soft Hackling on your schedule this fall? Get yourself the Headhunter for that single hand swing rod of yours.
Check out the new Headhunter Fly Line in Downtown Craig Montana from the Missouri River Fly Labs of Headhunters Fly Shop. We have demo’s as well if you wanna go that route. Come by anyway or give us a call.
$80! Available in 4, 5, and 6 weights. Watch the video, check it out, and order one up for yourself!
From RIO this informative video about How to Avoid Twist and Memory of a Fly Line Video.
I don’t see this everyday but when I do it is trouble. A few instances in the boat over the years have been just awful. You get to Montana, posted up on rising trout, line up your dry fly rod…and POW! Twisted fly line!
Cure it on the river, before you get here; whenever it happens for better fly fishing success.
Check out this short video and have the tools to un-twist that line when engaged int he heat of the battle!
No football, no Grand Slam tennis, no baseball, ice dancing again on the Olympics…so why not learn a bit about how to avoid these common fly line issues.
Ready your fly line situation today! Getting your gear ready in the spring is always a fun pursuit. I love getting out the fly rods and pouring over them on the kitchen table checking and looking and preening and loving and dreaming. Digging through the remainder of your gear is important too. The hardest way … Read more
Missouri River Fly Line Source In downtown Craig Montana you will find your Missouri River Fly Line Source. You can judge a fly shop by a ton of different parameters like customer service, friendliness, accurate information, the attention to detail in the fly department, the sheer number of flies, the clothing lines, rod selection…but I have … Read more